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Babys Tears Plants: Tips on Care, Growing and Everything Else

The babys tears plants is an herbaceous perennial plant that has several other names. This plant belongs to Urticaceae group, and requires low maintenance.

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Babys Tears Plants: Tips on Care, Growing and Everything Else

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  1. Babys Tears Plants: Tips on Care, Growing and Everything Else Soleirolia soleirolii is an Herbaceous perennial plant that has many other names. You may also know soleirolia soleirolii by its most common name Babys tears plants. You may also see this plant as Angel’s tears, Bread and cheese, Corsican curse, Bits and pieces, Paddy’s wig, Pollyana vine, or Irish moss. Therefore, for some people, the diversity of these folk names might be confusing. Soleirolia Soleirolii baby’s tears belong to the Urticaceae group, commonly known as the nettle family. Many people love these tiny tears because of their luscious green color and low-growing shape. Furthermore, you can use it differently in the houses such as terrariums, vivariums, bottle gardens, and hanging pots. Moreover, you can create miniature gardens like fairy gardens or use them in other types of indoor multi-flower arrangements. Furthermore, a pilea depressa plant can quickly grow on less than ordinary mediums, such as driftwood. Babys tears plants have a myriad of bright green stems and have kidney-shaped leaves. However, making a perfect growing atmosphere for it can be tricky. It would help if you satisfied its humidity and air circulation needs correctly. When you provide an ideal environment for growing, it can be pretty low maintenance. Continue reading about Babys tears plants care, appearance, and everything else.

  2. An Overview Of Babys Tears Plants Source: bigcommerce.com Soleirolia soleirolii, also known as pilea depressa plant, is inborn to the Western Mediterranean islands. Also, it is primarily famous in Sardinia and Corsica. However, it can quickly grow in other areas with a similar atmosphere. You should know that pilea depressa tiny tears is a plant that thrives in boggy and marshy surroundings. Also, when the environment is perfect, it can act as a common weed. However, they are famous for their exotic and mossy appearance in other settings, bright green.

  3. It can grow up to the height of 0.25 to 0.50 feet. Also, it spreads violently. You will see that a single plant can spread between 3 to 6 feet. Babys tears plants can have an evergreen appearance in areas that have mild and humid winters. But it can’t handle frost. Therefore in harsh winters, it will lose foliage. But don’t worry as it nicely grows back in the spring. Most people like soleirolia soleirolii for its low-ground mat appearance and bright green color. Moreover, you get several varieties, some of which have gold, yellow or white leaves. The Variegata, also known as Silver Queen, is a popular soleirolia soleirolii. Furthermore, it is a lovely dwarf plant with no serious pest or disease issues. Occasionally, you may have to deal with aphids, but you can quickly get rid of them. You need to use a soapy solution and spray it on the plant 2-3 times a week.

  4. Potting And Repotting Babys Tears Plants Source: garden.com Containers will be a good option if people living in subtropical zones want to have soleirolia soleirolii baby’s tears. Also, people should use containers for the plants that can get invasive if you plant them in-ground. Also, many tiny tears plants can quickly adapt to life in containers. You should know that the pilea depressa plant multiplies and needs regular re-pot. Therefore, you need to get a larger pot to let it grow comfortably. Also, if you want to provide proper soleirolia soleirolii plant care, use commercial potting soil. The soil should also have additional peat moss or perlite in it.

  5. Also, the stems of tiny tears plants are fragile, so don’t pull your plant out of the containers by their stems or leaves. If you want to re-pot them, turn your pots upside-down and start tapping, squeeze. You can also use a pencil and push on the drainage hole. How To Grow A Pilea Depressa Plant Houseplant? Source: thespruce.com The tiny tears plant care needs medium to high humidity. People living in a terrarium environment can easily take care of these plants as the surrounding tends to retain moisture. This plant grows well in a medium exposure setting with moderate daylight. You can grow tiny tears plants in regular potting soil. But remember to keep it lightly moistened.

