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Presentations and PowerPoint

Presentations and PowerPoint. John Olsavsky SUNY College at Fredonia. Introduction. Me - John Olsavsky Style “Bus Driver/Tour Guide” Please ask questions as we go along. Overview. Slide Design Presentation Tips PowerPoint Tips Resources. Slide Design. Screen Design/Layout

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Presentations and PowerPoint

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentations and PowerPoint John Olsavsky SUNY College at Fredonia

  2. Introduction • Me - John Olsavsky • Style • “Bus Driver/Tour Guide” • Please ask questions as we go along.

  3. Overview • Slide Design • Presentation Tips • PowerPoint Tips • Resources

  4. Slide Design • Screen Design/Layout • Using Colors • Working with Fonts

  5. Screen Design/Layout • White Space • Organization • Composition Techniques • Transitions Between Slides

  6. White Space • Empty space is essential- balances information. • Six-by-six rule • No more than six items to a screen • No more than six words per line • Be concise - extra words crowd the screen.

  7. Organization • Visual Center • Located just above the screen's true center. • Rule of Thirds • Three by three grid • Place important elements at intersections.

  8. Composition Techniques • Proximity • Elements located near to each other are perceived as being related. • Contrast • Contrast is essential for type legibility. • Alignment • Don’t place elements randomly. • Consistency • Creates structure that guides user.

  9. Transitions Between Slides • Used to maintain audience interest while you prepare. • Do take time. • Can bore an audience. • Use transitions consistently, if at all. • Be consistent, except to draw attention

  10. Slide Design • Screen Design/Layout • Using Colors • Working with Fonts

  11. Using Colors • Background Colors • Selecting Colors

  12. Background Colors • Dark text on lighter background colors project better.

  13. Selecting Colors • Complementary Colors • Warm-Cool Colors

  14. Complementary Colors Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Purple

  15. Warm-Cool Colors • Warm Colors • Provoke emotional and mental associations. • Reds and oranges attract attention. • Cool Colors • Blues and greens tend to recede. • Can use larger areas of color in these tones.

  16. Slide Design • Screen Design/Layout • Using Colors • Working with Fonts

  17. Working with Fonts • Font Size • Should be at least 18 point, up to 24 point. • Font Style • Too many styles create chaos and clutter. • Font Color • Make sure there is a large difference in brightness between the background color and the text

  18. Presentation Tips • Clearly define the audience • Organize content  • Technical considerations

  19. Clearly Define the Audience • Consider their • Number (e.g., for room size) • Make-up (e.g., superiors, peers, students, etc.) • Attitude toward the topic (e.g., interested, neutral, hostile) • Level of expertise, needs, and expectations • Define the learning outcomes appropriately. • Address the audience at an appropriate level. • Avoid the critical error of wasting people’s time.

  20. Organize Content  • Organize the main points and sub-points. • Organize presentation in a logical sequence. • Summarize main points at the end of your presentation.

  21. Technical Considerations • Ensure the last row can clearly see. • Larger font sizes help to ensure legibility. • Use readable Sans Serif Fonts (Arial and Helvetica). • Plan for the worst technology possible. • Sound available? • Drives available? • PC processing speed? • Internet access? • PowerPoint version?

  22. PowerPoint Tips • Customizing PowerPoint • Printing notes • Printing handouts • Inserting images • Transitions • Animations • Pack and Go

  23. Resources • http://beech.ait.fredonia.edu/workshops • olsavsky@fredonia.edu • 716-673-4601

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