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Children with Special Needs Fund: Enhancing Lives in Michigan since 1944

The Children with Special Needs Fund (CSN Fund) provides support for children in Michigan with special healthcare needs when help is not available through any other funding source. This fund assists families in purchasing equipment that enhances the quality of life and promotes health and mobility.

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Children with Special Needs Fund: Enhancing Lives in Michigan since 1944

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSHCS-LHD Regional MEETING Children With Special Needs Fund …enhancing the lives of children with special needs in Michigan since 1944

  2. What is the Children with special needs fund (CSN FUND)? The CSN Fund provides support for children in Michigan with special health care needs when help is not available through any other funding source. The Fund operates entirely on donations.

  3. Mission Statement The Children with Special Needs Fund provides family-centered support for children with special health care needs by assisting their families to purchase equipment that enhance quality of life, and promote health and mobility.

  4. History of the CSN Fund • Created in 1944 with a bequest of Dow Chemical Company Stock to the State of Michigan. • Originally called the Crippled Children’s Fund. • Formerly the Trust Fund for Children with Special Needs. • Renamed the Children with Special Needs Fund in 2002.

  5. WHAT DOES THE CSN FUND COVER? • Wheelchair Ramps (maximum $3500) • Air Conditioners (maximum $500) • Van Lift & Tie Downs (maximum $6500) • *Ceiling Lifts • *Stair Lifts • *Platform Lifts • Electrical Upgrades (maximum $1000) • Therapeutic Tricycles and bikes (maximum $1500)

  6. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 5) A letter from the landlord approving wheelchair ramp & electrical service upgrade (if renting home). 6) Financial assessment (if the child is not enrolled in CSHCS). • Letter of medical necessity from the child’s physician. • Letter of necessity from family. • Documentation of other resources sought. • Three quotes for the requested item.

  7. How is thecsn fund supported? • CSN Fund is supported solely by private dollars: • A portion of interest income earned from investments is used to sustain the Fund. • Donations from foundations such as Gerstacker, and many individuals and corporations funds more expensive equipment. OUR PRIORITY – protect the principal and continue growing the fund. OUTCOME – continue to help families for many years to come.

  8. Who is eligible to apply? • A child up to 21 years old enrolled in, or medically eligible to enroll in CSHCS. • Children covered by Adoption Subsidy and/or Community Mental Health must first apply to those agencies. • Children enrolled in Children’s Waiver are NOT eligible for assistance from the CSN Fund. • Other funding sources must be contacted first. The CSN Fund is the payor of last resort.

  9. Completing the application • Child Information • Parent/Guardian Information • CSHCS Local Health Department information • Other programs child receives services • Preferred vendor information • Application checklist • Signature • Financial Assessment Form (to be completed if the child is not enrolled in CSHCS). Applications are available online at www.michigan.gov/csnfund

  10. How decisions are made • Medical eligibility • Family income • Sometimes requests outside of covered items are reviewed by the CSN Fund Advisory Committee • Allow 4-6 weeks for a decision to be made • *Urgent requests may be expedited (for emergency situations only)

  11. Notification of Decisions: Approvals: • Letters are sent to LHD, vendor, and family. Denials: • Letters are sent to LHD and family. Incomplete Application: • Letters are sent to the family and LHD requesting more information from family. (90 days)

  12. Reasons for denial • Child not medically eligible • Item requested is not covered by the Fund • Child has Children’s Waiver, CMH, Adoption Subsidy, or Trust settlement • Child is over 21 years • Family income • Incomplete application (if family does not respond after 90 days) • Reimbursement request - The CSN Fund does not reimburse a family or provider for equipment already purchased.


  14. HOW CAN YOU ASSIST FAMILIES TO ACCESS THE FUND? • Tell families about the fund. • Assistfamilies in completing application. • Guide them in submitting their applications by mail, email, or fax. • Provide families with a list of vendors (call us for vendor location) and suggest other funding sources. • Call the CSN Fund if you have any questions or concerns.

  15. WHEN Beneficiaries ARE enrolled in other programs… • Request that they seek assistance from those programs first. • We can work with other programs but beneficiaries should seek assistance there first. • The CSN Fund is the payor of last resort. Funds cannot substitute or supplant federal/state programs. • Call the CSN Fund if there are questions or concerns about a beneficiary’s eligibility. • ……………………………………………………………………………………… • The CSN Fund promotes family-friendly service for beneficiaries.

  16. CHANGES UNDERWAY AT THE CSN FUND • New CSN Fund application - LHD information. - Guidelines and requirements streamlined. • Post-service Questionnaire • Website update - To include more info about the Fund. - Vendor information. – Other pertinent changes. • Annual Report

  17. How can someone make a donation? If you or someone you know would like to make a tax deductible donation to the fund, visit www.michigan.gov/csnfund or call (517) 241-7420. Donations can also be mailed to: Children with Special Needs Fund 320 S. Walnut Lansing, MI 48913

  18. Contact Information: Children With Special Needs Fund Presenter: Nanya Chiejine Phone: 517-335-9408 ChiejineN@michigan.gov Teresa Brown Phone: 517-241-9512 BrownT9@michigan.gov Manager: Orlene Christie Phone: 517-241-7420 Fax: 517-335-8055 Website:www.michigan.gov/csnfund

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