  6. Although pilea depressa tiny tears want higher humidity to grow, they also need good air circulation. Therefore, you need to keep air circulation in mind while adding it to a terrarium or bottle garden. Furthermore, it is simple to propagate. You need to attach a stem or shoot it into the moist rooting medium. You will see new roots forming and ready to cut from the parent plant in a short period. Pilea Depressa Plant Care Source: pinimg.com

  7. You should know that pilea depressa tiny tears grow best outdoors in moist and well-drained soil. The plant doesn’t rise well in harsh sunlight or dry conditions. But if the soil is rich, well-drained, and humid, it can send out runners and spread quickly through the area. When you keep them outdoors, babies’ tears plants have almost no serious pests or diseases. However, you will face some minor issues when holding it inside the house. For example, your plant may have to face aphids, mites, and mealybugs. Here are some things that play a significant role in the Babys tears plants care: Light Soleirolia soleirolii plant care includes brief periods of intense sunlight. If you put these plants in full sun, they may grow brown and scorched leaves. You can also thrive in a pilea depressa plant indoors under artificial lights. And when you grow them outdoors, keep them in a shadier location. Soil For proper tiny tears plant care, use rich soil in which humus, compost, and manure are present in sufficient amounts. The ground also will help regulate the moisture level for pilea depressa tiny tears. Furthermore, commercial potting soil is appropriate for pilea depressa plant care when you grow them as a houseplant or in a container garden. Water Pilea depressa plants are thirsty plants that hate to dry out. You’ll see a dramatic wilting if you don’t take pilea depressa plant care properly. Therefore, you need to water them as soon as you notice wilting. If you are quick enough to see, they will recover within a day. Also, remember that the soleirolia soleirolii baby’s tears houseplants require a little less water in the winter season.

  8. Temperature And Humidity Temperature also plays a crucial role in babys tears plants care. The plant grows well in a climate with temperatures between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, these plants can tolerate a light frost, but a freezing temperature is a big no for them. Moreover, you will notice that this plant appreciates high humidity. The humidity must be at least 75 percent for them to grow correctly. Therefore, if you like to place plants in the bathroom and kitchen, soleirolia soleirolii will be a perfect choice. Fertilizer You need to provide a balanced plant fertilizer for proper soleirolia soleirolii plant care. It will help you in keeping the plants bright green and dense. You can also use liquid fertilizer through the spring and summer seasons. The liquid form will make your job easy. Buying Pilea Depressa Plant Tips When you buy a pilea depressa plant, you should know it is formerly known as Helxine soleirolii. Many growers only know them with that name. Some tips that will help you when you are buying this plant are below: ● You can buy a small plant, don’t worry, they will grow fast ● There are colorful varieties present in the market from which you can choose. For example, you can get Aurea with golden-green foliage or Variegata with silvery green leaves.

  9. Baby’s Tears Care Tips Source: epicaquarium.com As you know that Babys tears plants grow in high humidity; here are some easy Babys tears plants care tips for raising the humidity for house plants: Temperature You need to keep room temperatures around 60-75°F or 16-24°C Soil

  10. The African violet potting mix is best for these plants to maintain moisture. Fertilizer You need to provide fertilizers every two weeks, spring through summer. Also, remember to balance water-soluble houseplant fertilizer by diluting it by half. Propagating Soleirolia Soleirolii By Stem-Cutting Technique Source: bobvila.com The step-by-step instruction of soleirolia soleirolii propagation by stem-cutting is as below:

  11. ● First, you need to prepare materials like a garden trowel, gardening gloves, pruning shears, containers, and planting media. ● Use pruning shears and start harvesting at 2-inch stems that are actively growing. Be sure that you are using sharp shears to clean the branch. ● Start removing the basal leaves, but you need to leave the one on the upper half. ● Take the container and use a garden trowel to dig small holes. ● Now, you have to dip stem cuttings in rooting hormone before planting. ● Use a clean, clear plastic and cover your container. However, it would be best to ensure that you are providing enough space for the plant to breathe and grow. ● Lastly, you need to wait for three to four weeks for the plant to grow. But remember to take proper soleirolia soleirolii plant care. Common Varieties And Cultivars Of Pilea Depressa Tiny Tears If you don’t want a green pilea depressa plant, there is a wide range of choices for you present in the market. Some of the pilea depressa plant varieties are below: ● Aurea ● Alba ● Variegata ● Silver Queen Conclusion If you aren’t living in a Mediterranean climate, grow these plants indoors. You can create the proper humidity atmosphere for them and provide the right lighting. It is a versatile plant that doesn’t require high-level gardening skills. Moreover, it has a perfect appearance suitable for any interior design.

  12. For more architectural guidance and home improvement ideas, keep coming to Interiorcraze. Contact Us : Website: https://interiorcraze.com Email Id: interiorcrazeofficial@gmail.com To Connect With Us Visit

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