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Sonnet Tutorial

Sonnet Tutorial. 指導教授 : 吳瑞北教授 組別 :Microwave Component 小組. Introduction.

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Sonnet Tutorial

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sonnet Tutorial 指導教授:吳瑞北教授 組別:Microwave Component小組 Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  2. Introduction • Em performs an electromagnetic analysis of a microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide, or any other 3-D planar circuit by solving for the current distribution on the circuit metalization using the Method of Moments. Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  3. Getting Stared-Microstrip Band Stop Filter Alumina substrate: r=9.8, thickness=20 mil; guided quarter-wavelength @ 5.5GHz  206 mil Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  4. Getting Stared-setting in Sonnet Circuits to simulate are enclosed with a hermetic metal housing. Optional: lid may be removed for antenna simulation Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  5. Getting Started • Choosing units • Setting up box parameters • Determining cell sizes • Setting up dielectric layers • Adding metal rectangles to a circuit • Adding metal polygons to a circuit • Copying, flipping and moving polygons in a circuit • Performing a simple analysis • Plotting response data Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  6. Getting Started-Choosing units Parameters Units Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  7. Getting Started -Setting up box parameters Parameters Box Lossless WG load Free space Saving time when simulating symmetry structure Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  8. Getting Started -Setting up dielectric layers Parameters Dielectric Layers Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  9. Getting Started-Adding metal rectangles and polygons to a circuit Add port Add via Add a polygon Add a rectangle Metal/Brick mode Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  10. Getting Started-Adding ports Shift+Add port add port mode Press “Esc” to exit add port mode Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  11. Getting Started-Performing a simple analysis Save then press Em Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  12. Getting Started-Performing a simple analysis • Simple sweep-For instance if the Frequency Units were set to GHz, then the values of 2, 10, 2 would start an analysis at 2 GHz and end at 10 GHz with steps of 2 GHz (e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 GHz). • Complex sweep-Complex sweeps are used to run an analysis using multiple sets of frequencies in sorted or unsorted order. • Analysis file(.an)-There may be times where you will wish to analyze multiple circuits at the same set of frequencies. Rather than specifying frequency control information on an individual basis, you set the up the information once in an analysis control file. • Verbose-Causes em to display messages in the output window during program execution describing the current state of the analysis. • De-embed -The circuit is automatically de-embedded to the specified reference planes, or the box edge if no reference planes are specified in the geometry file. • Memory save- The system matrix is filled in single precision which reduces memory requirements for storing the matrix to one half of that of double precision. If this option is not used, the matrix is stored in double precision. • Make emvu file-Outputs current density information for the entire circuit which can be viewed using emvu. • Multi-frequency caching -MFC is a technique that can dramatically reduce the em computation time when analyzing large circuits over many frequencies without any loss in accuracy. Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  13. Getting Started-View response Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  14. Special issue on port setting Standard Ungrounded-Internal Ports Standard Box-Wall Ports Automatic-Grounded Ports Via Ports Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  15. Special issue on via hole setting Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

  16. Special issue on air bridge setting geo3d:可到國家高速電腦中心軟體區下載 Ref : Sonnet Online Manuals

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