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Sustainable Plantation Agriculture: Perennial Crop Production Technology

Learn about the significance of perennial crops in plantation agriculture, including crop classification, old and new characteristics, and the benefits of cultivating these crops. Discover the key factors influencing plantation crops and their role in the agricultural industry.

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Sustainable Plantation Agriculture: Perennial Crop Production Technology

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  1. Perrenial Crop Production Technology

  2. Perrenial Crop • Things that are permanent, constant, or repeated • Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring • A crop living for several years or for many years

  3. Why when we learn perrenial crops, we must larn plantataion Agriculture?

  4. Plantation Agriculture

  5. Definition • Large scale agriculture in the tropics or subtropic area • A specialized type of large farm ( size > 5 ha and 10 workers) • Large scale agriculture specialized high input/high output farming system that is import oriented (Goldthorphe, 1987, 1994) • A farm of over 100 ha in size , within specialized management team in charge of labour forces with specialized production technique • An area that are typically monocropped with perennial producing tropical or sub-tropical products that commonly require prompt initial processing and for which there is an export market • Agriculture with an industrialized management system

  6. Plantation Agriculture • Plantation of Crops (Crop Plantation) • Cultivation of limited number of crops (monoculture) • Any undertaking employing hired workers to cultivate listed crops • Segalakegiatanpengelolaansumberdayaalam, sumberdayamanusia, saranaproduksi, alatdanmesin, budidaya, panen, pengolahandanpemasaranterkaittanamanperkebunan (UU no. 39/2014 tentangperkebunan) • Plantation Forest/Timber Plantation/Forest Plantation • Man-made forest where cultivation is generally less intensive • A forest trees or stand raised artificially either by sowing or planting

  7. Plantation - Ranches

  8. Plantation Crops • Tanaman tahunan atau semusim yang jenis dan tujuan pengelolaannya untuk usaha perkebunan • Crops that may be grown on plantation • Tropical – subtropical export crops • Cash crop • a. any crop that is considered easily marketable • b. a crop that is grown to be sold rather than used by the farmer • c. an agricultural crop which is grown for sale to return a profit • Industrial crops • a crop grown to produce good to be used in the production sector

  9. Plantation crops • Perennial • Crops which are alive year around and harvested multiple time before dying • a. Cocoa b. Coffee • c. Tea d. Rubber • e. Oil palm f. Coconut • g. Citrus h. banana • i. Cashew j. Glove • k. Pepper • 2. Shrub • a small to medium size of woody plants • a. Jute b. Sisal • c. Hemp d. Tobacco • e. Pineapples f. Sugarcane • g. Cotton

  10. Crop Plantation Classification (1) • Smallholders • it is common to have additional crop planted between raw particularly when land is scarce and plot sizes are small and the land must be used intensively. • During the first few years after a perennial has been planted, there is considerable space between the seedlings, making it possible to interplant annual crops that require direct sunlight • Large scale plantations • a. it established by European during the perennial periods • b. Plantation tend to be particularly significant in the countries with colonial past • c. The primary unit of production is the company or corporation, and management decisions is professional • d. Lands generally are owned by the company or at least the government • e. There is an extensive use of modern agricultural technology, mechanization and mechanical inputs • f. except coffee and cocoa, large scale perennial are usually monoculture

  11. Crop Plantation Classification (2) • Smallholding typically less than 10 ha • Small plantations frequently family owned or belonging to small companies operating only in the counting (10 – 100 ha) • Large plantation (or estates) from 100 ha to several thousand ha

  12. Plantation Crops Old Characteristics • Tropical or sub tropical product for which there is an export market and that may also be an internal market • Most of them used prompt initial processing • Crop is funelled through a single or a few intermediate marketing point for the purposed of bulking processing or standardization before reaching the consumers • They typically require large amount of fixed capital investment • They generate some activity for most of the year, so that economic efficiency is not incompatible with a large permanent labour force • Mono-cropping is characteristics, though not-universal, since it makes possible standardized management practices ad marketing channels • They characterized by reduced the possibility of rapid change in either product or process, making them valuable to change either in commodity prices or in factors price

  13. Plantation Crops New Characteristics • They were generally large area • They were financed by companies • They were directed by modern management • They sponsored in research in cultivation and processing • They used indentured labour rather than slaves • They were generally an important but not dominating labourfeatured of local economy • Tree crops were the most important crops for export

  14. Course Outline • History of plantation agriculture (2 ws) • Perennial Plantation Crops (2 ws) • Perennial Plantation Technique (2 ws) • Perennial Plantation Production System (1 w) • Seminar 1 • Seminar 2 • Seminar 3 • Seminar 4 • Seminar 5

  15. Perennial Plantation crops a. Cocoa b. Coffee c. Tea d. Rubber e. Oil palm f. Coconut g. Cashew h. Glove i. Pepper

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