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Milford Middle School. Open House 2009-2010 Spanish & Creole Community. AGENDA. School schedule Agenda use Thursday envelopes Attendance policy Dress code Cell phone policy AR points system Homework (Lang.Arts) Home access Alertnow system After school tutoring Playing a sport
Milford Middle School Open House 2009-2010 Spanish & Creole Community
AGENDA • School schedule • Agenda use • Thursday envelopes • Attendance policy • Dress code • Cell phone policy • AR points system • Homework (Lang.Arts) • Home access • Alertnow system • After school tutoring • Playing a sport • Support at home • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) • Counseling Services Milford Middle School Superstars in Education Award WINNER 2009!!!
School schedule 2009-2010 DAILY SCHEDULE Student Day: 8:30 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. Doors Open: 8:15 a.m. Breakfast: 8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Students Released to Lockers: 8:30 a.m. Buses Release Students: 8:30 a.m. Buses Depart: 3:30 p.m.
Agenda Use • The Agenda is a school document that should be carry by the student at all times. • If the student doesn’t have an agenda, the teacher will not allow him/her to leave the classroom ( except for true emergencies). • Students should not use an agenda that does not belong to them or will receive a referral. • There are two passes that students will be able to use per day. This doesn’t include a special permission to go to the library. • If a student loses the agenda, he should go to the main office and purchase another one ($5.00) • Parents should check the Agenda everyday for homework assignments.
Thursday envelopes • In the Agenda, you will find a little pocket, plastic “envelope”. • Every Thursday, the teacher will give your child important documents that he must show you. • Check your children’s agenda every Thursday night
Middle School Attendance Regulations: “When a middle school student’s absence total reaches seven (7) days absent in a quarter/semester course or fifteen (15) days in a yearlong course for any reason, the parent and the student will be notified that the student has been placed on attendance review/monitor status. When a student’s absence total exceeds fifteen (15) for any reason, an attendance contract shall be required and course credit/promotion alternatives may be explored. Absences covered by doctor’s notes or court documentation are the only accepted excuses for absences for days in excess of the first fifteen (15) days Parent notes are not excusable after the seventh absence in a quarter/semester course or the fifteenth absence in a yearlong course. Homebound instruction may be necessary for extended medical absences and will not be included in the student’s school attendance totals.” Attendance policy
Atendance (cont…) Excuse absences are : (proper documentation) • Doctor or dentist’s note • Court date (note) • ISS/OSS • Death in the family • Others reasons. Parents note (approve by the Principal) Unexcused absences: • Absence with no written note provided by the parent/guardian. • Parent notes after the seventh absence. • Notes with obvious forged signatures. Students who don’t follow the attendance policy can end up in truancy court.
Dress code GIRLS • Short skirts, bathing suits, and short shorts are not allowed • All shirts must have a sleeve, no spaghetti straps. Tank tops are not permitted. • No scooped or low-cut necklines, no cleavage shows. • Sheer garments are not permitted • No bare midriff clothing is permitted
Dress code BOYS • Shorts must be at the knee or lower. • Pants must be worn at the natural waist. They cannot be poorly fitted or oversized and baggy, so as to allow sagging of the pants. • Belts must be worn if pants or shorts have belt loops. Belt buckles must not be oversized nor have any writing that is considered offensive. • Sharp, pointed objects (including jewelry) such as combs or "pics" may not be worn in the hair.
Dress code BOTH • No shoes with wheels, no slippers or nightwear is allowed. • Chains, wallet chains, and spiked jewelry are not allowed on campus or school related activities. • No items (clothing, shirts, hats, buttons, pins, jewelry) are to be worn which contain obscene or vulgar language or have pictures depicting same, or refer directly or indirectly to narcotics, alcoholic beverages, or are sexually suggestive. • Hats, hoods or other types of headgear are not to be worn inside the building during regular school hours. • Sunglasses are not to be worn in school. • Winter coats may not be worn during the school day (inside of classes)
Cell phone policy • “Cell phones must have the power turned off on buses and during the school day. Cell phone usage is prohibited during the school day within the school building, on school grounds, and on buses. Cell phone usage includes, but is not limited to, ringing, beeping, vibrating, texting, showing pictures, taking pictures, using associated software, checking the time, and talking on it.” • Violation of the cell phone policy will result in a disciplinary action referral Consequences: 1st offense: Cell phone taken away and turn in into office until parent or guardian comes and picks it up. Parent and Student will sign the cell phone contract. 2nd Offense: Cell phone will be taken away and won’t be returned until the end of the Marking period.
AR Points system (Accelerated Reader ) AR comprises 20% of a student’s reading grade. • 60% - average percent correct • 40% - points earned based on student goal • Students may check out 2 AR books per week • Students should come to the library to exchange AR • books only during reading class • Students will sign in at the library and record their time • Students will be required to always have an AR book with them in classes. • Parents can check the Reading Level of the Book (R.L.) and also the # of points available per book (Pts).
Required Reading Time • Students will read in school based on the following schedule • 2 days of the week = 20 minutes each • Students will be required to read 20 minutes at home each night (M-F) = 100’ • Reading goals are based on a total of 140 minutes of reading a week • At home reading will be monitored using: Agenda with parent signature (8th grade) Reading log completed(7th grade) Journals (written or Picture Journal) (6th grade)
Homework for Language Arts AR homework: Every day 20 minutes of reading an AR book Complete the required assignment given by teacher: 8th grade: Parent Signature with the required minutes 7th Grade: Complete the Reading Log with a brief summary of what was read everyday and parent signature. 6th Grade: Written or Picture Journal (one per week) about what they read at home, must have parent signature and follow the instructions.
