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French Project: Le Collège

French Project: Le Collège. By: Felix Gan. Le ç on Un: Les lieux dans un c ollège. les laboratoires. la bibliothèque. Laboratories. Library. les vestiaires. la cour de récréation. Locker Room. Break Time. les salles de classe. la cantine. Classrooms. Cafeteria. la salle

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French Project: Le Collège

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Presentation Transcript

  1. French Project: Le Collège By: Felix Gan

  2. Leçon Un: Les lieuxdans un collège les laboratoires la bibliothèque Laboratories Library les vestiaires la cour de récréation Locker Room Break Time les salles de classe la cantine Classrooms Cafeteria la salle des profs les courts de tennis The Staff Room Tennis Court le gymnase la salle d’informatique Computer Room The Gym le bureau du principal le terrain de sport Principle’s Office The Field

  3. LeçonDeux: Les Verbes Prendre Apprendre Comprendre To take To Learn To understand prends prends prend prenons prenez prennent apprends apprends apprend apprenons apprenez apprennent comprends comprends comprend comprenons comprenez comprennent Je/J’ Tu Il/Elle/On Nous Vous Ils/Elles Je prends le bus pour aller à l’école. J’apprends la musique au collège. Je comprendsun petit peul’anglais. Used in a sentence

  4. LeçonTrois: Les MatièresScolaires French History and Geography Earth Science Physics and Chemicals Technology English Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education • Français • Histoire-géo • Sciences et Vie de la Terre • Physique-Chimie • Technologie • Anglais • Arts plastiques • Mathématiques • Musique • EPS To express opinion: Je suis font en….., Je suisfaible en……

  5. LeçonQuatre: Les Adjectifs • Sympathique • timide • joli/e • travailleur/euse • cool • sage • méchant/e • paresseux/euse • bavard/e • artistique Friendly Shy Pretty Hard-working cool Good (student) Nasty/mean Lazy Chatty Artistic • Nice, Friendly • Daft/silly • Sporty • Quiet/Calm • Funny • Greedy • Kind • Stupid • Motivated • Polite • Full of life • Responsible (students) • Aimable • Bête • sportif/ive • calme • drôle • gourmand/e • gentil/ille • idiot/e • motivé/e • poli/e • plein de vie • sérieux/euse

  6. Leçon Cinq: AdjectifsQuantitatifs Every adjective changes according to the noun. Here are the ways of how they change. Gai Mince Long Doux Gros Travailleur Gentil Gaie Mince Longue Douce Grosse Travailleuse Gentille But, to have correct grammar, you have to use the right gender and either singular or multiple. Il esttravailleurtous les jours. Elle esttravailleusetous les jours. Example Sentences Il a une longue écharpe. Il a delonguesécharpes.

  7. Leçon Six: SystèmeScolaireFrancais • The school starts at 8 o’clock • The day finishes at four or five • The day contains 7-8 lessons • There are no school on Wednesday but there is sports that afternoon • They don’t have to wear uniforms College: Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade9 Lycee: Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 How the school is organized

  8. Leçon Sept: Les Differences entre le systemesscolairesFrancais et Anglais Francais Doesn’t Need to wear Uniform Goes straight to class Doesn’t have school on Wednesday, has sports that afternoon Anglais Must wear uniform • Has an Assembly Has school on Wednesday Hint: The Summer Break ( GrandesVacances ) is longer in France!

  9. Le Petit Nicolas The Petit Nicholas is about a boy named Nicholas who thought his mother was going to have another baby and throw him away. So, he and his gang thought of a plan to gain money, hire a kidnapper and kidnap his brother. • First, we watched the movie “Le Petit Nicolas” by: Rene Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempe • Then, we answered a few questions • Here are the categories • Read and Respond • Character Questions • Multiple Choice • Finally, we checked our answers and summarized Characters: Nicholas: septoudixans Agnan: lunettes, premier de la classe, chouchou de la maîtresse Alceste: religieuse au chocolat, manger tout le temps Clotaire: vélo, gagnetoutes les courses, cancre Geoffroy: cow-boy, un papa tres riche Other Characters: Rufus, Joachim, Maixent

  10. LeçonHuit: L’uniforme There are many types of clothing • cravate • jupe • chemise • robe • pantalon • chaussettes • pull • jean • tee-shirt • tie • short Dress • vest • robe • joggings • socks • sweater • jean • t-shirt But each school has different uniforms


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