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The Nervous System: Neural Tissue and Functions

Explore the neural tissue and functions of the nervous system including organization, cells, and functions like sensory, integrative, and motor capabilities. Learn about neurons, neuroglia, and CNS organization.

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The Nervous System: Neural Tissue and Functions

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  2. Nervous system includes all neural tissue in body • about 3% of the total body weight • Central Nervous System • Peripheral Nervous System • All neural tissue outside CNS • includes the spinal and cranial nerves

  3. Nervous system organization

  4. Nervous system functions • 1. sensory function • detect internal and external stimuli • information is sent to CNS • 2. integrative function • integrates = processing of information within the CNS • stores info and also makes decisions once info is processed • processed by interneurons within the CNS

  5. Nervous system functions • 2. integrative function • integrates = processing of information within the CNS • stores info and also makes decisions once info is processed • processed by interneurons within the CNS • 90% of the neurons within the CNS are interneurons

  6. Nervous system functions • 3. motor function • motor commands travel along motor (efferent) neurons within motor nerves • commands are sent to effectors = muscles and glands

  7. Cells in Nervous Tissue • Neurons • Neuroglia

  8. Neuroglia (Glia) • “glue” • about half the volume of cells in the CNS • 5 to 50 times more numerous • smaller than neurons • do NOT generate electrical impulses • BUT can divide by mitosis • physically support neurons • chemically regulate the neuron’s environment • participate in neural development

  9. Neuroglia (Glia) • Two types in the PNS • Schwann cells • satellite cells • Four types in the CNS • Astrocytes • Oligodendrocytes • Microglia • Ependymal cells

  10. Astrocytes • Largest of glial cells • Most numerous • Star shaped with many processes projecting from the cell body • astrocyte processes make contact with: • the capillaries supplying the CNS • the neurons of the CNS • the pia mater membrane covering the brain and spinal cord

  11. Astrocytes • Functions: • 1. Help form and maintain blood-brain barrier (BBB) • 2. Provide structural support for neurons • 3. Maintain the chemical environment for neurons • 4. Take up excess neurotransmitters • 5. Assist in neuronal migration during brain development • 6. Repair of tissue

  12. Oligodendrocytes • Each forms myelin sheath around the axons of neurons in CNS • Analogous to Schwann cells of PNS • Form a supportive network around CNS neurons • fewer processes than astrocytes • round or oval cell body

  13. Microglia • Small cells found near blood vessels • 15% of the glial cells of the CNS • Phagocytic role - clear away dead cells • protect CNS from disease through phagocytosis of microbes • migrate to areas of injury where they clear away debris of • injured cells - may also kill healthy cells

  14. Ependymal Cells • epithelial cells arranged in a • single layer • range in shape from cuboidal • to columnar • Form epithelial membrane lining cerebral cavities (ventricles) & the spinal cord’s central canal • Produce & circulate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) found in these chambers • CSF = colorless liquid that protects the brain and SC against chemical & physical injuries, carries oxygen, glucose and other necessary chemicals from the blood to neurons and neuroglia

  15. CNS Cell Organization

  16. PNS: Satellite Cells • Flat cells surrounding PNS cell bodyies • Support neurons in the PNS & help regulate the chemical environment surrounding the neurons • also found in the ganglion of the PNS

  17. PNS: Schwann Cells • each cell surrounds multiple unmyelinated PNS axons with a single layer of its plasma membrane • each cell produces part of the myelin sheath surrounding an axon in the PNS • contributes to regeneration of PNS axons

  18. Neurons • what is the main defining characteristic of neurons? • have the property of electrical excitability - ability to produce • action potentials or impulses in response to stimuli

  19. Representative Neuron http://www.horton.ednet.ns.ca/staff/selig/Activities/nervous/na1.htm • 1. cell body or soma (or perikaryon) • -single nucleus with prominent nucleolus (high synthetic activity) • -neurofilaments give neuron shape and support • -Nissl bodies • -rough ER & free polyribosomes for protein synthesis

  20. Representative Neuron -two kinds of processes (nerve fibers) that emerge from the body of the neuron: dendrites & axons

  21. Dendrites - (little trees) - the receiving or input portion of the neuron -short, tapering and highly branched -surfaces specialized for contact with other neurons

  22. Axons • conduct impulses away from cell body toward synaptic end bulbs • comprised of microtubules & neurofilaments • joins the soma at a cone-shaped elevation = axon hillock • first part of the axon = initial segment • most impulses arise at the junction of the axon hillock and initial segment =trigger zone – site of ion channels

  23. Axons • cytoplasm = axoplasm • plasma membrane = axolemma • side branches = collaterals arise from the axon • axon and collaterals end in fine processes called axon terminals • swollen tips in the terminals = synaptic end bulbs • contain vesicles filled with neurotransmitters for release

