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Chapter Overview

Chapter Overview. The Development of the Computer The Role of a Computer Service Professional. The Abacus. The Analytical Engine. The First Electrically Driven Computer. The Digital Electronic Computer. 1939: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) 1943: Colossus I

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Chapter Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter Overview • The Development of the Computer • The Role of a Computer Service Professional

  2. The Abacus

  3. The Analytical Engine

  4. The First Electrically Driven Computer

  5. The Digital Electronic Computer • 1939: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) • 1943: Colossus I • 1945: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) • 1960s–1970s: Golden era of the mainframe computer

  6. Milestones of Modern Computing • 1971: first 4-bit multiprocessor (MP) 4004— 1 MHz • 1978: first 16-bit MP 8086 and coprocessor 8087 • 1981: first PC by IBM (MS-DOS)—4.7 MHz • 1986: first 32-bit computer—80386 • 1992: first Pentium—i586 • 1999: processor speed exceeds 1 GHz

  7. The Role of a Computer Service Professional • Technician: troubleshoot hardware and software • Scholar: continuously update skills and broaden knowledge • Diplomat: cultivate good customer service skills

  8. Chapter Summary • The abacus was the first computing device. • Charles Babbage conceived the first mechanical computer. • The first electrical computer computed results of the 1890 United States census. • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (1939) was the first digital computer. • Today’s computer service professional must be a technician, scholar, and diplomat.

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