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Welcome!. Revised 3/28/2018. You will find this presentation at: http://indiana.pearsonaccessnext.com/resources-training/. Test Administration Training Refresher. March 201 8. Agenda. Introduction Welcome from the IDOE Available Training Administration Views User Role Matrix

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! Revised 3/28/2018 You will find this presentation at: http://indiana.pearsonaccessnext.com/resources-training/

  2. Test Administration Training Refresher March 2018

  3. Agenda Introduction • Welcome from the IDOE • Available Training • Administration Views • User Role Matrix • New Features Before the Administration – Test Setup During the Administration – Testing After the Administration – Post-Test Activities Support

  4. Introduction

  5. Indiana Resource Center http://indiana.pearsonaccessnext.com

  6. Training Resources

  7. Administration Views

  8. User Role Matrix

  9. Changes this year: Corporation Test Coordinators (CTCs) and School Test Coordinators (STCs) can complete student transfers in bulk via Enrollment Transfer Export / Import feature. Student registration will be restricted in PearsonAccessnext so that students already existing in the system must be enrolled via the Enrollment Transfer process so they can be added to a new school. Students who are new to the state can be added locally. Pearson has created an Accessibility Features and Accommodations for Student Tests Report that will be available under Operational Reports in PearsonAccessnext. When a student logs in to a test, if the Response File Backup Location is not writable, the system will provide a 1002 error indicating the teacher or test proctor needs to be notified. NEW! Only STCs and CTCs can print Seal Codes and Student Test Tickets. 9

  10. Changes this year: Student Test Ticket alignment has been improved for easier processing and cutting. Easily confused characters will be removed from student test tickets (i.e. zero, O, one, L and I). Pearson will load sample students and generate test sessions for practice tests. Starting in January: Calculator Accommodations will be assigned in the Personal Needs Profile section in PearsonAccessnext. On tests with multiple sections, users will have greater visibility into student section status via the Students in Sessions user interface. New link for submitting tickets to the help desk. 10

  11. Before the Administration(Test Setup)

  12. Agenda for Before the Test Administration Before the Administration – Test Setup • Student Management Navigate Student Data Student Transfers • Session Management Create Online Sessions Move Students • Precache Test Content • Local Infrastructure Trial • Test Materials – Ordering Additional Materials • Practice Tests

  13. Student Management

  14. Student Data Level 1 Name Date of Birth Gender Race / Ethnicity Unique Student ID Level 2 Age Grade Categories (Primary Exceptionality, etc.) Level 3 Accommodations

  15. Student Data

  16. Students

  17. Students – Show all results

  18. Students – Manage Student Tasks The upper right menu displays the number of students that have been selected and provides a list of selected students that can be managed when the task is started.

  19. Students – Filters and Views

  20. Students – Student Tasks -OR-

  21. Students – Create New Student

  22. Students – Edit Student

  23. Students – Registration

  24. Students – Manage Student Tests

  25. Students – Manage Student Tests For Spring 2018 ISTEP+, Calculator Accommodations will be assigned in the Personal Needs Profile section in PearsonAccessnext. New!

  26. Students – Manage Enrollments 26

  27. Student Transfer Manual Process: A student arrives at the new corporation. The CTC of the student’s new school corporation confirms with the student’s previous school which test section(s) the student has already completed (Examiner should also confirm with student before student takes test). The CTC collects student information, including STN, first and last name, and date of birth. Check with the previous school to confirm correct STN. The CTC goes into PearsonAccessnext and makes the transfer request using Student’s correct STN. The CTC of the student’s former school corporation approves or rejects the transfer request in PearsonAccessnext within one business day. The student test data transfers to the new corporation. The STC or CTC assigns the student to tests if needed, places the student in sessions, and resumes testing. If the previous corporation does not respond or approve within one business day, please contact Pearson to request assistance.

  28. Student Transfers

  29. Student Transfers

  30. Student Transfers

  31. Student Transfers

  32. New! Enrollment Transfer Export/Import Method To transfer multiple students, from Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks select Import / Export Data. Click Start. Select Enrollment Transfer Export, then download the CSV file.Add student information to the downloaded file, and save as a CSV file. Only the following fields are required: Student Code (the student’s STN), Last Name, First Name, Transfer To Organization Code, and Action (C for Create, A for Approve, R for Reject). TIP: Save a blank file to use as a template for subsequent transfers. From Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks, select Import / Export Data. Click Start. Select Enrollment Transfer Import, then browse to the file. Click Process. 32

  33. New! Enrollment Transfer Export/Import Method

  34. Transfer Sessions

  35. Session Management

  36. Configure TestNav Setup Enter the Computer Name, IP Address, Port information, and check “Uses Pearson Precaching Software”. Then specify student response file backup locations, and choose Create. THIS IS A REQUIRED STEP.

  37. Create Online Sessions New! For Spring 2018 ISTEP+, Calculator Accommodations will be assigned in the Personal Needs Profile section in PearsonAccessnext.

  38. Create Online Sessions

  39. Create Online Sessions

  40. Create Online Sessions

  41. Changing the Session Password

  42. Online Sessions

  43. Move Students – Students in Sessions

  44. Move Students – Students in Sessions

  45. Move Students – Create Session

  46. Precache Test Content

  47. Precache Test Content Precache content from within the test session

  48. Precache Test Content

  49. Precache Test Content The Precache Content task provides details about the number of forms, number of elements, and size of file to be downloaded. Click the Precache button to begin the content download.

  50. Precache Test Content The ProctorCache monitor page will list the test that was precached, the status of the download, and the timestamp showing the date and time when the content was downloaded, along with other tests that have already been cached to this proctorcaching workstation.

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