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The Middle Ages SOL WHI. 9

The Middle Ages SOL WHI. 9. http://www.castles-abbeys.co.uk/various-pictures3.html. 500 – 1500 A.D. Period of history known as the MIDDLE AGES. 476 A.D. Western Roman Empire collapses due to Germanic invasions. Europe in Middle Ages Small Germanic kingdoms; boundaries constantly changed

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The Middle Ages SOL WHI. 9

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Middle Ages SOL WHI.9 http://www.castles-abbeys.co.uk/various-pictures3.html

  2. 500 – 1500 A.D. Period of history known as the MIDDLE AGES. 476 A.D. Western Roman Empire collapses due to Germanic invasions. • Europe in Middle Ages • Small Germanic kingdoms; boundaries constantly changed • Money scarce; trade disrupted by invasions; cities faded; illiterate society • People entered into agreements with land owning lords who provided them with protection in exchange for work. • Roman Empire • Large territory unified under one government • Led by an emperor • Large cities, money economy, literate society, etc.

  3. Foundations of medieval society

  4. Feudal society during the Middle Ages Manorial system during the Middle Ages

  5. Feudalism Provide knights in times of war Fiefs – land grants Military protection Fiefs – land grants service protection Based on mutual obligation

  6. Life on the Manor

  7. Daily Life on the Manor

  8. Influence of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages

  9. St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City, Italy Built326A. D.

  10. Influence of the Church

  11. Age of Charlemagne

  12. Charlemagne • Born grandson of Charles Martel, son of Pepin the Short • Ruled from 771 - 814 A.D. • Known as Charles I • Spread Christianity while reuniting western Europe • Crowned by Pope Leo III Christmas Day 800 A. D. • Died at age 70

  13. Charlemagne’s Empire

  14. Invasions by the Angles, Saxons, Magyars, & Vikings Vikings Magyars

  15. Invasions by the Angles, Saxons, Magyars, & Vikings

  16. Influence of the Angles, Saxons, Magyars, & Vikings

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