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Understanding the Bullying Prevention Law of 2010 in Massachusetts

Learn about the Massachusetts law enacted in 2010 to prevent bullying in schools, including definitions of bullying, cyberbullying, reporting procedures, and consequences. Understand the importance of training adults and maintaining a safe environment.

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Understanding the Bullying Prevention Law of 2010 in Massachusetts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Bullying Prevention Lawof 2010 WPS Staff Training

  2. Introduction Erica Cole High School Assistant Principal Claude Valle Middle School Assistant Principal

  3. Background In response to a number of events in the news over the past several years, the State of Massachusetts passed a new law in the spring of 2010 to prevent bullying in schools.

  4. Why are we here? In addition to prevention, the law gives guidelines about what should happen when bullying is reported. It also requires school systems to train all adults that come in contact with our students about the new law.

  5. Before we get into the Law… Please know, most of what the law tells us to do is simply what people in good school systems like Weston have been doing for years.

  6. Specifics: Definition of Bullying Bullying is the repeated use of writing, words, gestures, or electronics that: • causes physical or emotional harm • places someone in fear of harm • creates a hostile environment • disrupts education in the building

  7. Cyber-Bullying Includes, but is not limited to: • creating a web page or blog in which the creator pretends they are someone else • pretending you are someone else while posting • any communication transmitted or posted that causes emotional harm or places somebody in fear of harm

  8. Bullying at School and elsewhere • Bullying is not allowed on school grounds, at school-related activities, on school buses, or using school technology. • Bullying is also not allowed at non-school activities or on non-school technology if it creates a hostile environment at school for the target.

  9. Retaliation “Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying, shall be prohibited.”

  10. Also in the Law… • If adults see behaviors that might be interpreted by a reasonable person as bullying, they are required to report it. • If a report is made, the Principal or their designeee is required to investigate. • If the incident meets the criteria of bullying, the Principal or their designee will determine appropriate consequences according to district poilcy and procedures.

  11. Important Notes • Adults are required to report any incident that a reasonable person would find of concern – it is the job of the investigators to determine if bullying actually occurred. • Bullying is a conclusion – other possible conclusions include peer conflict (it goes both ways) and harassment (a one-time incident.)

  12. Reporting Procedures If I suspect Bullying, who do I report it to? • Elementary Schools (Country, Woodland, Field) • Building Principal • School Adjustment Counselor • Secondary Schools (Middle and High Schools) • Building Principal • Vice Principal

  13. Country School Building Principal: Christine Price School Adjustment Counselor: Amy Black

  14. Woodland School Building Principal: Deborah Dunn School Adjustment Counselor: Carrie Dyball

  15. Field School Building Principal: Matt Lucey School Adjustment Counselor: Terri Miller

  16. Middle School Building Principal: John Gibbons Vice Principal: Claude Valle

  17. High School Building Principal: Anthony Parker Vice Principal: Erica Cole

  18. Questions

  19. To reach us Erica Cole, WHS Assistant Principal colee@mail.weston.org Claude Valle, WMS Assistant Principal vallec@mail.weston.org

  20. Thank you

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