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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION THAT WORKS Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. http:// video.videolicious.com/b7b9fb0b-c71a-4f97-8966-9c1f01c1f8c7. B y School Leadership Team. Strategies and Research Findings. Workshop Proposal.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION THAT WORKS Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement http://video.videolicious.com/b7b9fb0b-c71a-4f97-8966-9c1f01c1f8c7 By School Leadership Team
Workshop Proposal • Presenters; School Leadership Team • Audience: All content area teachers Grades K-12 • Workshop Description • Teachers are constantly looking for instructional strategies that promote student learning and yield high academic results. However not all strategies work effectively. Instead of experimenting with instructional approaches that might be unsuccessful teachers must rely on what educational research says. This workshop series will focus on nine powerful research-based teaching strategies from the book Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement which are:1) setting objectives and providing feedback, 2) reinforcing effort and providing recognition, 3) cooperative learning, 4) cues, questions, and advance organizers, 5) nonlinguistic representations, 6) summarizing and note-taking, 7) assigning homework and providing practice, 8)identifying similarities and differences, 9) generating and testing hypotheses. Not only do these strategies increase academic achievement when they are used consistently and effectively, but they also increase student social success and prepare them with the 21st century essential skills that make them ready for college. The workshops are designed to be a combination of lecture format and interactive activities that include hands- on, modeling, demonstrations, videos, sample lesson plans, and group discussions
Workshop Outcomes As a result of attending this workshop, teachers will be able to: -Learn how to create a positive environment for student learning by motivating and helping students understand what is expected of them -Assist students build intrinsic motivation by setting their personal learning goals -Learn how to encourage students to engage actively in their own learning, develop their collaboration skills, and monitor and reflect on their learning. -Help students develop understanding by focusing on what is important -Increase student understanding by using explicit cues, analytic and inferential questions, graphic organizers, predictions, evidence, mental pictures, illustrations, and physical models. -Teach students rule-based summarizing strategies and how to use various summary frames -Provide students with a variety of note-taking formats and strategies that develop good note taking skills. -Learn how to provide timely and effective feedback on tests, quizzes, and other assignments -Help students extend and apply knowledge by designing homework practice that supports academic learning -Help students extent and apply knowledge by identifying similarities and differences through comparing, classifying, and creating metaphors and analogies. • Learn how to incorporate these strategies in units of instruction and lesson planning
Session I: Agenda October 21 • Think Pair-Share Activity • A Brief Overview of the Nine Strategies • What Research Says-Video • The Strategies of the Month -Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback -Cues, Questions, Advance Organizers -Summarizing and Note Taking • Interactive Activities • Lesson Planning & Assessment • Graphic Organizers • Sharing resources through Google doc. • Things to Do in PLCs • Key Takeaways
Session II-Agenda December 7 • Do Now • Share Data/feedback/challenges from the implementation of strategies • The Strategies of the Month -Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition- -Generating and Testing Hypotheses • Interactive Activities • Lesson Planning & Assessment • Graphic Organizers • Sharing resources through Google doc. • Things to Do in PLCs • Key Takeaways
Session III-Agenda January 21 • Do Now • Share data/feedback/any challenges from the implementation of the strategies • The Strategies of the Month: • Finding Similarities and Differences • Non-Linguistic Representations • Interactive Activities • Lesson Planning & Assessment • Graphic Organizers • Sharing through Google doc. • Things to Do in PLCs • Key Takeaways
Session IV- Agenda March 18 • Do Now Activity • Share Data/feedback/challenges from the implementation of strategies • The Strategies of the Month • Cooperative Learning • Assigning Homework and Providing Practice • Cooperative Group Activity Interactive Activities Lesson Planning & Assessment Graphic Organizers Google doc. Things to Do in PLCs Key Takeaways
Session V: Agenda May 15 • Do Now • Classroom Videos (Teachers using strategies in class) • Discussion and feedback session on the effect of strategies on student achievement-What were the challenges? What should be changed in the future? • Work Together in groups to discuss how you will apply and build the strategies into units of instruction/curriculum. • Questions and Answers
References & Resources Dean, C. B., Stone, B., Hubbell, E., & Pitler, H. (2012). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. North regional research laboratory.(2005). Focus on effectiveness. Retrieved from http://www.netc.org/focus/strategies/ . March 21, 2013 Vanbaren, J. (n.d). How to introduce Marzano's high-yield strategies. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how_7674230_introduce-marzanos-highyield-strategies.html March 25, 2013 BISD investigates. Classroom instruction that works: Effective instructional strategies. Retrieved from http://www.pembroke.k12.ny.us/ps/teachers/rennoldN/Classroom_Instruction_that_Works_Session_1.ppt March 11, 2013
Videos • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxxnFeaDmoc • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZJGcnYAOPs • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t2OU4_Sn38 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6BLEk9zBiE