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Weight Control Introduction

Weight Control Introduction. Health Miss Kilker. Why Do You Eat?. Hunger: The body’s physical response to the need for food. Appetite: A desire, rather than a need to eat certain types of food. What Foods Do You Choose?. Factors that affect food choices: Smell and taste of the food Mood

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Weight Control Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Weight Control Introduction Health Miss Kilker

  2. Why Do You Eat? • Hunger: • The body’s physical response to the need for food. • Appetite: • A desire, rather than a need to eat certain types of food.

  3. What Foods Do You Choose? • Factors that affect food choices: • Smell and taste of the food • Mood • Family traditions and ethnic background • Social occasions • Religious traditions • Health concerns • Advertising • Cost and availability

  4. Food Provides Energy • Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins are the energy-giving nutrients. • This energy they give are called CALORIES. • The right breakfast keeps you going: • When you wake up in the morning you usually haven’t eaten for 10-12 hours – if you skip breakfast, you haven’t eaten for 16 hours! Your brain needs glucose to function properly. • The ideal breakfast includes some carbs, fat, and protein because it “keeps you going” longer. (ex: yogurt, cereal, and fruit)

  5. How Much Energy Do You Need? • Depends on how much energy you’re using. • We need energy even if we’re not real active. • Most of the food and energy our bodies need are for basic functions such as breathing, circulating blood, and growing. • The amount needed for basic functions is called the BASAL METABOLIC RATE.

  6. BASAL METABOLIC RATE • First of all, what is metabolism? • Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself • Basal Metabolic Rate: • The minimum amount of energy needed to keep you alive when you are rested, fasting stage, such as right when you wake up in the morning. • The amount of energy that is used for BMR is different for each person

  7. See Calculations Calorie requirements and Finding BMR:

  8. So,... • The more active you are – the more energy you need. • The less active you are – the less energy you need.

  9. How Do I Find Out My BMR? • REMEMBER: BMR does not include the extra energy you need and use for activities beyond basic functions like walking to and from class, swimming, and/or basketball • Equation • Calculators on the internet • See discovery health website

  10. Why Are So Many Americans Overweight? • 2 reasons: • 1 – Lack of physical activity (often due to modern conveniences) • 2 – Our diet, we eat more than we need to, and choose foods high in sugar and fat • PORTION DISTORTION

  11. Why Do You Weigh What You Weigh? • Energy intake and expenditure • Heredity: • Control of your energy balance, body size, and body shape

  12. What is a Healthy Weight for Me? • There is more to a healthy body weight than just what the scale reads. • Healthy weights are different for different people…so, weight recommendations are given in a range. • When your weight is within the healthy weight range, your risk of getting diseases from having too much or too little body fat is low.

  13. What is a Healthy Weight for Me? Continued • Body Composition: • A measure of the proportion of body fat to lean muscle mass and bone. • Everyone is different depending on gender, age, body type, and heredity • Body Mass Index (BMI) • Determines an estimate of the percent of body fat in one’s body. • BMI = weight /height2 x 703

  14. A Healthy Weight Management Plan • Once you determine your ideal weight, you can set up a healthy weight management plan.

  15. HERE IS THE KEY! EASY AND SIMPLE • CALORIES IN versus CALORIES OUT • To maintain weight: • Equal calories in, equal calories out • To lose weight: • Less calories in, more calories out • To gain weight: • More calories in, less calories out

  16. 1 pound = 3,500 calories • Healthy weight loss is to lose 1 pound a week. • Why? • How do I lose 1 pound a week. Well, it all depends on calories in vs. calories out. • Therefore, if I want to lose 1 pound in a week, how many calories less would I have to take in OR how many calories would I have to expend in a day? • What about gaining a pound a week?

  17. The best way to do this: • Reduce calorie intake by 250 calories and expend 250 calories through physical activity each day. • 250 + 250 = 500 a day • 500 x 7 days a week = 3,500 calories • 3,500 calories = 1 pound

  18. Muscle weighs more than fat • Muscle weighs more than fat, BUT muscle uses much more energy than fat. Therefore, you want to maintain or increase muscle mass and lose fat instead. • Because muscle uses more energy for your body to maintain it – your metabolism increases, making weight lose easier.

  19. Tips for losing weight • Reduce portion sizes • Substitute poor foods with healthier choices • Example: Instead of double-scoop ice cream, choose an ice pop, frozen yogurt, or sherbet • Get moving! • Ride bike or walk to school rather than drive, etc.

  20. Dangerous Weight-Loss Practices • Fad diets: • A diet that requires major changes in your eating habits and promises quick results. • Often based on incorrect information. • Often cut out much needed nutrient foods. • If a diet says you need to cut out 1 or more of the 6 major nutrients, it is bogus. • Difficult to follow and keep up because the body craves the nutrients it needs. • Examples: • Atkins, South Beach Diet, Cabbage Soup diet, Grapefruit diet.

  21. Dangerous Weight-Loss Practices continued • Diet Pills: • Many attempts have been made to create a diet pill that causes easy and safe weight-loss – IT DOESN’T EXIST! • The pills out there now are often not FDA approved • Doctor can prescribe pills that aid weight-loss but only when combined with diet and exercise modification.

  22. Dangerous Weight-Loss Practices continued • Surgery: • A drastic method of reducing body weight. • Gastric Bypass: • Procedure that changes the structure of the digestive tract by bypassing part of the stomach and sometimes the intestine. • Very risky and only recommended for adults who weight-related health risks are more serious than the risk of surgery itself.

  23. THE BIG PICTURE • Remember the only safe and reliable way to manage your weight is to balance your food intake with your exercise. • It is a lifestyle change – that’s why quick and rapid weight-loss does not work and can’t be maintained over time.

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