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Comparing initial large-scale fields from two HWRF runs with GFS analysis

Comparing initial large-scale fields from two HWRF runs with GFS analysis. --Two HWRF configurations ❶ H14C : GSI is used on Domain 1 ❷ T14C: GSI is not used Domain 1. --GFS analysis 0.5X0.5 grib2 data are used. H14C vs T14C. From Mingjing Tong. Procedure

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Comparing initial large-scale fields from two HWRF runs with GFS analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comparing initial large-scale fields from two HWRF runs with GFS analysis --Two HWRF configurations ❶ H14C : GSI is used on Domain 1 ❷ T14C: GSI is not used Domain 1 --GFS analysis 0.5X0.5 grib2 data are used

  2. H14C vs T14C From Mingjing Tong

  3. Procedure Get data of both HWRF runs from hpss for all cycles in EPAC and ATL in Aug of 2012 and 2013. Total 447 cycles. 2. Use “copygb” to map HWRF domain 1 to the same grid of GFS data (0.5X0.5), hr_grid="255 0 720 361 90000 000000 136 -90000 -500 500 500 0" 3. Calculate bias ( mean differences (HWRF – GFS), RMS difference for a given point. SPFH not available in HWRF but available in GFS. Calculated both for consistent comparison.

  4. Distribution of the number of available data points # of Cycles in Aug 2012: 296 = 77E + 219L # of Cycles in Aug 2013: 151 = 108E + 43L Total: 447

  5. HWRF analysis vs GFS analysis • HGT (850mb, 500mb) • TMP (850mb, 500mb) • RH (850mb, 500mb) • SPFH (850mb, 500mb) • Wind speed (850mb, 500mb) • U (850mb, 500mb) • V (850mb, 500mb)

  6. 850mb H14C – GFS T14C – GFS BIAS RMS

  7. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  8. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  9. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  10. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  11. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  12. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  13. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  14. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  15. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  16. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  17. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  18. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  19. 500mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  20. Why wind speed close, but wind components different ? - Select one cycle to take a closer look

  21. T14C minus GFS analysis Storm 04L 2013 2013080118 cycle 850mb Scalars TMP HGT RH

  22. Wind speed Wind Large differences appear on the left part of domain. V U

  23. HWRF GFS analysis Implication: POST different or one has error WRFOUT netcdf

  24. HWRF F72 vs GFS analysis • HGT (850mb) • TMP • RH • SPFH • Wind speed • U • V

  25. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  26. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  27. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  28. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  29. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  30. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  31. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  32. HWRF F72 vs GFS F72 • HGT (850mb) • TMP • RH • SPFH • Wind Speed • U • V

  33. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  34. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  35. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  36. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  37. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  38. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  39. 850mb H14C - GFS T14C - GFS BIAS RMS

  40. Summary 1. HWRF analysis vs GFS analysis T14C (without GSI) is better than H14C (with GSI) in terms of scalar fields (HGT, TMP, RH, SPFH). U/V differences are large for both. POST is very likely the error source. 2. HWRF F72 vs GFS analysis Largest difference is temperature over land. Both colder/wetter than GFS analysis. Spatial patterns of other differences somewhat correlate with TMP. Difference between T14C and H14C after 72hr integration not obvious, with T14C slightly better. 3. HWRF F72 vs GFS F72 Very similar, except temperature over land. Seem that spatial patterns of other variables ~ tmp. Better LSM will make comparison better.

  41. 04L_2013080118 f00 RH H14C minus GFS analysis 850mb H14C TMP HGT TMP

  42. Speed U V

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