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Utah History Maps. By Christin Figgins. Trails and Boundaries of Deseret Mapping.
Utah History Maps By Christin Figgins
This map shows sites along the Mormon trail that were included in the journal of Patience Loader. You can see the distance between Martin’s Cove and Fort Bridger and the Salt Lake Valley.www.mapsorama.com/maps/north-america/united states/utah/Mormon_Trail.jpg.
This is the entire Pony Express route. The mail route between Missouri and California. www.nps.gov/poex/planyourvisit/maps.htm. This map shows a closer view of the Pony Express Trail as it passed through Utah. The trail passed south of Salt Lake City and north of Utah Lake near present-day Provo. The trail through Utah was 241 miles long. www.nps.gov/poex/planyourvisit/auto_ut.htm. Pony Express Trail
The Old Spanish Trail www.oldspanishtrail.org/learn/maps.php
The Dominguez-Escalante Trail • Map of the Dominguez-Escalante route taken by the Catholic priests as they were in search of a route between Santa Fe, New Mexico and California. There route through the state of Utah is very similar to the present day I-15. • wchsutah.org/roads/dominguez-escalante-trail.php
The State of Deseret • The tentative state of Deseret was dissolved on March 28, 1851. The present state of Utah is less than ¼ the size of the proposed Deseret. • www.lightplanet.com/mormons/daily/history/1844_1877/deseret_state_eom.htm.
Mountain Meadows • This map shows where the massacre occurred in comparison to the cities of Cedar City and St. George. • Law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/mountainmeadows/mmmmap2.jpg
Cove Fort • Located approximately 71 miles north of Cedar City. • www.covefort.com/map.htm
Camp Floyd • Camp Floyd, located just west of the present city of Lehi and near the town of Fairfield, was the first military post built in the state of Utah. It was built in 1858 to house federal soldiers sent to Utah during the “Mormon War”. • www.nps.gov/poex/planyourvisit/site7.htm.
Fort Douglas • Fort Douglas was located just at the base of the mountains on the eastern bench of Salt Lake City. It is now part of the campus of the University of Utah. It was started in 1862 as a camp to guard the Overland Mail route during the Civil War. • web.utah.edu/facilities/fd/welcome/location_map.html
Fort Bridger • Fort started by mountainman Jim Bridger to help settlers along the Oregon, California, and Mormon trails with needed supplies. Mormon settlers left this fort shortly before nearing the end of their trail. • www.lds.org/library/pio_sto/Pioneer_Trail/33_Fort_Bridger.html
Fort Uintah • This early fort was built by a trader and his family named Robidoux. This trading post was near a cutoff used by traders along the Spanish Trail to avoid paying hefty Mexican taxes. This was the first non-native settlement and business in the state of Utah. • www.nman.us/FortUncompahgreMap.htm.
Mountain Ranges in Utah(Uintah, Wasatch, and Oquirrh) • Geology.utah.gov/surveynotes/gladasked/gladglaciers.htm.
Lakes and Rivers • Utah Rivers Shown on the Map: Bear River, Colorado River, Dirty Devil River, Duchesne River, East Fork Sevier River, Escalante River, Fremont River, Green River, Lake Fork River, Muddy Creek, Otter Creek, Paria River, Price River, Provo River, San Juan River, San Pitch River, San Rafael River, Sevier River, Uinta River, Virgin River, Weber River, White River and Willow Creek. Utah Lakes Shown on the Map: Bear lake, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Great Salt Lake, Lake Powell, Piute Reservior,Sevier Lake, Starvation Reservoir, Strawberry Reservior, and Utah Lake. • geology.com/lakes-rivers-water/utah.shmtl.
Lake Bonneville • During the last Ice Age, around 28,000 to 7,000 years ago, the Great Slat Lake was much bigger and was known as Lake Bonneville. • En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Bonneville.
The Great Basin/Colorado Plateau Province Hinge Line In this map one can see the hinge line showing all the rivers to the right of the line flowing into the Colorado River, and those to the left of the line flow into the Great Basin. Ilivehistory.utah.gov/place/land/maps/provinces.html#map.
Valleys in Utahilovehistory.utah.gov/place/land/maps/provinces.html#map Cache Valley Cache Valley Salt Lake Valley Utah Valley Ashley Valley San Pete Valley Sevier Valley
National Parks(Zions, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands) • www.fiveutahparks.com/area_map.html