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COBB Tuning offers you the ultimate personal tuning solution for your WRX. Save time and money with the ability to conveniently reprogram your vehicle's computer (ECU) by selecting one of the pre-installed performance "maps" that automatically optimize settings such as the air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, boost and more for performance results you can instantly feel.
Simple ECU flashing with gauge package! The new incabin mountable Accessport V3 has a large, full color, higher resolution screen which allows you to monitor up to six parameters in real time.
Fully customizable from the look (multiple bezel colors), layout (set up race, street, or dyno gauge clusters), and mounting options (choose from 1,000s of standard vehicle mounts).
And what's looks without brains? More processing power, memory, and storage to flash faster while saving all of your maps and logs. This is your new Accessport.
Are you to busy to worry about tuning your own car? Would you like piece of mind knowing your vehicle's computer (ECU) is protected against accidental damage. Are you ready to spend less time fumbling with a laptop and more time driving?
COBB Tuning offers you the ultimate personal tuning solution for your WRX. Save time and money with the ability to conveniently reprogram your vehicle's computer (ECU) by selecting one of the pre-installed performance "maps" that automatically optimize settings such as the air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, boost and more for performance results you can instantly feel.
However, the AccessPORT is so much MORE than just a REFLASH DEVICE. It allows you to monitor fuel economy (average and real time), perform performance tests in order to estimate your 0-60mph and 1/4 mile time, read and decipher ECU trouble codes (CELs), and monitor live data via the OEM vehicle sensors which eliminates the need for aftermarket gauges.
Stage 1 Kit Includes: - AccessPORT- Quick Start User Guide- USB Cable- OBDII Connector- Soft Case- Blue and Silver Bezels- Mount
Note - The 2008+ WRX/STI do not need to have the test connectors connected as stated in the instruction booklet to install the AccessPORT. These vehicles will automatically go into test mode thanks to the CAN BUS protocol.
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