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UNDAF Framework for Egypt 2007-2011

UNDAF Framework for Egypt 2007-2011. Health and Population. UN reform. collaboration within the framework of the RC system.

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UNDAF Framework for Egypt 2007-2011

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  1. UNDAF Framework for Egypt 2007-2011 Health and Population

  2. UN reform. collaboration within the framework of the RC system. November 2004, the country team (24 UN agencies operating in Egypt including WB, IFC and IMF) decided on the analytical framework for CCA , was publication in August 2005. September 2005. Senior representatives from main partners of the government and civil society were invited with heads of UN agencies to participate in the formulation of UNDAF outcomes. On the basis of the CCA, the MDGs and government priorities, Five strategic UNDAF outcomes were formulated. It was decided that women’s situation calls for a specific outcome to be addressed in a focused manner in addition to mainstreaming gender in the other outcomes.

  3. The UN organizations indicated their commitment to the achievement of specific UN Country Programme outcomes/outputs. (M & E) task force established and developed the M & E framework. The RC Office coordinated the exercise , WFP regional office was responsible for assuring the quality. February 2006 :Three meetings by the ExCom heads of agencies with the Prime Minister, Minister of International Cooperation and the Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 26 February :A joint strategic meeting to present the UNDAF and the UN Country Programme to the government and civil society partners.

  4. By 2011 State's performance and accountability in programming, implementing and coordinating actions, especially those that reduce exclusion, vulnerabilities and gender disparities are improved. UNDAF Outcome 1:

  5. 1. Government and NGOs are better equipped to fulfil citizens' rights .2. Pro-poor policies and related legislative measures developed, enacted and implemented 3. Quality of services improved to be more demand-based, equitable and accessible. 4. National policies are made gender sensitive.5. Strategic Urban and Rural Planning and Development enhanced, in line with the decentralization process.

  6. improved service delivery coordinate donor support monitor poverty and status of vulnerable groups integrated monitoring and mapping system for MDGs developed and institutionalized. integrated food security strategy and food fortification action plan. Capacity of health care providers in management and service delivery strengthened, with a focus on child survival, adolescent, reproductive and maternal health services. children at risk and HIV/AIDS. 1. Government and non-governmental organizations are better equipped to fulfil citizens' rights and MDGs at the local level in a well- planned and coordinated manner.

  7. Basic social protection policies and legislation revised including social safety nets Poverty reduction strategies from a human rights based approach. Multi-sectoral policies and national strategic plans to address youth, HIV/AIDS and early childhood development. 2. Pro-poor policies and related legislative measures developed, enacted and implemented through appropriate mechanisms and allocated resources

  8. Expanded and enhanced medical insurance, especially targeting vulnerable groups. Access to high quality family planning, maternal and child care services increased with improved utilization of Primary Health Care/Family Health facilities. Food fortification and national school feeding. Quality HIV/AIDS information, prevention and treatment with focus on high-risk population, including youth. quality youth- friendly services and accurate information within a human rights context. 3. Quality of services improved to be more demand-based, equitable and accessible.

  9. Gender analysis and indicators mainstreamed, implemented and monitored in the national socio-economic policy formulation. Gender disaggregated data and gender indicators database established and functional. Poverty reduction strategies monitored from a gender perspective. 4. National policies are made gender sensitive

  10. By 2011, regional human development disparities are reduced, including reducing the gender gap, and environmental sustainability improved UNDAF Outcome 3:

  11. 1.Improved and sustainable access to quality social services and basic needs (education, health, food, water and sanitation, social protection) achieved in a participatory manner in Upper Egypt and frontier governorates with a special focus in the underprivileged communities in rural areas. 2.Participatory and integrated slum upgrading enhanced. 3. Access to and sustainable management of natural resources improved

  12. Access to food Pre-, primary school and vocational training programmes enrolment and completion rates specially for girls in Upper Egypt. Primary and reproductive health care services within HSR Community knowledge and awareness Capacity of sub-national institutions Community based monitoring mechanisms to assist in protective and preventive measures for vulnerable groups Water quality, supply and sanitation improved in selected rural communities and schools through an integrated approach 1. Improved & sustainable access to quality social services & needs achieved in Upper Egypt and frontier governorates with focus in underprivileged communities

  13. National capacity including local Government, NGOs. pilot projects implemented in Upper Egypt from a gender perspective. 2. Participatory and integrated slum upgrading enhanced.

  14. Sustainable use of natural resources for income-generating activities to improve food security, health and livelihoods. Local Governments and communities empowered to better manage natural resources Access to energy services and cleaner fuels in rural areas. 3. Access to and sustainable management of natural resources improved

  15. Governmental and public awareness on global and national environmental issues. National capacity to comply with international environmental conventions. National capacity to enforce environmental laws. NGOs and local communities' engagement in small scale environmental projects. 4.Institutional capacity building for environmental sustainability improved.

  16. Low - emission technologies Appropriate and innovative pollution abatement techniques and approaches introduced International agreements complied with in relation to pollution reduction and climate change. 5. Pollution levels reduced.

  17. By 2011, women’s participation in the workforce, political sphere and in public life is increased and all their human rights are increasingly fulfilled UNDAF Outcome 4:

  18. 1. Women’s gainful occupation increased 2. Girl's and women's rights to access reproductive and sexual health information and services progressively fulfilled. 3. Public perception of women’s and girls' rights enhanced 4. Incidence of all forms of violence against women is reduced.

  19. Women's vocational and technical skills Access by women to economic development services that can assist in increasing their productivity Girls' and women's access to education and literacy services. 1. Women’s gainful occupation increased.

  20. Awareness of sexual and reproductive health issues increased among men, women and youth Women's utilization of maternal health care services increased, particularly in rural areas and frontier governorates. 2. Girl's and women's rights to access reproductive and sexual health information and services progressively fulfilled.

  21. Partnership with relevant institutions on women's attainment of political, social and economic rights established, also through active alliance of religious- and opinion leaders. Quality and quantity of media reporting on girls' and women's rights, including positive images, increased and included in the educational curricula. 3. Public perception of women’s and girls' rights enhanced.

  22. Women- and girls-friendly mechanisms to combat gender-based violence within the work and the family contexts. FGM practice is reduced. Outreach programmes addressing sexual exploitation, abuse and violence against young street mothers and street girls. 4. Incidence of all forms of violence against women is reduced.

  23. By 2011, democratic institutions and practices are firmly established and a culture of human rights through active citizenship is prevalent. UNDAF Outcome 5:

  24. Public participation and transparency in elections enhanced. 2. Performance of legislative and representative bodies, at national and local levels, in oversight, legislation, and representative functions improved. 3. Fair and efficient administration of justice is in place.

  25. Thank You

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