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Climates of Earth. Climates of Earth. Weather- the condition of the atmosphere in one place during a short period of time. Climate- weather patterns that an area typically experiences during a long period of time.
Climates of Earth • Weather- the condition of the atmosphere in one place during a short period of time. • Climate- weather patterns that an area typically experiences during a long period of time. • Both are influenced by the amount of direct sunlight a place gets, ocean currents, winds, & the features on the earth’s surface.
Greenhouse Effect • The atmosphere reflects some radiation back into space but it also keeps some to warm earth and keep it from escaping back into space too quickly. • This is known as the greenhouse effect; w/out it the earth would be too cold for most living things.
Earth’s Tilt & Rotation • Earth sits on an imaginary line called an axis that is always tilted at 23.5 degrees. • Cause of this, not all places on earth receive the same amount of direct sunlight. • So different places have different temperatures- how hot or cold something is. • The earth’s revolution around the sun & tilt on the axis cause the changes of the seasons & amount of daylight.
What things effect climate? • 1. Elevation= the earth’s atmosphere gets thinner as altitude increases, so air temp decreases. • Sunlight is bright on top of Mts cause there is less atmosphere to filter out rays of the sun. • But they are generally cold & covered w/ ice cause of elevation.
What things effect climate? • 2. Ocean Currents= Cold & warm “rivers” of seawater are called currents • Currents flow in circular patterns & are caused by the rotation of the earth, wind currents, & differences in water temp. • Water is warmed & cooled the closer it gets to the poles & equator.
What things effect climate? • 3. Landforms= Climates @ the same latitudes can be very different depending on the physical features near by. • Coastal temps usually remain relatively the same because water is slower to heat & cool than land, so this causes a uniform temperature around that area. • Interior temps are more drastic. The middle of a landmass can have hotter summers & cooler winters. • Temps, rain, & surface features interact w/ wind to affect climate.
Types of Climates • Tropical- this climate region is found around the equator. • 2 kinds: • A. Tropical Rain Forest- Hot/wet throughout the year, temp stays around 80 degrees year round. • The warm humid air makes it rain almost daily & rain can exceed 80 inches a year. • Amazon River basin in SA is the largest rain forest in the world.
Types of Climates • Tropical Savannah= Areas that have a dry season in the winter & wet season in the summer. • Found further away from the EQ. • Found in Africa & SA.
Types of Climates • Dry Climates • 2 kinds: • A. Desert- dry w/ very little plant life, rainfall around 10 inches a year. This type of climate covers 1/5 of earth. • B. Steppe- often boarder deserts, rains about 10-20 inches a yr. plant life = short grasses, bushes & not many trees.
Types of Climates • Mediterranean Climate= located around the Med Sea & Southern Cali, also usually found around in coastal lands. mild rainy winters & hot sunny summers. • Rainfall is almost always during the winter months.
Types of Climates • Subarctic Climate= COLD!!!! The main plant life is evergreen trees. Found in Northern Russia & Canada. • Tundra Climate= COLD!!! During summer there is light yr round but not very warm. Plant life= mosses, bushes, & short grasses.