Homework (cont…) Vocabulary and Spelling: Each week the students have a vocabulary list that they must study for their quiz (Quizzes are usually every Friday for 8th graders, every other Friday for 7th & 6th Grade). Most of the time they also have to complete a Vocabulary package that will help them to be prepared for the quiz. Essential Knowledge: Students should study their EK package at least twice a week because periodically they get quizzed on the terminology. Projects: Usually LA teachers have projects that are worked during school time, but sometimes students might have some research or homework related to the project.
PBS and BUC tickets BUC Tickets • PBS (Positive Behavior Support)This is a program designed to improve the school climate by rewarding students for positive behaviors throughout the school!Our goals for implementing the PBS program are to define to our students the clear expectations for behavior, determine ways to teach these expectations consistently and reward students for appropriate behaviors.There are 4 main rules: BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE POSITIVE, BE PRODUCTIVEIf you follow the rules you can earn BUC tickets and attend multiple events for free like movies and popcorn, field day or field trip at the end of the year. If you don’t follow the rules, there will be consequences. • Consequences: 1)Verbal Warning 2)Yellow warning card 3)Red Reflection card with questions 4)Referral and call home Encourage your child to be a positive participator in this program and he/she will earn great rewards.
Home access http://hac.doe.k12.de.us/homeaccess/default.aspx • This is a feature that allows you to check your child’s homework, attendance, grades, registration, etc. • You need to provide the Main Office with a valid e-mail address for registration purposes. • If you don’t have an e-mail address, it is very easy to get one. You need a computer with Internet Access (Public Library or Church), then you go to www.google.comand follow the steps: * Go to Gmail, * Create a new account * Provide your e-mail address to the main office, they will provide you with a username and a password (that you can change later)
Login into home access Once you have register with the office you can go to http://hac.doe.k12.de.us/homeaccess/default.aspx Use the username and password provided by the office and you can access to all this important information:
Alert Now (automated phone service) What is ALERTNOW? The Alert Now system allows parents to receive telephone messages regarding closings/delays and special announcements about school events. The caller ID will display the school’s number (it will display 411 for emergencies). Please make certain your school’s office has the most current phone number to contact. Radios: Milford WYUS (AM) 930 Milford WAFL (FM) 97.7 Milford WXPZ (FM) 101.3 TV stations: WBOC TV CHANNEL 16
After school tutoring • Tutoring is available on Mondays and Thursdays (for Math and Language Arts,) from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. • The student must have permission slips signed by a parent / guardian, authorizing him to participate and choosing the appropriate pick up choice. Permission slips are also available in Spanish and French. • Parents must provide snacks and transportation after school (around 5:30 p.m.) • Schedule will be announced. Contact Main Office at 422-2620.
Playing a sport ATHLETICS AND ELIGIBILITY All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who meet all DIAA and MMS eligibility criteria and who are not on Principal's Probation, are eligible to try out for Milford Middle School's athletic teams. • Fall sports include cross country, field hockey, football and soccer. • Winter sports include wrestling and basketball. • Spring sports include baseball, girl soccer, softball and track. All students must have a sports physical on file with the nurse to participate in both practices and games. To protect your athletic eligibility, you must pass your classes, especially Math and Language Arts. If you fail these classes you will be ineligible to participate. The final grades from the previous year shall determine eligibility for the first marking period of the following school year. Also, students who turn 15 before June 15th are no longer eligible to play. Your doctor must complete the physical form and you should give it to the nurse • http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/students_family/diaa/files/diaa_physicaleval.pdf
Support at home http://dstp.doe.k12.de.us/DSTPMart9/StateSurveySummary.aspx Summary of Student Survey - Grade 06 March 2008 by Race
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)http://milfordms.milfordschooldistrict.org/Parent_Teacher.htm • Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in Room 121, which is across from the school office. Meetings last an hour or less. Minutes are sent out by e-mail. • FACES/PTP Officers: Patty Leager Nadine HollegerCo-President Co-Presidentleagers@dmv.comcsqueen@comcast.net Fundraiser
Counseling services • Guidance Counselors Counselors: Mrs. Sheena French 422-1620 ext. 510 (A-K ) Mrs. Kristin Hannah 422-1620 ext. 525 (L-Z ) • Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday - Friday People’s Place Counseling Center Lisa Williams, MSWPeople's Place School Prevention Counselor You can request your child to receive counseling services if you think they have a problem that is bringing them down. They can also be referral to this counseling service by the guidance counselors. Consent forms should be signed before any counseling session begins.
Special Thanks • Milford School District • Milford Middle School Staff • Hispanic Radio “La Exitosa” & Christian Tijerino. • Newspaper “El Tiempo Hispano” & Eli Ramos • Parent Information Center of Delaware & Mrs. Maria Mendoza. • Mr. Guy Danjoint (Creole translator) • First Evangelical Haitian Church & St. John Catholic Church. • Milford Beacon & Mrs. Melissa Steele • Perdue Farms of Delaware & Mr. David Sketchel. • Milford Early Language Center Thanks Gracias Mesi