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MEDIA RELATIONS. PRINT AND BROADCASE. # Sochiproblems. What have you heard about the Winter Olympics in Sochi? Based on what you have heard, would you give the Winter Olympics a thumbs up or down? If you were a PR consultant for the Russian government, what would you recommend?.

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  2. #Sochiproblems • What have you heard about the Winter Olympics in Sochi? • Based on what you have heard, would you give the Winter Olympics a thumbs up or down? • If you were a PR consultant for the Russian government, what would you recommend?

  3. Recap from Nancy • Honesty and truthfulness are key for media outlets • Print media, and most media sources, are now 24/7 careers • Don’t enter print media if you’re looking for a high paying job • Some media has a negative perception of PR industry

  4. PR Professionals and the Media • PR professionals serve as the first line of defense and explanation with media outlets. Reporterwants to “story”- good or bad Organization wants things presented in the best light

  5. Media advisory

  6. MEDIA RELATIONS POLICY • Organizations may have a media relations policy, meaning an overview or outline of how media requests should be handled. • Can include: • General contact protocols • Suggested responses • Rules for handling the inquiries

  7. Philosophies for dealing with the media • A reporter is a reporter- they are never “off duty” • You are the organization • Don’t sweat the skepticism- bad news is news; good news usually isn’t • Don’t try to buy a journalist

  8. Philosophies for dealing with the media • Become a trusted source • Talk when not “selling” a story • Never lie • Read the paper!

  9. PR vs. advertising • Define PR: • Strategic • Two way communication • Generally earned media • Advertising: communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products • Strategic • One way communication • Generally paid media

  10. PR vs. advertising • Publicity provides a third party endorsement because it is an objective viewpoint

  11. HANDLING MEDIA INTERVIEWS • Prepare- know the situation, the reporter and likely questions • Know your lines- you should have three or four points well established that you want to convey • Relax- media interviews are not conversations, but should feel like one • Speak in personal terms- use “I” • Welcome naïve questions- simple questions provide a frame of reference for those who don’t possess much knowledge

  12. HANDLING MEDIA INTERVIEWS • Answer questions briefly and directly • Don’t bluff- you will be caught • State facts and back up generalities • There is no such thing as “off the record” • Don’t say “no comment”- it sounds evasive and guilty

  13. Media relations drill • When addressing a print reporter or electronic medium moderator, should you use his or her first name? • Should you ever challenge a reporter in a verbal duel? • Are reporters correct in thinking that they can ask embarrassing questions of anyone in public office? • Should you answer a hypothetical question? • Should you ever say “No comment”?

  14. Media relations drill • When a reporter calls on the telephone, should you assume that the conversation is being recorded? • Do audiences remember most of the content of a television interview 30 minutes after it is broadcast? • Should you ever admit you had professional training to handle the media? • If you don’t know the correct answer to a reporter’s question, should you try to answer anyway?

  15. Get with your agency • Your agency overview and bios • Research- the NFL and brain injuries • Your primary, secondary and marginal publics • Create a SMART objective for your PR plan • Start thinking about how you will convey that message • What message will you deliver? • Who will deliver it? • How will it be delivered?

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