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- - Graphic calculator procedure -Use different ways to communicate and work cooperatively Peer editing -Reading + procedure. Agenda for today. -Write goals -Review GLE’s -Discover our different talents -Review bar graphs and what makes a good graph TAILS. Copy in your notebook.
- - Graphic calculator procedure -Use different ways to communicate and work cooperatively Peer editing -Reading + procedure Agenda for today -Write goals -Review GLE’s -Discover our different talents -Review bar graphs and what makes a good graph • TAILS
Copy in your notebook Reading + for assignments • Write a question you know the answer to • Write the solution • Write a question you do not Know the answer to • Prediction Read title-picture-bold or Italics-headings… • Get the Gist- 12 to fifteen word summary
Activity one • Introduce yourself to your partner • Take turns reading and active listening for math vocabulary, procedures, or self-directed learning characteristics in your partners autobiography.
Exchange papers Ask Clarifying Questions Discuss Accentuate the Positive Reflect Read or listen to your partners work keeping the criteria of the assignment in mind. Jot down notes on scrap paper to refer to for your discussion Refer to the criteria and ask questions if you can not find an element of the criteria, ex. Where did you explain the formula? Do not say “you didn’t do this, you didn’t do that…” Take turns discussing your assignments with your partner. Remember to be an active listener: listen to your partner rather than thinking of what you are going to say next. Say at least one good thing about your partners paper, and offer a helpful suggestion for improvement. Reread your own assignment and make some improvements based on your discussion. Peer editing
Activity Two Talents • Use a marker • Everyone is different. We all have different interests and different talents. What I want you to do is to write something you are good at or above average for your age at on the sticky note (large enough to see from the back of the room), and then place the sticky note anywhere on the graph.
T A I L S Title: every graph needs a good title Axis: label the x-axis (no) and y-axis (yes) Interval or scale choose a number to count by Labels: use descriptive words to label your axes Spacing: make sure the graph is equally spaced Graphing check list
Graphing Calculator Procedure • Everyone will be assigned a number for the year and will use that calculator number for the year • I will call you up about 10 at a time • When its time to clean-up ctr on turns the calculator off and put back in your # bin • DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOM UNTIL I HAVE ALL CALCULATORS. THANK YOU!
Roll Taker Greeter Collector Distributor Materials Manager Takes attendance everyday Helps late students, or students returning from an absence catch up, runs errands Collects/checks HW and places in the class bin Hands out dittos and returns extras to the folder Reminds students to clean area, collects calculators and materials Administrative assistants:
Bathroom Procedure • Clipboard with sign out sheets are located in the front of the room • Fill out the sign out sheet as well as your planner including the time • Come right to class and ask for a pass • Don’t ask everyday in the same class • If your class is IV of the day (lunch), then you must go at lunch • Due to the faculties other duties you need to ask before the last five minutes of class and before 2:20 PM. Plan accordingly.