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“HOLES”. By Louis Sachar. Main Characters. Stanley Yelnats -called “Caveman” by the other boys/sent to “Camp Green Lake” because he supposedly stole a pair of sneakers/doesn’t have a lot of friends/ a little overweight The Warden -in charge of “Camp Green Lake”/not very nice
“HOLES” By Louis Sachar
Main Characters • Stanley Yelnats-called “Caveman” by the other boys/sent to “Camp Green Lake” because he supposedly stole a pair of sneakers/doesn’t have a lot of friends/ a little overweight • The Warden-in charge of “Camp Green Lake”/not very nice • Mr. Sir-works at “Camp Green Lake”/not very nice • Mr. Pendanski-works at “Camp Green Lake”/can be nice at times • The boys of Camp Green Lake • Zero-his real name is Hector Zeroni-becomes friends with Stanley/Stanley teaches him to read • Zigzag-his real name is Ricky • Armpit-his real name is Theodore • Magnet-his real name is Jose • X-Ray-his real name is Rex • Squid-his real name is Alan *Clyde “Sweet Feet” Livingston- donated the sneakers Stanley is accused of stealing
Main Characters Continued • These characters we learn about in flashbacks • Miss Katherine-a.k.a. “Kissing Kate Barlow” a schoolteacher turned bandit from 100 years ago • Sam-sold onions and helped Miss Katherine • Elya Yelnats- Stanley’s great-great grandfather who started the “curse” by stealing a pig • Madame Zeroni-tried to help Elya but he stole her pig instead so she put a “curse” upon him and his family.
Setting • Camp Green Lake-now • There is no lake just a dry, flat and hot dessert • Where Stanley is sent for his crime • Lots of snakes, scorpions and yellow spotted lizards • Green Lake-town over 100 years ago • A small town with a schoolhouse • There was a big lake • Where Miss Katherine and Sam lived
Chapters 1-4 • “Camp Green Lake” is described and you find out why Stanley is sent there. • Stanley was convicted of stealing a pair of sneakers that were donated by a famous athlete. Stanley claims they fell from the sky. • Stanley arrives at “Camp Green Lake” and given his clothes and gear. He is also given instructions to dig a hole every day.
Chapters 5-9 • Stanley meets Mr. Pendanski and some other “campers” • You learn more about Clyde “Sweet Feet Livingston” and the story behind Stanley “stealing” the sneakers • Stanley starts digging his first hole. It is hard work and he is the last one to finish. • You learn about Stanley’s great-great grandfather, Elya Yelnats, and Madame Zeroni • You learn about the yellow-spotted lizards • Armpit and X-Ray give Stanley a nickname, “Caveman”
Chapters 10-14 • Stanley finds a fossil in the dirt. • Stanley and the other boys talk with Mr. Pendanski about what they want to do with their lives. • Stanley found something in the dirt ( along tube with the initials KB on it) and gives it to X-Ray as promised. • The Warden gives X-Ray the day off from digging since she thinks he found something “interesting”’
Chapters 15-19 • Stanley realizes that the boys are definitely digging holes to find something, something that the Warden wants. • Stanley gets a letter from his mom and feels a little better. • Stanley gets hit in the head by a shovel but continues to dig. • Zero admits that he can’t read and asks Stanley to teach him. • Magnet stole some of Mr. Sir’s sunflower seeds but Stanley takes the blame for it.
Chapters 20-23 • Stanley and Mr. Sir go to see the Warden about Stanley stealing Mr. Sir’s seeds. • The Warden scratches Mr. Sir’s face and leaves marks from the rattlesnake venom. • Stanley offers to teach Zero how to read. Zero says that he will help Stanley dig his hole in return. • You learn more about Miss Katherine and the Green Lake from 110 years ago. • You meet Trout Walker, another resident of Green Lake.
Chapters 24-27 • Mr. Sir doesn’t give Stanley any water because he is mad at him. • You learn more about Green Lake, Sam “The Onion Man” and Miss Katherine. • Miss Katherine and Sam kiss which angers the town people of Green Lake. • Sam is killed and Miss Katherine’s schoolhouse is burned down by the townspeople. • Miss Katherine becomes “Kissin’ Kate Barlow” an outlaw who steals money. • Some of the boys get upset that Zero is digging Stanley’s hole.
Chapters 28-31 • Kissin’ Kate Barlow comes back to Green Lake and is attacked by Trout Walker and his wife because they want her treasure. • Kate doesn’t tell them where it is, gets bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard and dies. • Some of the boys fight with Stanley about Zero digging Stanley’s hole. • Zero runs away from camp without any water or food. • The Warden doesn’t send anyone to find Zero and tries to destroy all records with Zero’s name on it so it looks like he never existed.
Chapters 32-36 • A new kid is assigned to Stanley’s group to take the place of Zero. • Stanley steals Mr. Sir’s truck because he wants to go find Zero. He crashed into a hole, gets out of the truck and decides to head for the mountains instead of going back to the camp. • Stanley finds Zero who is very sick and thirsty. • Stanley and Zero decide to try to get to the mountain. • Stanley and Zero reach the mountain and start to climb it.
Chapters 37-42 • Stanley picks up Zero and carries him up the rest of the mountain. • Stanley finds some water finally and some onions which they eat. • Zero tells Stanley that he stole the shoes from the shelter (the reason why Stanley was sent to Camp Green Lake). • There is a flashback to the town of Green Lake and Sam, “The Onion Man”. • Zero and Stanley decide to go down the mountain, find a shovel and dig holes to try and find the “treasure”.
Chapters 43-46 • Zero tells Stanley about his life before coming to Camp Green Lake. • They quietly sneak closer to the camp being very careful not to be seen. • Stanley and Zero dig holes at night, trying to find the “treasure”. • They find a suitcase in one of the holes. • The Warden, Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski find the boys and try to take the suitcase. • There are yellow-spotted lizards climbing all over Stanley and Zero. • You find out that Stanley was cleared of his “crime” and was due to be released from Camp Green Lake.
Chapters 47-49 • A lawyer and the Texas Attorney General come to Camp Green Lake to tell Stanley he is free to go. • The Warden tries to take the suitcase that Zero and Stanley found but Zero says that the suitcase belongs to Stanley because it has his name on it. • Stanley did not want to leave Camp Green Lake without Zero because he thinks they will kill him. • The lawyer takes Stanley and Zero away from Camp Green Lake. • Stanley learns that his father had invented a product that helps smelly feet.
Chapter 50 • Camp Green Lake was closed and the Warden had to sell the land. • There were jewels and stock certificates in the suitcase. • Zero and Stanley each received around $1,000,000. • Stanley’s dad named his new product “Sploosh” and made a lot of money. • Zero found his mother.