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Think…Pair…Share!. King Herod of Judea was born in 73 BCE and died 4 BCE. How is that possible?. What year is it now????. 5769 1430 2009 All of the above BUT HOW COULD THAT BE?. What year is it now???. The year it is depends on the calendar you use!
Think…Pair…Share! • King Herod of Judea was born in 73 BCE and died 4 BCE. How is that possible?
What year is it now???? 5769 1430 2009 All of the above BUT HOW COULD THAT BE?
What year is it now??? The year it is depends on the calendar you use! It is the year 5769 according to the Hebrew calendar. It is the year 1430 according to the Islamic calendar. It is the year 2009 according to the Gregorian calendar.
What about all the history that happened before Jesus was born?? For dates and events before Jesus was born, or before “the common era”, write the letters BCE and BC after the year. BCE meansBefore the Common Era. BC means Before Christ. BCE and BC mean the same thing.
And after…? For dates and events after Jesus was born, or after “the common era”, write the letters CE or AD after the year. CE meansthe Common Era. AD means AnoDomeni, or “the year of our lord” CE and AD mean the same thing.
Time Dating BCE, BC, CE, AD, are called “time designations” because they designate, or specify, whether a year is before the year 1, or after.
Calisthenics Use the word box and fill in the blanks on a sheet of paper: AD CE AnoDomeniBCE Century BC Decade When I refer to the years after Jesus died I label the year with ___________ at the end of the number. _____________ means before Christ BC is the exact same thing as ______________. A _______________ is a 100 year time period The time period from 1990-2000 is a __________. The word that means the same as AD is ________. AD is an abbreviation for ______________.
For Example If an event happened in 1000 BCE, it happened 1000 yearsbefore Jesus was born. If an event happened in 1000 CE, it happened 1000 years after Jesus was born.
Practice Which year came first? 5000 BCE or 1900 AD ? Order the years above on a timeline:
Which years are the SAME years? 1) 2000 AD 2000 BCE 2000 BC 2) 18 BCE 18 AD 18 BC 3) 500 BC 500AD 500CE 4) 1900 CE 1900 AD 1900 BCE
Which year is the earliest? 5) 40 AD 3000 BC 6) 20 CE 1000 BCE 7) 1 BCE 2001 CE 8) 530 AD 400 BCE
BCE Timelines For events that happened before Jesus was born, larger numbers happened first. Why? Because they happened MORE years before Jesus was born.
1329 AD 1329 BC Large 900 AD 900 BC Large 250 AD 250 BC 0 Small Small QUICK: Would the timeline change if I changed BC to BCE?
You TRY! Use these numbers: 1200BC, 1452AD, 1662AD, 1321BC, 2010AD, 500BC Large Large Large 0 Small Small QUICK: would anything change if I changed AD to CE?
One more time! You TRY! Use these numbers: 1521BC, 1776AD, 1052CE, 987BCE, 2005AD, 1200BC 0
Which year came first? 3000 BCE or 420 BCE 290 BCE or 1041 BCE 87 BC or 24 BC 1500 BC or 608 BC
Practice Put the following dates in order and make a timeline: 300 CE 1 CE 20 CE 4000 CE
Think…Pair..Share…! (2) Answer this puzzle: King Herod of Judea was born in 73 BCE and died 4 BCE. How is that possible?