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Media Relations

Media Relations. Jeanne Comerford Public Affairs Specialist USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Develop a communications plan. Who is your audience? What do they know? What do they want to know? What are their needs and/or concerns? What’s the best way to reach them?

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Media Relations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Media Relations Jeanne Comerford Public Affairs Specialist USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

  2. Develop a communications plan • Who is your audience? • What do they know? • What do they want to know? • What are their needs and/or concerns? • What’s the best way to reach them? • Create an action plan and timeline • How will you evaluate success?

  3. Publicity Brochures Fact sheets Website Media kits Posters Exhibits Presentations Give-away items Special events The communications toolbox Common message, look and feel.

  4. Publicity and media relations • What is publicity? • Why do you want it? • How do you get it? • Do something newsworthy • Let the media know about it

  5. Getting the word out • News releases • Media advisories Media contacts

  6. A news releaseis... • Like a news article that you writeabout your own organization • Intended for publication • A tool for getting publicity • A way to communicate with your clients

  7. A news release is not... • An advertisement • Guaranteed to be printed or aired • A letter to reporters or editors

  8. What makes news? • Relevance • Is your news of local interest? • Why should I care? • Impact • How does your news affect me, my life, my family? • Timeliness • Is your news about an upcoming event or a current issue?

  9. Writing a good news release • Most important facts in the lead paragraph • Details in later paragraphs • Be brief • Be accurate • Use correct grammar and spelling • Avoid jargon and acronyms

  10. What, When, Where, Who, Why Important Details Misc. Info. News Release Structure The Inverted Pyramid

  11. Dealing with the media • Have a plan before speaking with the media. • Keep track of media calls. • Be brief. • Return calls promptly. • Avoid speculationand opinion.

  12. Dealing with the media • Don’t joke with a reporter. • Don’t argue with a reporter. • Never ask to see a story before it goes to print. • It is OK to ask the reporter to read your quotes back to you.

  13. Dealing with the media • Accentuate the positive. • Stick to your message. • Keep your cool. • Never say the words “no comment.” • There is no such thing as off the record.

  14. Measures of success • News clips • Amount of literature distributed • Requests for information • Increased program participation • Increased revenue • Statistical analysis

  15. Questions? Jeanne ComerfordPublic Affairs SpecialistUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service60 Quaker Lane Warwick, RI 02886 401.822.8816jeanne.comerford@ma.usda.gov

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