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An highlight on NEW Research Infrastructures

An highlight on NEW Research Infrastructures. Objectives of the Community Research Infrastructures action. Optimising the use and development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe

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An highlight on NEW Research Infrastructures

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  1. An highlight on NEW Research Infrastructures

  2. Objectives of the CommunityResearch Infrastructures action • Optimising the use and development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe • Helping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community • Supporting programme implementation and policy development (e.g. international cooperation)

  3. FP7 will increase support to new research infrastructures • Design studies: to support the conceptual design for new facilities or major upgrades, of clear European dimension and interest • through bottom-up calls • Support to the Construction of new infrastructures and major upgrades • Preparatory Phase– to support all work needed to initiate construction of a new RI • Implementation Phase- mainly left to MS, the owners of the new facilities

  4. ESFRI E urope an S trate gy F orum o n Research Infrastructures Towards a coherent policy for Research Infrastructures • A European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures • Launched in April 02 • Brings together representatives of the 27 Member States,5 Associated States, and one representative of the European Commission (EC)

  5. Report 2006 European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures

  6. Research Infrastructures of international relevance provide unique opportunities for: world-level research world-level training stimulating technology & knowledge transfer ensuring knowledge preservation … in brief for Capacity Building Report 2006 Research Infrastructures and capacity building 

  7. Europe has a long-standing tradition of excellence in research and its teams continue to lead progress in many fields However our centres of excellence often fail to reach critical mass There is a need to bring resources together and to build a research and innovation area equivalent to the "common market"  Report 2006 Excellence and Research Infrastructures 

  8. Mandate from the Council of Ministers,November 2004 The Roadmap is the result of two years of intensive work About 1000 high-level experts were involved, from every MS and AS, from most fields and user communities, giving the end product credibility and quality. It is the beginning of an ongoing process Report 2006 The Roadmap

  9. Report 2006 Social Science and Humanities 6 Projects CLARIN CESSDA EROHS ESS SHARE DARIAH

  10. Report 2006 Environmental Sciences AURORA BOREALIS IAGOS-ERI 7 Projects EUFAR EURO-ARGO EMSO LIFEWATCH ICOS

  11. Report 2006 Energy Need to nucleate further work IFMIF HiPER 3 Projects JHR

  12. Report 2006 Biomedical and Life Sciences 6 Projects STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY BIOBANKS CLINICAL TRIALS EATRIS Upgrade of EBI INFRAFRONTIER

  13. Report 2006 Material Sciences 7 Projects IRUVX XFEL ESS ESRF ILL PRINS ELI

  14. Report 2006 Astronomy, Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics SPIRAL2 5 Projects European ELT KM3NeT SKA FAIR

  15. Report 2006 Computer Data Treatment, Particle and Space Physics EUHPC (e-IRG) The CERN Council strategy for particle physics The ESA Cosmic Vision

  16. Several of the projects on the Roadmap require a global approach  ESFRI has entered into a dialogue with the OECD Global Science Forum for the identification, planning, discussion and monitoring of such projects Major players are Australia, China, India, Japan, Latin America, Russia, South Africa, USA; series of meetings in progress ESFRI encourages constructive debate Report 2006 Global Dimension

  17. Existing Infrastructures New Infrastructures Design studies Integrating activities ESFRIRoadmap Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) e-infrastructures Policy Development / Programme Implementation FP7 Research Infrastructures in brief 30% increase according to FP6

  18. ESFRI roadmap projects • ESFRI roadmap reflects Member States’ priorities for new pan-European research infrastructures to be developed • FP7 will play a catalysing and leveraging role to foster their emergence  Member States’ role will remain central to develop these facilities

  19. The Preparatory phaseand FP7 • Member States not necessarily need the EC support… • … nevertheless, FP7 could help, in facilitating decision-making (no automatic funding) • The first call is restricted to the projects identified in the 2006ESFRI roadmap

  20. Preparatory phase- purpose • To provide a framework facilitating decision-making between partners from different countries • To address all the critical issues (legal, financial,..) that need to be resolved to allow the project moving forward

  21. Preparatory Phase What can be done ? • Work expected to focus on • strategic • governance • legal and • financial issues • Technical work also possible but cannot be the core of the preparatory phase • Work targeted at resolving bottlenecks in decision-making

  22. Who are the participants ? • Consortia should involve all stakeholders necessary to make the project a reality •  e.g. ministries, research councils, funding agencies from interested countries +as appropriate, operators, research centres, universities, ind, … • Open to participants from third countries • Possibility for new participants to join at later stage

  23. Eligibility, resources, duration of the Preparatory Phase • PP is NOT a feasibility nor a design study • More than ONE proposal per topic might mean that the project is NOT mature • Minimum 3 participants from 3 MS (support from 3 funding agencies) • Limited direct EC financial contribution,typically within the range 1-7 M€ • Typically from 1 to 4 years

  24. Preparatory Phase facilitating financial engineering for new research infrastructures Member States European Commission Stakeholdersincl. EIROs Inclusion in national Programmes Inclusion in Specific RTD Programme(s) Inclusion in DG REGIO / DG DEV strategic plans Projects EIB RSFF

  25. … Importance of creating synergies between SFs and FP7 • Recent CREST report • Need for coordination at regional and national levels • Strategy planning for mid- to long term: more important than projects themselves • A vision for the next 10-20 years fostering capacity building and excellence

  26. Making Europe and its regions a more attractive place to invest and work 2) Improving knowledge and innovation for growth increase and improve investment in RTD facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship promote the information society for all 3) More and better jobs Structural Funds: Building on the Lisbon agenda … complementary scope with FP7 !

  27. SF and FP7 arecomplementaryat the Political, scope and calendar level, but cannot be substituted Thechallenge: pool and organize financial ressources from different origins Structural Funds and Research Infrastructures

  28. M€ Decision point Time 10 to 50 years Research Infrastructures life-cycle Construction Upgrades and interconnections Operations Preparatory phase

  29. Stakeholders National support FP support Preparatory Phase Time 10 to 50 years Research Infrastructures life-cycle (2) M€

  30. M€ National support, incl. Structural funds EIB Possible FP support Construction Time 10 to 50 years Research Infrastructures life-cycle (3) Stakeholders

  31. FP6 investment in RTD infrastructure= € 0.730 Mio between 2003-2006 SF investment in RTD+I infrastructure= € 2.5 billions between 2000-2006 For 2007-2013, complementarity of SF and FP7 on RI of European significance : Some MS + "convergence regions" may use SF for construction of new RIs from ESFRI work FP7 will support preparatory phase Structural Funds and Research Infrastructures

  32. Planning of calls and indicative budget

  33. … in summary, an improved FP7 action for Research Infrastructures • Better consistency within FP7 (targeted calls) • Tackling better fragmentation (Integrating Activities) • Catalysing effect towards the constructionor major upgrade of Research Infrastructures • A vision for the next 10-20 years fostering capacity building and excellence(update of ESFRI roadmap will soon start)

  34. Useful links • FP7 Proposal and Capacities Specific Programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities.htm • Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/ http://cordis.europa.eu/ist/rn/ • ESFRI (Eur. Strategy Forum for Research Infrastr.) http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/home.htmlhttp://www.e-irg.org • Research Infrastructures in Europa (on-line soon) http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures

  35. धन्यवाद Merci ありがとう Grazie Danke Bedankt Gracias Many thanks for your attention Hvala Kiitos Tack Obrigado Ευχαριστω Köszönöm Teşekkür ederim СПАСІБO

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