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Michael Jordan: The Legends of Air Jordan

Learn about the incredible basketball career of Michael Jordan, known as "Air Jordan" for his powerful slam-dunks. Discover his talent, competitive spirit, teamwork, and love for the game.

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Michael Jordan: The Legends of Air Jordan

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  2. Introduction In the previous passage, we have read about an outstanding Chinese basketball player — Yao Ming, who is the first foreign-born player to be picked as No. 1 in the NBA draft. In this text, we will meet another great American basketball player—Michael Jordan, who got the nickname “Air Jordan” for his powerful slam-dunk. He was NBA’s MVP for six times. As is told by the author, Michael’s coach, Michael’s greatness lies not only in his talent, but also in his understanding of teamwork, his competitive spirit and his love for the game.

  3. Questions and Answers Directions: Read through the text and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. • The text is written by ____. • A. a basketball player B. a basketball coach • C. a basketball fan D. a sports news reporter • 2. What is true about Michael Jordan? _____ • A. He can’t jump high. B. He can’t run fast. • C. He can shoot well. D. He can take a day off. B C >>>more

  4. 3. What does “ Playing outstanding defense didn’t come straight to him” in Sentence 6, Paragraph 2 mean?_____ A. He was not outstanding at playing defense at the very beginning. B. He was outstanding at playing defense from the very beginning. C. Playing outstanding defense was important to him. D. Playing outstanding defense was not important to him. A >>>more

  5. D 4. Michael Jordan was all the following, except ____. A. respecting other players on the court B. giving a hand to an opponent who falls down C. having competitive spirit D. building himself up by tearing others down >>>more

  6. A. The coach regarded Michael Jordan as a friend. B. Many children with serious diseases can get a chance to meet Michael Jordan C. Michael Jordan has influenced many other basketball players through his love for the game. D. Michael Jordan doesn't think talent is everything a person needs for success in playing basketball. C 5. Which of the following is NOT true?_____.

  7. Michael Jordan Intensive Reading Para. 1 Most people love Michael Jordan. He's the NBA's No. 1 player who can run fast, jump high and shoot well. All these things are true, but there are other truths about Michael that are not so easily seen: his understanding of teamwork, his competitive spirit and his love for the game. It is these truths that form the deepest connection between Michael and me.

  8. Para. 2 After coaching him for eight seasons, I still wonder at Michael's love for the game that moves us, even in practice games. I mean, he never takes a day off. One thing about Michael is that he takes nothing about his game for granted. When he first came to the NBA back in 1984, his outside shooting was not perfect, and he began to practice shooting hundreds of shots each day. In the end, he became a real three-point shooter. Playing outstanding defense didn't come straight to him, either. He had to study his opponents, learn their usual moves and then try hard to learn the skills necessary to stop them. He worked extremely hard to perfect his footwork and his balance.

  9. Para. 3 Today, so many young people come to the game with the thought that talent is all they need for success. Michael thinks the other way. He knows his weaknesses, and for me, one of the signs of Michael's greatness is that he has turned his weaknesses into strengths.

  10. Para. 4 Another of the qualities I respect most about Michael is his performance on the court. Whilst he is very competitive, he always respects the other players, whether they are on his team or on the other side. Often, he gives a hand to an opponent who falls down. He is definitely not the type of player who would try to build himself up by tearing someone else down. This is an act of leadership. Through his outstanding performance on the court, he has won love and respect from both his teammates and opponents.

  11. Para. 5 Every season, Michael makes himself available to groups of children with serious diseases. He puts them at ease, lets them have a laugh, and makes it possible for them to enjoy basketball. When Michael retires, I only hope that young players like Grant Hill and Kobe Bryant will be influenced by his performance and by his sense of fair play. I hope that people will remember him for much more than just his championship rings. Being Michael's coach has been a great joy. But more importantly, I consider Michael to be a friend.

  12. competitive:竞争的,好强的,好竞争 e.g. –…hiscompetitive spirit他的竞争意识 1. 她网球打得好,而且喜欢赢球。 - She is very competitive in tennis; she likes to win. 2. 我生性好强。 - I have a very competitivenature. 3. 所有这些都是竞技性体育项目。 - All these are competitive sports.

