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Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. Exploring the QCD phase diagram at large μ B with heavy-ion collisions: Low-energy RHIC: search for QCD-CP with bulk observables NA61@SPS: search for QCD-CP with bulk observables
Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter Exploring the QCD phase diagram at large μB with heavy-ion collisions: Low-energy RHIC:search for QCD-CP with bulk observables NA61@SPS: search for QCD-CP with bulk observables MPD@NICA: search for the QCD mixed phase with bulk observables CBM@FAIR: scan of the phase diagram with bulk and rare observables
CBM Strategy: • search for signatures of a first order phase transition by scanning carefully excitation functions of bulk and rare observables • CBM observables (measured as function of beam energy and system size): • Bulk observables with “unlimited” statistics, e.g. ~1010-11 kaons, 1010Λ • yields, spectra, • Correlations, fluctuations • Flow – scaling behavior, EOS? • Rare probes with excellent statistics • 108X, 106W • Low-mass dileptons: 106r, w, f-mesons (each) • (critical slowing down at CP: enhanced radiation) • 106 J/y, 103y’ • Open charm: 104 D0, D±, DS, Λc • Charm production and propagation: ratio of charmonia and open charm CBM Physics Book ready for submission in April 2009 Number of particles above given in “1 CBM unit” = 10 weeks minbias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV = 1 CBM year (100% beam availability)
Editors: V. Friese, W. Müller CBM Progress Report 2008 (77 contributions)
CBM organisation Chairman of the CB: Mihai Petrovici Management Board: Norbert Herrmann (Germany), Mihai Petrovici (Romania), Fouad Rami (France), Dieter Roehrich (Norway), Joachim Stroth (Germany), Johannes Wessels (Germany), Y. Zaitsev (Russia), S. Chattopadhyay (India) Spokesperson: P. Senger Deputy spokespersons: S. Chattopadhyay (India), Y. Zaitsev (Russia) Techn. coordinator: W. Müller Physics/Software coordinator: V. Friese Resources coordinator: J. Eschke (Germany)
Conceptual design and feasibility studies: • Framework FAIRroot: Root + Virtual Monte Carlo • Transport codes GEANT 3 & 4, FLUKA • Event generators UrQMD, HSD, PLUTO • Fast ("SIMDized") track reconstruction algorithms for online event selection • using many-core architectures • not fully realistic detector layouts and response functions Example: Silicon Tracking System Central Au+Au collision 25 AGeV (UrQMD): 770 reconstructed tracks side view • Fast track reconstruction • algorithms running graphic processing units: • fitting: 22 million tracks/s • track reconstruction • efficiency > 96 % • momentum resolution • Δp/p < 1.5 % front view
D0 → K π, cτ= 123 μm D→ K ππ, cτ= 317 μm 109 centr. ev. eff = 2.6% S/B = 2.4 (D-) 1.1 (D+) 1010 centr. ev. eff = 4.4% S/B = 6.4 (D0) 2.1 (D0) _ ~ 6.4k D0 + 16k D0 Open charm: benchmark for vertexing performance • STS: 8 stations double-sided Silicon micro-strip sensors (8 0.4% X0) • MVD: 2 stations MAPS pixel sensors (0.3% X0, 0.5% X0) at z = 5cm and 10cm • no K and π identification, proton rejection via TOF 10 weeks data taking: 19k D+ + 42k D- and
Feasibility studies for dileptons • Signal and background yields from physics event generators (HSD, UrQMD) • Full event reconstruction based on realistic detector layout and response Electron id: RICH and TRD ρ,ω,φ J/ψ π suppression: factor 104 dominant background: e from π0 Dalitz Muon id: segmented hadron absorber + tracking system 125(225) cm iron, 15(18) det. layers ρ, ω, φ 125 cm Fe: 0.25 ident. m/event dominant background: μ from π, K decay (0.13/event) J/ψ, ψ'
Micro-vertex detector based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors Silicon microstrip detectors: double-sided, pitch 60 μm, stereo angle 15o, 300 μm thick, radiation-hard up to 1015 neqcm-2 Large-area GEM as high-rate muon tracker (2 MHz cm-2) Transition Radiation Detector with double sided pad-readout electrode. High efficiency for TR up to 250 kHz cm-2 glass RICH mirror High-rate timing RPC with semi-conductive glass or ceramics electrodes. Time resolution 80 ps, rate capability 20 kHz cm-2 self-triggering read-out chip 128 ch, 32 MHz (n-XYTER) Front End Boards Forward Calorimeter (lead/scintillator) Hardware R&D
Where are we ? feasibility studies physics performance simulations ( ideal detectors ) ( realistic detector geometry and response) small size detector samples demonstrator modules (rates, radiation hardness, ...) larges size detector with FEE
Milestones in 2009 • Beam test experiments • High-rate RPCs with semi-conductive glass electrodes (built by Tsinghua Univ., USTC Hefei, China), April 2009 at GSI • Silicon micro-strip detectors, GEM detectors, RICH prototype, read out by free-streaming FEE and DAQ (German-Indian-Russian-Polish-Romanian collaboration), August 2009 at GSI • High-rate measurements with MWPC and RPCs at CERN • (muon beam and gamma source) Simulations incl. realistic detector geometry (Collab. meeting in Oct)
Experiment funding in the FAIR start version (to be decided by the ISC)
Experiments in the FAIR start version CBM start version ?
HADES and CBM at SIS100 • Beams at SIS100: • 11 AGeV Au, 14 AGeV Ca, 29 GeV p • Physics case: • In-medium properties of vector mesons • Nuclear matter equation-of-state • at baryon densities up to 6 ρ0 • Properties of resonance matter • in the vicinity of the phase transition • Charm production mechanisms • at threshold beam energies • Charm propagation in nuclear matter • Multi-strange dibaryons ? • Measurements: • Dilepton pairs • Collective flow of hadrons • Multi-strange hyperons in A+A collisions • D-mesons and charmonium in p+p and p+A collisions
Experiments with a Au-beam up to 11 AGeV Dielectron invariant mass spectra from central Au+Au collisions at 8 AGeV measured with HADES Ω Λ Ξ Hyperon measurements in central Au+Au collisions at 6 AGeV with CBM
Experiments with a 30 GeV proton beam p+C → D +X D → Kππ p+C → J/ψ +X J/ψ → μ+μ- STS with 10 microstrip stations St.1-2: strip pitch 25 μm, strip length 10 mm St.3-8: strip pitch 60 μm, strip length 20-60 mm 1-2 day workshop in April 2009 on CBM physics at SIS100 6 J/ψ recorded in 1010 events (b=0) (3·104 J/ψ per week)
Upcoming meetings • 1st CBM-Russia-JINR meeting in Dubna, May 19-22, 2009 • 3rd Meeting of the Russian/Ukrainian/German CBM-STS • Consortium in Karelia, Russia, June 1-4, 2009 • 14th CBM Collaboration meeting in Split, Croatia, • 5. - 9. Oct. 2009