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Dorm Energy Efficiency C ompetition Fall 2011. Emily Teixeira, Courtney Butterfield, Lindsay Atwood, Naomi Kim and Nicholas Lau. Audience Analysis: Market Research Report. Brainstorming Activity Focus Group Findings Interpretations and Suggestions
Dorm Energy Efficiency Competition Fall 2011 Emily Teixeira, Courtney Butterfield, Lindsay Atwood, Naomi Kim and Nicholas Lau
Audience Analysis: Market Research Report • Brainstorming Activity • Focus Group Findings • Interpretations and Suggestions • The posters slogan should be memorable and imagery used on the poster should not have any of common green themes to avoid redundancies in advertising • Some advice: • The winner’s party should be on a Monday night so as to not conflict with students classes • Gift cards instead of pizza
“Happenings” Emails • Creating an email posting on the information going on with the energy competition and receiving permission to send it • Compose an email that will be sent out in “Happenings”, possibly in a separate email as well. • The emails sent out will explain • What the competition is about • Who • What • Where • The emails will be sent out before, weekly (to notify standings), and at the end of the competition to show which hall won and how/where to receive their prize.
Posters/Fliers • In charge of creating the posters/fliers from the ideas the group brainstormed together. • Updating the postings of Green Tip for everyday of the competition. • Creating pop out table cards to distribute in the D.C. • Purchase gift cards or organize a pizza party for the winners of the competition using funds
Energy Saving Competition October 2011 We can’t all be green, but we can do our part to live close to it. Gift card prizes VS. _______ __
Mariposa vs. Toulumne Hall October 2011
Posters/ Fliers • Posting the fliers/posters and getting permission from housing • Collaborate with those who are in charge of creating the posters/fliers. • Responsible for getting permission from housing to post the fliers/posters in the designated areas. • Go around and hang up the posters in the designated areas. • Help with Facebook
Facebook • Creating/updating the Facebook page everyday • Create a Facebook page that will allow for residents to see different green tips and their standings in the energy competition. • Everyday, there will be a new “Green Tip”/ “Green Fact” which will allow for residents to see a new way of saving energy or a way to help the environment. • Post the Green Tip everyday of the competition, post weekly updates on who is winning in the competition, and connect with other UC Merced Facebook pages to expand the audience of the Facebook site.
Facebook Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/pages/UC-Merced-Housing-Energy-Competition/194578940578744?sk=wall
Daily Green Tips Day 3. Don’t leave your laptop on all day (it needs breaks too) Day 4. Don’t leave the window open when you have the air conditioner on. Day 11. Turn up your thermostat 2 degrees in the heat, and 2 degrees down in the cold Day 20. Wash your clothes in cold water; not only does it save energy, it also keeps your colors lasting longer Day 24. If you smoke, or know someone that does, remember that throwing cigarettes on the ground is considered littering. Throw it out the proper way in the designated trashcans in smoking areas.