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Discover how title sequences in films use, develop, and challenge conventions. Explore narrative, discrete, and stylized styles alongside genre-specific conventions of romantic and thriller films.
Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Purpose film titles. A media convention can be defined as a typical elements in which you expect to see in many media products, such a text, images, sound, Normally, an audience would expect the cast and crew to appear in the title sequence, as a way of informing individuals as to whom will be acting the production, as well as enhancing the audience’s knowledge of the film. As evident here in a film staring Leonardo DiCaprio, it is made clear to the audience whom participated in the film within the title sequence. Similarly, the film ‘Grease’ showcasing whom will be starting in it within the opening title sequence. Thus allowing the audience to develop their knowledge the film. Evidently, Breakfast at tiffany’s also place a lot on emphasize on revealing who took part in the film.
Conventions of a title sequence Film types They are three main film types which can be seen in title sequences, these types being: 1. Narrative A narrative title is a title that is integrated into the moving images in some way and begins as the film itself begins. Most of the time it is seen as an establishing shot or as part of the series of establishing shots. 2. Discrete A discrete title is a title that is integrated into the moving images but it isn't entirely clear what the film's plot or story line is. This kind of title sequence helps to set the tone and give clues to what could happen later in the film where we have an 'ah' moment when we realize the significance of the titles. 3.Stylized A stylized title can be a mixture of the other two sub categories in terms of what we see by. The moving image and the title credits have been stylized (with filters, motions) to create a combined effect.
Conventions of a title sequence 2.Discrete An example of a discrete film sequence is from the film The wedding Singer (1998) 1.Narrative An example of a narrative film sequence is from Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Film types 3.Stylized An example of a stylized sequence is from the movie Skyfall (2012) from the James Bond franchise.
The conventions of the romantic genre Typically, in a film opening with the romantic genre, as an audience we expect to view something with an all around happy tone/feel. Love is always significant part of the storyline. Romantic films often focused on elements of happiness, as well as the whole ‘happy ever after’ aspect. Normally, romantic film openings are often shot in during the day, as the bright lighting symbolizes happiness and safety for many. Moreover the romantic film openings normally have colors relating to romance, such as red and pink, which to many connote happiness and love. The non-diegetic sound which is normally used, is often a soundtrack with an upbeat tone in order to, once again place emphasize on happiness. Thus creating a positive atmosphere for the audience, as well as placing a clear indication on the romantic genre. This is evident In the film Grease: (link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phwOOmFYudU
The conventions of the thriller genre. Normally, the thriller genre includes a wide range of conventions, many similar to the horror genre however not so gory. Normally within a thriller film opening, the opening if often discrete. The main purpose of a thriller is create tension and suspense, thus resulting in the audience being more excited and intrigued to watch the film. The open of a thrillers is often shot at night, in order to foreshadow an element of danger and create tension amongst the audience. Often violence if the key element of thriller. Therefore, this element is often highlight through sound, which have a fast tempo in order to symbiosis, fast action/ danger theme. Moreover danger and violence in a thriller movie can be indicated through both the font and color of the text, for instance the colors connoting danger such as black and red, and often having bold italic text in order to pay homage to the traditional thriller/crime movie. A example of this through the movie: Silent of the lambs. (link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyLI4eL2c_s
Comparison of title credits Addicted vs. The Dream: Genre (hyrprid): Romantic-Thriller As we were inspired by the film addicted in order to create our opening credits, I decided that it would be best compare both the of the sequences. Addicted: The opening credits of addicted is very unique. The font as well as color of the text allow for the foreshadowing of the key themes within the film. Moreover, it is clear that the makers of addicted purposely implemented certain elements within the credit such as the color red. Red connotes danger; thus allowing the audience to feel, some sort of tension, a s they predict that an element of danger will occur The Dream: Similarly, our production ‘The Dream’ also uses the opening credits to hint at the themes within the film. To begin with our credits are also very similar to the credit within the film addicted. We placed a lot of emphasize on the use of color, in order to foreshadow the themes. The use of white red showcased the contrast between love (romantic genre) and danger (thriller genre).