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Rock Cycle Processes: Diagram Questions & Answers

Explore the key stages of the rock cycle with interactive questions on sedimentation, uplift, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Learn about heat, pressure, deposition, compaction, cementation, weathering, erosion, melting, cooling, solidification, and uplift. Test your knowledge and understanding for $100 each question.

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Rock Cycle Processes: Diagram Questions & Answers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rock Cycle Diagram Questions

  2. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter B. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  3. What are heat and pressure?

  4. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter A. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  5. What are deposition, compaction, and cementation.

  6. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter F. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  7. What are weathering and erosion?

  8. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter D. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  9. What is cooling?

  10. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter C. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  11. What is melting?

  12. $100 Question Topic 1 Sediment F Uplift E Igneous Rock A The processes at letter E. D Magma Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C

  13. What is solidifying?

  14. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A The type of rock formed at letter B. Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  15. What is metamorphic rock?

  16. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A What is being formed at letter F Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  17. What is sediment?

  18. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A The type of rock formed at letter A. Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  19. What is sedimentary rock?

  20. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A The type of rock formed at letter D. Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  21. What is igneous rock?

  22. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A The process at point E Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  23. What is uplift?

  24. $100 Question Topic 1 Deposition Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion F E Solidifying D A The type of rock formed at letter C Heat Pressure Cooling B C Melting

  25. What is magma?

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