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Overview of IFAD programme in Viet Nam. Viet Nam Country Portfolio Review 28-30 July 2008, Ha Tinh, Viet Nam. Viet Nam Country Programme. Target : poorest people in Viet Nam, including ethnic minorities, small-scale farmers and households headed by women.
Overview of IFAD programme in Viet Nam Viet Nam Country Portfolio Review28-30 July 2008, Ha Tinh, Viet Nam
Viet Nam Country Programme • Target: poorest people in Viet Nam, including ethnic minorities, small-scale farmers and households headed by women. • Strategies for poverty reduction: building partnerships, strengthening institutional capacity, promoting participation and improving access to pro-poor markets and business opportunities. • Programmes and projects focus: developing and testing innovative approaches to poverty reduction. Interventions are area-based and multi-sectoral.
Viet Nam Country Programme IFAD programmes and projects’ objectives (COSOP 2002 - 2007): • increase access to human and social assets by building the capacity of poor rural people and their institutions, improving women’s status and improving food security by diversifying rural incomes and increasing rural employment. • increase access to productive assets, such as land, credit and forest resources, and promote access to technology, to help poor rural people improve resource management and infrastructure. • promote good governance, with emphasis on decentralized project management and grass-roots participation, and on promoting policy reforms
Ongoing projects: • Investment projects 8 Country-specific grants project (of which 3 in-loan grants) 14 Regional grants programmes (11 effective, 3 approved) 1 Supplementary-funded project (approved)
1. Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province Facts and figures • Total cost: US$30.4 million • IFAD loan: US$20.9 million • Duration: 2002-2010 • Cofinancier: Sweden/SIDA: US$5.0 million • Directly benefiting: 49,000 rural households in 900 villages most of them ethnic minorities
Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province Project description: The project provides training in agriculture and animal husbandry, credit, marketing and food storage and processing. The project is working to improve infrastructure, health services and credit. It is also strengthening village-level institutions, such as savings and credit groups, user groups and village development boards.
2. Decentralized Programme for Rural Poverty Reduction in Ha Giang and Quang Binh Provinces Facts and figures • Total cost: US$38.8 million • IFAD loan: US$24.1 million • IFAD grant: US$631,000 • Duration: 2005 - 2012 • Directly benefiting: 69,000 rural households
Decentralized Programme for Rural Poverty Reduction in Ha Giang and Quang Binh Provinces Programme description: This programme focuses on two distant provinces, each with a unique geography and climate. The programme is enhancing the ability of participants to manage commune-level institutions, promoting the government’s ongoing decentralization process, and establishing management structures and delivery services that respond to the needs of the participants. The ultimate goal is to improve the productivity, income levels and food security of poor households, especially for ethnic minorities and women.
3. Programme for Improving Market Participation of the Poor in Ha Tinh and Tra Vinh Provinces Facts and figures • Total cost: US$37.3 million • IFAD loan: US$26.0 million • IFAD grant: US$400,000 • Duration: 2007-2012 • Cofinancing (grants): GTZ (US$2.6 million), DFID (US$590,000) • Directly benefiting: 50,000 households in 50 communes in Ha Tinh province and 30 communes in Tra Vinh province
3. Programme for Improving Market Participation, contd Programme description: The objective of the programme is to raise the incomes of poor rural people by improving their access to labour, finance, commodities and service markets. The programme will concentrate on: • adding value to agriculture • improving key markets and market mechanisms • creating off-farm employment • linking market-based initiatives to the needs and priorities of poor communes
4. Developing Business with the Rural Poor Programme Facts and figures • Total cost: US$50.3 million • IFAD loan: US$35.0 million • IFAD grant: US$550,000 • Duration: 2008-2013 • Directly benefiting: 99,600 households including people with small landholdings and limited assets, landless labourers, ethnic minorities and women • Partners: Government of Luxembourg
Developing Business with the Rural Poor Programme Programme description: The programme’s goal is to help develop market and business opportunities for poor rural people. The programme helps empower poor households in targeted rural communities to organize themselves for profitable market participation along value chains, in an equitable and environmentally sustainable manner. The programme also works to create a favourable policy environment for market linkages, and to generate increased private investment and provision of business development services in the target areas.