  13. It is/was…that/who… 强调句型:该结构可强调除谓语动词以外的其他成分。 e.g. - It is these truths that form the deepest connection between Michael and me. 正是这些真实的东西使我和迈克尔建立了最为密切的关系。 Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1. It ____ not until two decades ago _____ transistors began to replace electron tubes on a large scale. 2. It ____ the president _________ should be responsible for the scandal. was that that/who is

  14. e.g. - I still wonder at Michael's love for the game that moves us. 我仍然惊异于迈克尔对这项运动的热爱。 wonder:v.想知道;感到惊讶 n.惊奇,奇迹 1.我想知道那么多年之后她会是什么样子。 - I wonder what she will look like after so many years. 2.看到那大瀑布,他们心中惊叹不已。 - They were filled with wonder at the sight of the great waterfall.

  15. e.g. - He takes nothing about his game for granted. 他对这项运动一丝不苟。 take… for granted:想当然;认为理所当然 1. 一些人把自己的所得当成理所当然,而且总想要得更多。 - Some people take what they get forgranted and always want more. 2. 这个男孩觉得父母照顾他 是理所当然的。 - The boy took it forgranted that his parents would look after him.

  16. e.g. - He began to practice shooting hundreds of shots each day. 他每天练几百次投篮。 practice doing sth.:练习;实践 Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the givenwords. 1.You must practice (speak) _________ English more. 2. They’re practice (sing) _________ the new song. speaking singing

  17. in the end (= finally; at last)终于,最后 e.g. -In the end , he became a real three point shooter. 最终他成了一名优秀的三分投球手。 1. 经过大量练习之后,他终于成为一名好演员。 With much practice, he became a good actor intheend. 2. 最后他终于成功了。 He succeeded intheend.

  18. try hard to do sth:努力做某事 e.g. -…and then try hard to learn the skills necessary to stop them 然后努力掌握必要的技能来防守 1.男孩艰难地把笨重的箱子扛上楼。 -The boytried hard tocarry the heavy trunk upstairs. 2.学生们努力把所学知识用于实践中。 - The students are trying hard to put what they have learnt into practice.

  19. e.g. - He worked extremely hard to perfect his footwork and his balance. 他极其努力地完善自己的步法和平衡能力。 perfect :v.使完善;使完美 1. 她希望完善自己拉小提琴的技巧。 -She hoped to perfecther technique of playing the violin. 2.他们决心改进和完善现有的武器。 -They are bent to improving and perfecting existing weaponry.

  20. e.g. -Today, so many young people come to the game with the thought that talent is all they need for success. 今天,许多年轻的孩子加入这项运动时都认为天赋就是获得成功所需要的一切。 talent:天赋;才能 1.鲁道夫有音乐天赋。 -Rudolph had a talent for music. 2.这种工作需要特殊才能。 -This sort of wok calls for special talents.

  21. on the court:在球场上 e.g.- Another of the qualities I respect most about Michael is his performance on the court. 另一个品质也让我非常尊重迈克尔,那就是他在场上的表现。 1.所有的球员在6点之前就来到了球场。 All the players were alreadyon the courtbefore six. 2.我们在排球场上打球。 We played ona volleyball court. 3.比赛者应遵守场上规则。 Players must behave well on court.

  22. give a hand to:帮忙;援助 e.g. -Often, he gives a hand to an opponent who falls down. 他经常向摔倒的球员伸出援手。 1.帮我抬一下这个重箱子好吗? - Could you givemea hand with this heavy case? 2. 他总是在别人有困难时伸出援助之手。 - He always gives others a hand when they are in trouble.

  23. definitely:毫无疑问地,明确地 e.g. - He is definitely not the type of player who would try to build himself up by tearing someone else down。 他决不是那种靠诋毁他人来抬高自己的球员。 1. 这无疑是最振奋人心的消息了. This is definitely the most exciting news. 2. 我已经明确告诉了你我的观点. I have told you my opinion very definitely. 3. “你来吗?” “一定来.” “Are you coming ?” “Definitely!”

