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Presidents Report for 13th Meeting -- March 27th , 2013

Presidents Report for 13th Meeting -- March 27th , 2013 . By: Wanika Fisher GSA President . Welcome 1 st Timers!!!!! . If it your first time at GSA please: Stand up State your name, department/ college Anything you else you would like to say! . New Justice Appointment .

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Presidents Report for 13th Meeting -- March 27th , 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presidents Report for 13th Meeting -- March 27th , 2013

    By: Wanika Fisher GSA President
  2. Welcome 1st Timers!!!!! If it your first time at GSA please: Stand up State your name, department/ college Anything you else you would like to say!
  3. New Justice Appointment Emily McLaughlin Law Student
  4. Where’s Wanika? Penn State Board of Trustees Meeting at Penn State Hershey Harold L. Paz, M.D., Senior Vice President for Health Affairs, Dean, College of Medicine, and Chief Executive Officer, the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center will provided an update on the medical center.
  5. Penn State Board of Trustees Meeting at Penn State Hershey Off-Premises Catering Permit for Nittany Lion Inn (alcoholic beverages will now be able to be provided) Authorized firm of Moody Nolan Inc. for IM Building phases Room and Board Charges for the 2013 Fall Semester 1.9% (increase by $140) Upgrade Radio Communication System PSU Wireless and ISIS Replacement Data Center Updates
  6. Blue and White Vision Council At the end of the council’s commission Worked through the Preliminary Draft “ A Vision for Penn State: A Report of the Blue and White Vision Council”
  7. Sigma Phi Epsilon Talk Gave presentation to the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon on why leadership matters, the benefits of graduate/professional school and macro PSU issues
  8. Updates on University Searches Director of University Compliance and Ethics Compliance – Regis W. Becker Athletic Integrity Officer - Julie Del Giorno Candidates for Executive vice president and provost Presidential Search with Isaacson, Miller (the executive search firm) at Student Leader Roundtable Regis Becker Julie Del Giorno
  9. Graduate School Alumni Society Board of Directors Meeting Celebration of 150 Years of Graduate Education President Elect- Krishna Nadella (Smeal) Better Relationship with GSA. Potential involvement with Graduate Cup Mentorship Program http://www.gradsch.psu.edu/av/gsas.html
  10. GRADUATE CUP http://www.pennstategsa.com/graduate-cup.html Currently at 411 people signed up on teams!!!!! Sat. April 13th, 2013 Commission is recruiting volunteers and we really need GSA members to step up! Meeting Sundays at 3pmin GSA office and please come help out!
  11. 2013 Transition Structure Allowing any interested candidate to start shadowing a current executive board member Meetings Left in the Year After Elections April 10, 2013 April 24, 2013 (Location: Law School or Kern) On April 10, 2013 will be official transition meeting but current executive board along with new board will share reporting responsibility until the end of the year All current GSA members in every position need to work on exit memos
  12. Office Hours are in place! GSA OFFICE HOURS Monday 9AM-6PM Wednesday 4PM-6PM Thursday 2:30PM-6:30PM To contact our office manager please email gsaofficemanager@gmail.com Email office manager if you have not gotten access to the GSA contact list on google docs
  13. Office Items Women’s Large, Men’s Large and Women’s Small is In We have tons of Pastel Colored paper in GSA locker! Any committee or delegate that needs paper please email and please state color and how much you need. gsaofficemanager@gmail.com
  14. Thanks for your attention during my last report as President! Any questions or comments?
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