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Introduction to the Political System. I am a liberal politician who controlled the unification process and do not think ordinary people should have the ability to participate in the government. P.S. I like Spaghetti….. Mmmmmmm.
Introduction to the Political System I am a liberal politician who controlled the unification process and do not think ordinary people should have the ability to participate in the government. P.S. I like Spaghetti….. Mmmmmmm
I am also a liberal politician who believes that parliament should be chosen by the elite rather than the masses… Furthermore balancing the budget and building up armed forces should be our main aim… So we can kill U… Hahahahahahaha I understand the political system now….
Italy's electorate of 600,000 represented just 2% of the population. • Overall, the political system did not reflect the popular wishes of the people… • Only exclusive elite were represented in Italian politics. • In addition there were no well established political parties. So governments were loose coalitions made up of parliamentary factions… • Furthermore… woman COULD NOT VOTE AT ALL… • WHAT A BAD SYSTEM YEAH???? I am angry…. Arrrrrrr….
Corruption in the Political System I am corrupt and I will tell you that corruption is prevalent in the local government.. We prefects who run provinces make sure that government supported candidates win elections… and I HELP using BRIBARY….
Foreign Policy • Whilst Italy maintained strong diplomatic relations with numerous European nations… the reliance on foreign armies to unify Italy added to the sense of National Inferiority… • Secondly, Italy’s failure to beat Austria in 1866 left Austria holding parts of Italian land… • Would you want to be part of a country likethis?
Economic and Social Development I am Bob the Builder and I will tell you that Industrial development is being hampered by a lack of natural resources such as Iron or Coal….
Furthermore… • The New Government abolished internal TARRIFS when uniting Italy and replaced it with a single Italian market… This harmed potential industries being set up in the south of the country as the wealthy north was much more advanced. • Considering the makers of Italy never really wanted the South… this issue of neglecting the southern states in terms of proper investment added to the lack of connectivity many Italians had towards their central government… I am sad because this will increase the North/South divide within Italy… Personally, I don’t even feel any connection between myself and this so called “government”…
Why the Church also created problems… The Roman Catholic Church created big problems for Italy’s new government… Why you may ask? Well let me tell you… • During the unification process, ‘Vatican City’ (A state of its own which is home to the pontiff) was seized against the Popes will… this made him angry and annoyed at the new Italian government. • The Pope, describing himself as a ‘Prisoner in The Vatican’ used his powerful influence on the vast majority of Italians to tell them not accept the new Italian State. He also told Catholics not to participate in any elections within the country. • Overall this weakened the credibility of the new Italian government as many found it hard to accept its authority due to the Church’s opposition.
So Overall, It was a mess because… • There had been a lack of proper involvement in making Italy which meant many people did not identify with the state (Poorer south largely contradicted richer north)… This was re-enforced by the fact that they could not vote. • The unification process was dominated by ELITE (rich) who were not committed to social reforms. • Pope was very hostile towards the new state… This in tern made it hard for several religious personnel to accept the authority of the Italian State. • Makers of Italy had not intended to include poorer south and thus neglected its social and economic problems. • Debts from wars meant government imposed higher taxes and spent less on social reforms… Furthermore people over time became disappointed in the lack of progress within their country…
That is why this man… Right Wing Nationalism is the way to go…Forza Facista!!!! And his Nationalist views became popular…