  24. e.g. – For weeks the media has been building up the national basketball team. 几星期来,媒体都在大肆吹捧国家篮球队。 build someone/sth up:吹捧;建立;增强 1. 他写了好几篇文章来吹捧他最喜爱的电影明星。 -He wrote several articles to build up the movie star he liked best. 2. 做一个警察就必须建立与民众之间的互信。 -Being a cop means building up trust with the people on the streets.

  25. e.g. – The old houses along the road will be torn down. 马路两边的老房子将要被拆除。 tear down:贬低;推倒;拆毁 1. 他总是贬低别人。 -He keeps tearing down others. 2. 拆毁已有10年之久的建筑物往往比改建他们更便宜。 -It is often cheaper to tear down the ten-year-old buildings than to modify them.

  26. e.g. - Every season, Michael makes himself available to groups of children who suffer diseases. 每个赛季,迈克尔总会去探望一些身患重症的孩子。 available:可获得的;可用的;可找到的 1. 图书馆里有这本书。 -This book is available in the library. 2. 通过使用计算机可以获得更多的信息。 -More information becomes available through the use of computers.

  27. e.g. – He puts them at ease, lets them have a laugh. 他使他们轻松自如,笑声朗朗。 at ease:放松;感到自在 1. 医生很快就使焦虑的病人放松下来。 -The doctor soon made the worried patient at ease. 2. 我的笑脸使她不再拘束了。 -My smiling face set her at ease. 3. 他跟不了解的人在一起便拘谨不安。 -He was illat ease with people whom he was not familiar with.

  28. influence:影响,对······起作用 e.g. - I only hope that young players will be influenced by his performance and by his sense of fair play. 我只希望年轻球员会受他的影响,包括球技和公平竞争意识。 1.他父亲在很多方面对他影响很大。 - His father influenced him a lot in many ways. 2. 庄稼严重地受到大雨的影响。 -The crop was greatly influenced by the heavy rain.

  29. Test Yourself Section A:Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate answer. 1. I was ___ which country to visit in the coming summer vacation. A) finding B) wondering C) worrying D) doubting 2. Mr. Black is looking forward to ___ his Chinese partner soon. A) seeing B) see C) be seeing D) have seen 3. On April 1st they flew to Beijing, ____they stayed several day. A) when B) where C) which D) there B A B

  30. C 4. If a basketball is placed near a fire, the ball will _____. A) extend B) expose C) expand D) export 5. Jerry received a letter yesterday ____ that he got the job. A) telling B) talking C) speaking D) saying 6. It was in this place_____ the boy was born. A) that B) which C) where D) when 7. They are going to take a week ____after one year’s work. A) of B) off C) out D) away 8. The little girl is practicing ______English with a foreign visitor. A) to speak B) speak C) speaking D) spoke D A B C

  31. Section B: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in the brackets. 1. The girls happily look forward to (see) ______ the movie star at the party. 2. (unfortunate)_______________, she has got a cold and can’t attend the conference. 3. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need some (practice) _________ advice for getting out of the trouble. 4. The little child dare not (walk) ______ in the forest alone. seeing Unfortunately practical walk

  32. waiting 5. She was not happy because he had kept her (wait) _______ for half an hour. 6. His hard work made it possible for him (pass) _____ the final exam. 7. Most of the boys enjoy (play) ________football after school. 8. He often gives a hand to an old man who (need) ______to be looked after. to pass playing needs

  33. To Be Number One this is what we've worked for all our livesreaching for the highest goal we canwe choose to give it allwhen competition callstime records the victory in our heartsto win or lose is not the only thingit's all in how we play the fairest gamethis is the chance we takereaching for the toptime records the victory in our heartsto be number one running like the windplaying hard but always playing fair(oh yeah) to be number onewinning again and againreaching higherthrough Italian skythis is what we've worked for all our livesshining like a shooting star at nightwe've got to give it allwhen we hear the calltime records the victory in our heartsto be number one!

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