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Understanding Group Communication Dynamics: Types, Roles, and Dangers

Explore the definition of groups, types of groups, membership goals, characteristics of effective group members, and dangers of groupthink. Learn about forming, norms, and developing clear responsibilities in a group.

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Understanding Group Communication Dynamics: Types, Roles, and Dangers

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  2. What is a group? • On your notes, please write your own definition of a group.

  3. Groups Defined • Group communicationis the process of creating meaning among 4-10 people who share a common purpose, who feel a sense of belonging, and who have influence on each other.

  4. What types of groups are there? • List all the types of groups you are involved in.

  5. Examples of Groups • Friends (Social Groups) • Family (Primary Groups) • Educational Groups • Therapy Groups • Work Groups • Problem solving Groups • Teams (dance, football, etc)

  6. Goals of group membership • Why do we join groups? What is the purpose of belonging to them? • Looking at the groups you listed, why do you think you are a part of each group?

  7. Some reasons we join a group • To have a sense of belonging • To achieve a shared goal • To learn something new • To create an identity for ourselves

  8. What makes someone a good group member? • Write down all the characteristics you think make someone a good group member.

  9. Characteristics of Effective Team Members • Openness • Supportiveness • Positive Attitude • Selflessness

  10. A Successful Group will… • Develop clearly defined responsibilities for team members. • Celebrate successes. • Develop clear goals. • Work together to achieve a common goal. • Have clear rules or norms.

  11. Understanding Group and Team Dynamics Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication • Rules • team ground rules- these are things that are stated and explained when the group was formed. • Norms • standards that determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a group. These are usually not said, but understood. • Examples?

  12. Group Activity • You will be assigned a group and a location. Once told to do so, go to that location and please begin to solve the puzzle. No contact with the teacher is necessary. • You must use all the pieces to create ONE square. The pieces cannot overlap. You have 5 minutes to make the square.

  13. Steps of becoming a group • Forming- people get together and find out the task, the rules, the goal • Rebellion- conflict in between individuals, struggles for leadership, resistance to rules • Norming- conflicts resolved, rules are followed and understood, the rhythm of the group is more clear • Co-operation- the team works together to solve the problem or achieve the task with little friction • Which of these steps did your group experience?

  14. Roles in groups • Below are just a few examples of roles that might occur in a group: • Leader • Encourager • Organizer • Scribe/Secretary • Information giver • What role did you play in your group activity?

  15. Dangers of being in a group • Can you think of any reasons that being part of a group could be a bad thing?

  16. Dangers of a group • Group-think • Sometimes groups become so well established that they start to think alike. • This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but can lead to consequences. • They stereotype people outside their group • They put peer-pressure on group members who disagree • They encourage individual group members to limit their individuality or differing opinions. • Mob-mentality- if the group they trust does something and thinks it is ok, then it must be.

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