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Tech Lab Procedures. Ms. Baker. Please don’t touch your computer. By PresenterMedia.com. How To Enter the Classroom. All students will line up in a single file line outside the Tech Lab door. When the line is quiet you will be invited inside. All students will enter quietly.
Tech Lab Procedures Ms. Baker Please don’t touch your computer By PresenterMedia.com
How To Enter the Classroom • All students will line up in a single file line outside the Tech Lab door. • When the line is quiet you will be invited inside. • All students will enter quietly. • No running.
Walk to assigned computer station. • Navigate to Ms Baker’s Tech Lab Websitethen to your Grade level page. • Begin Bell work Keybording typing test. • Complete test 3 times minimum. • When finished with test, choose a Keyboarding activity until timer goes off. NO GAMES ARE PERMITTED. • Turn off monitors and face Ms. Baker, waiting quietly for instructions. 4th – 8th Grades
Verbal Warning/points taken from pride card or R-Card. • Think Tank: • • Don’t participate • • Complete Think Tank Worksheet • • Lose “special buck” as a class • 3. Send student out to another classroom/folder work* • * Teacher will assign lunch detention or after school detention as needed Consequences of Bad Choices…
1. Will be asked to shut down computer and sit on the floor. 2. A zero for the day will be given • A comment of non-participation will be made in the gradebook. • Students will complete a “think tank” form explaining why they chose not to participate. Continuous non-participation will initiate a lunch detention, parent phone call then after school detention. Students choosing not to Participate
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Technology Assignments Wednesday:Tech Bucks day if earned Our schedule
Earned Reward by having positive class behavior. • Some educational activities MAY include:1. Free choice educational game.2. Introduction to a new online tool. • 3. Work on a past assignment/program. • When the CLASS earns 4 or more tech bucks…they earn a free choice game day. Free choice days are Wednesday only. Tech Bucks Day
1. Will be asked to log off and sit on the floor. 2. A zero will be given for the day, comment in gradebook will be made. Student will lose Friday Internet Activity Day if earned by the class. You are not in technology class to play games. All games will be educational and picked by Ms. Baker. (per AUP policy) Students playing unauthorized games at inappropriate times…
When I flash the lights 3 times that is the indication that you need to stop what you are doing, save work, EXIT OUT and line up QUIETLY at the X in a single file line. In line there will be NO: • TOUCHING OTHERS…face forward • RUNNING • DO NOT TOUCH ANOTHER STUDENTS’ COMPUTER • DO NOT TOUCH ACTIVBOARD. At the End of class…
Buckeye student screen should be showing (blue screen). • Headphones placed over CPU. • NO paper, pencils, trash. • Chairpushed in. What should my station look like when I leave?
To get respect you need to give respect. Please respect your surroundings and the people in it. RESPECT…RESPECT…RESPECT
Today’s Objectives: • Complete the 5 min. typing test • Choose a TYPING GAME only to work on after.
Please find a spot immediately on the carpet behind the GREEN line. • All students are to sit in the middle of the room in FRONT of the ActivBoard. • DO NOT run around the room as you enter. • DO NOT touch other students as you enter. • Sit Criss–Cross Applesauce giving enough room between you and your neighbor. • Waitquietly for directions. Kinder – 3rd Grades:
It’s very simple… When ms. Baker is giving instructions…
All students are quiet. When ms. Baker is giving instructions…
There is only one of me. Everyone is important and I will make my way to you as quickly as possible. Work on what you can until I get to you.
Students getting out of their seat without permission. Students going to game sites without permission. Disrespectful behavior to me or others. Talking in outside voices. Students not following the rules of the classroom. What DO I FINd bad choices to be?A Few examples:
You must take/bring back the bathroom pass. • Only ONE student allowed in the bathroom at a time. • You will need a pass for the nurse from me. • Students feeling extremely sick or bleeding, etc. Will only be allowed to go to the nurse. Bathroom/Nurse
First, ask your neighbors. Second, put up your red cup and wait patiently. DO NOT SHOUT OUT MY NAME! IF you HAVE A QUESTION…