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MEIOSIS. Object: to study the meiosis through its subsequent developmental stages and discuss its Genetics Significant. Meiosis. Meiosis in males is called spermatogenesis and produces sperms . Meiosis in females is called oogenesis and produces ova.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MEIOSIS Object: to study the meiosis through its subsequent developmental stages and discuss its Genetics Significant..

  2. Meiosis • Meiosis in males is called spermatogenesis and produces sperms. • Meiosis in females is called oogenesis and produces ova. • Two divisions (meiosis I and meiosis II).

  3. MITOSIS Somatic cells 2n 1 cell division: 2 daughter cells 2n 2n MEIOSIS Cells in sexual cycle 2 cell divisions: 4 cells product of meiosis n n n 2n n n n n=chromosome number

  4. definitions • Homologous chromosomes:the members of a chromosome pair that is identical in the arrangement of genes

  5. Homologous Chromosomes eye color locus eye color locus hair color locus hair color locus Paternal Maternal

  6. definitions • Synapsis: (التشابك) the intimate association ترابط وثيق)) of homologous chromosomes… Homologous chromosomes

  7. definitions • Crossing-over: (العبور) a term describing the process of reciprocal chromosomal interchange by which recombinants arise

  8. Crossing over Pairing of homologous chromosomes Chiasma formation Chromosomes Breakage and joining Recombinant chromosomes

  9. MEIOSIS I • Prophase I • The longest phase. This phase can be divided into 5 stages; a) Leptotene b) Zygotene c) Pachytene d) Diplotene e) Diakinesis

  10. 1. Leptotene Prophase I 5.Diakinesis 4.Diplotene 2.Zygotene 3.Pachytene

  11. Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Prophase II

  12. Meiosis 2nd division: like mitosis with haploid set

  13. 4 Haploid cells Gametes

  14. Mitosis vs Meiosis

  15. Slides for Meiosis I & II: Prophase I

  16. Metaphase I:

  17. Anaphase I:

  18. Telophase I:

  19. Prophase II:

  20. Metaphase II:

  21. Anaphase II:

  22. Telophase II:

  23. Final result Mitosis : two genetically identical diploid cells from one diploid parent cell Meiosis : Four genetically different haploid cells from one diploid parent cell

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