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Early Man

Early Man. Early man interacted with their environment by: Hunting animals No products wasted Gathered plants Used environment to make shelters Made weapons and tools of stone Made fire not lamps. Early Farmers. Early farmers interacted with their environment by:

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Early Man

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early Man • Early man interacted with their environment by: • Hunting animals • No products wasted • Gathered plants • Used environment to make shelters • Made weapons and tools of stone • Made fire not lamps

  2. Early Farmers • Early farmers interacted with their environment by: • Growing crops by turning soil • Domesticated animals for products • Irrigation ditches, ponds and canals were used to water crops • Obsidian was used for, tools weapons and art

  3. Mesopotamians • Mesopotamians interacted with their environment by: • Used clay to make table and pots for water and food • Built mud and brick houses • Used minerals, such as copper, and bronze to make tools/weapons • Built larger buildings like Ziggurats

  4. Egyptians • Egyptians interacted with their environment by: • Used the salt to preserve the bodies • Silt helped the soil for farming • Bricks for the pyramids where made of mud • Used papyrus to make paper

  5. Ancient Chinese • The Ancient Chinese interacted with their environment by • Terrace farming was used in the Himalayas • Loess made the soil fertile • Used silk worms to make silk • Used iron to make tools/weapons

  6. Ancient Greece • As the Romans expanded their empire, they encountered many different environments. There were deserts, Mountains, swamps, forests, and everything else. The Roman army had to learn to fight in different ways in order to conquer these different areas. So they had to adapt to the environment. • The Ancient Greeks interacted with their environment by: • They built extensive cities with sewers and garbage tips, drained swamps for farmland and built terraces for crops. • their needs were much smaller a typical Greek would eat bread with a little olive oil, drink some wine and maybe have some fish or octopus with his evening meal. Not have foods that where frozen and taking up electricity • And cook over fire not electric stoves • Rome is located at the first place that people can easily cross the Tiber river, so it is the natural location of the main north-south road in Italy.

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