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Utilizing NeSSI for Analytical Applications

CPAC Project Overview. Goal is to support NeSSI related development within CPACDeveloping platforms and demo applicationsSupport PI and student use in research programs Promote and support wider NeSSI adoption and useWeb based supportInteraction with NeSSI communityLegal umbrella for cooperative development.

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Utilizing NeSSI for Analytical Applications

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    1. Utilizing NeSSI for Analytical Applications Dave Veltkamp* Brian Marquardt* Charlie Branham *Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) University of Washington, Seattle WA Grad Student from Bart Kahrs group in Chemistry, UW

    2. CPAC Project Overview Goal is to support NeSSI related development within CPAC Developing platforms and demo applications Support PI and student use in research programs Promote and support wider NeSSI adoption and use Web based support Interaction with NeSSI community Legal umbrella for cooperative development

    3. Old NeSSI Gas/Vapor System

    4. Optical Flow Cell Flow cell is a simple cross fitting 6-around-1 fiber optic for source and collection Delrin rod with sensing compound coated on end Multiple crosses can be chained together for screening several compounds at once Optical detection using simple reflectance optical measurement Ocean Optics USB2000 VIS spectrometer (350-1000 nm) 405 nm blue LED excitation Compound fluorescence signal in region 600-900 nm

    5. Vapochromatic Response

    6. Vapochromic #1 Response

    7. Vapochromic #3 Response

    8. Bubbler Results (Benzene Conc.)

    9. New Gas Sensor Testing System More capability to generate analytical vapors, gas blending, and on-line dilution of vapor streams for method development work This system delivered by CORCOR Tech to UM last week and will facilitate collaboration with Kent Mann

    10. The New CIRCOR NeSSI System Has Arrived in Minnesota

    11. Reconfiguration of CPAC NeSSI System Our Swagelok NeSSI system proven to be very easy to change to suit needs Replaced bubblers with permeation tubes and oven Changed to look at CO2 in N2 blending Changed to look at O2 and moisture in air Investigation of flow, mixing, and dead volumes Used to evaluated new analytical instruments in CPAC lab ASI microFast GC 2 column GC with trap injection Aspectrics EP-IR mid infrared spectrometer with gas cell LabVIEW software developed to automate experiments

    12. Reconfigured NeSSI System

    13. Schematic of System Needed to design system with multiple (3) dilution stages Somewhat complex flow paths to minimize dead volumes Had to compromise automated vs. manual control of N2 flows in first two stages Lack of additional MFCs required manual metering valves

    14. System Flows By closing valves and using the MFCs as flow meters, all flows can be measured Closing off the N2 flows (SV2 and MFC2) and waste valves (PV3 and PV4) allows flow thru bubbler to be measured MFC3 and MFC1 set to valve open setpoint All flow streams and legs of system can be flushed by N2

    15. System Flows (cont.)

    16. Dilution Flows 1st dilution of bubbler flow at input to MFC 3 Most of flow goes to waste, MFC setpoint typically 1-5% N2 flow regulated by waste needle valve 2nd dilution at outlet port of MFC 3 Again most of flow going to waste, MFC 1 set to 1-5% N2 and 2nd diluted sample flows set by needle valves PV2 and PV4 3rd dilution at output port of MFC 1 N2 flow controlled by MFC 2 Important to balance pressures and flows to avoid unexpected flow conditions some tweaking required!!

    17. Aspectrics EP-IR Instrument 128 channels from 2.50 to 5.00 microns (4000-2000 cm-1) Each channel approx 19.7 nm wide band pass Also a 256 channel model available Runs at an acquisition frequency of 100 scans (rotation) per second Real-time data collection of fast events High averaging for low LOD applications Small size and rugged construction Only moving part is the encoder disk Suitable for high vibration process environments No hygroscopic parts Several optical configuration of sampling cell/accessories possible Powerful on-line embedded chemometrics software

    18. Aspectrics EP-IR Technology

    19. Aspectrics EP-IR with Gas Cell

    20. ASI microFAST GC System on loan from ASI as part of WTC project with Infometrix Programmed temperature gas chromatograph using Syringe or valve inlets to a flash evaporator. Sample delivery to an adsorbent trap for concentration Desorbtion and delivery to twin capillary columns Temperature programmed column elution Detection by simultaneous flame ionization detectors (FID). Trace levels down to low parts per billion can be measured. Compact and easy to setup chromatography Weight on the order of 12 pounds Size on the order of a shoe box Speed of analysis on the order of 10 times faster than competitors Very easy to use Trap injection makes it simple to use and automate Really more like a spectrometer or sensor in operation Even non-chromatographers can use it!!

    21. ASI microFAST GC

    22. microFAST GC Column Details

    23. microFAST GC Analytical Cycle

    24. Interfacing to ASI microFast GC

    25. Example Benzene Chromatograms

    26. Experiment: Blending CO2 with N2 Goal was to characterize the NeSSI system, software control, and the EP-IR gas cell data collection Series of step changes in MFC setpoints for CO2 dilution Different hold times (delay) between setpoint changes Series repeated 5 times Bubbler replaced with CO2 from tank Results show very good reproducibility and control of the gas blending system Dynamic response consistent with expectations No dead volume issues

    27. CO2 Blending Experimental Design

    28. EP-IR Spectra from CO2 Experiment

    29. 1st PC of EP-IR Spectra PCA Model

    30. Step times and Spectral Response

    31. CO2 Exp. Cycle Reproducibility

    32. 2nd PC of EP-IR Spectra PCA Model

    33. PCA results showing nonlinear behavior at high CO2 conc.

    34. On-line Chemometric Model Results

    35. NeSSI Permeation Tubes Used a stainless steel condenser as oven for permeation tubes Removed condenser core and replaced with permeation tubes Mounted in single-port adapter to direct N2 up thru oven Second adapter block returns flow into NeSSI Temperature maintained by flowing water thru jacket from heater/chiller Permeation tubes made in-house Teflon tubing sealed at both ends Made different tubes for water, benzene, and toluene vapors

    36. Permeation Tube Results Water permeation tube study Vapochrome compound (Kafty) Oven temp. set at 50C MFC flow rate set at 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% for 30 min Spectra taken at each flow rate Benzene permeation tube Vapochrome compound (#4) Oven temp. set at 30C MFC flow rate set at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% for 30 min Spectra taken at each flow rate

    37. Conclusions and Future Work Setup of NeSSI Vapor Platform complete (for now) LabVIEW software developed and tested Flow dynamics tested and characterized New vapor generation ideas to be tested New instrumentation interfaced and tested Both Aspectrics EP-IR and ASI microFAST GC valuable additional tools for monitoring gas mixing and delivery Additional applications from Sponsors welcome Vapochromic compound testing continuing Moisture, CO2, O2 and BTEX sensors testing underway Additional screening and analytical performance testing planned Plan to get back to some microreactor work Parker NeSSI system for reactant and product streams Microreactor components from Microglass & IMM on hand Fuel cell studies with Eric Stuve and Chem. E. students planned WTC Project with Infometrix on Process GC interfaced to NeSSI

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