  24. Neuron Classification • can classify neurons two main ways: • 1. Structural • 2. Functional

  25. Structural Classification of Neurons • 1. structural: based on number of processes found on cell body • multipolar = several dendrites & one axon • bipolar neurons = one main dendrite & one axon • pseudo-unipolar neurons = one process only

  26. Structural Classification of Neurons • Purkinje = cerebellum • Renshaw = spinal cord • can classify by the name of the histologist that first described them • or can classify them by their appearance

  27. Functional Classification of Neurons • Sensory (afferent) neurons • transport sensory information from skin, muscles, joints, sense organs & viscera to CNS • Motor (efferent) neurons • send motor nerve impulses to muscles & glands • Interneurons (association/integrative) neurons • connect sensory to motor neurons • 90% of neurons in the body

  28. The Nerve Impulse

  29. Terms to know • membrane potential= electrical voltage difference measured across the membrane of a cell • resting membrane potential = membrane potential of a neuron measured when it is unstimulated • results from the build-up of negative ions in the cytosol along the inside of the neuron’s plasma membrane (PM) • the outside of the PM becomes more positive • this difference in charge can be measured as potential energy – measured in millivolts

  30. Terms to know • polarization – change in membrane potential away from resting membrane potential (RMP) • depolarization – MP changes from RMP to become more positive • hyperpolarization – MP changes from RMP to become more negative • repolarization – MP “Returns to Resting” MP

  31. Ion Channels • membrane potential changes due to movement of ions in and out of the neuron • ions move through ion channels • when open - ions diffuse down their concentration gradients • two types: gated and non-gated

  32. Non-Gated Ion Channels • 1. Leakage (non-gated) or Resting channels: are always open, contribute to the resting potential • -ions flow down their concentration gradients • -Na+ flows INTO the neuron • -K+ flows OUT OF the neuron • -Na+/K+ pumps returns these ions – against their concentration gradients • -resting membrane potential is established

  33. The resting membrane potential is generated mainly by open “resting”, non-gated K+ channels -the number of K+ leak channels dramatically outnumbers that of Na+ ECF AXON

  34. Non-Gated Ion Channels • 2. Gated channels:channels can possess gates to open and close them • open and close in response to a stimulus

  35. Non-Gated Ion Channels • gated ions channels: • A. ligand-gated: open & close in response to chemical stimuli (hormones, neurotransmitters, ions) • B. voltage-gated: open in response to change in voltage C. mechanically-gated: open with mechanical stimulation

  36. gated channels control the ion permeability of a neuron • changes in channel permeability create electrical signals in a neuron • there are two types of electrical signals • 1. Graded Potentials • 2. Action Potentials

  37. Graded Potentials • reflect the strength of the stimulus that initiates them • large stimulus = strong graded potential • small stimulus = weak graded potential • produce depolarizations or hyperpolarizations • occur in the dendrites or cell bodies • in the CNS and motor neurons - occur upon the opening of ligand-gated ion channels • in sensory neurons – occur upon the opening of mechanically-gated channels • graded potentials are how the neuron achieves threshold

  38. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/matthews/channel.html Action Potential • action potential = nerve impulse • takes place in three stages: • 1. depolarization phase • 2. repolarizing phase • 3. hyperpolarizing phase or refractory period in which no new AP can be generated

  39. Action Potential • Resting membrane potential is ~-70mV • AP is triggered when the membrane potential reaches and exceeds a threshold (usually -55 MV)

  40. Action Potential: Reaching Threshold • 1. neurotransmitters bind LIGAND-GATED ion channels in the dendrites and the cell body • 2. influx of positive ions into the neuron – usually Na+ • 3. slow depolarization to threshold voltage

  41. Action Potential: Post-Threshold • 1. threshold is reached – opening of VOLTAGE-GATEDNa+ channels & large depolarization results as +ve ions flow into the neuron • 2. VG-Na+ channels close and VG-K+ channel open – at ~+50mV • repolarization as +ve ions flow out of the neuron

  42. Action Potential: Hyperpolarization • 3. VG-K+ channels close over a prolonged duration vs. VG-Na+ • some VG-K+ stay open longer than others • the inside of the neuron drops below RMP = hyperpolarization • refractory period = typical stimulus will not trigger another AP • Na/K pumps “reset” the ions – RMP re-established

  43. hyperpolarization channels are still open. This produces the hyperpolarization phase. As these K+ gates eventually close, resting membrane potential is re-established

  44. Medical Application: Local Anesthetics • Prevent opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels • Nerve impulses cannot pass the anesthetized region • Novocaine and lidocaine – blocks nerve impulses along nerves that detect pain

  45. Continuous versus Saltatory Conduction • Continuous conduction (unmyelinated fibers) • An action potential spreads (propagates) over the surface of the axolemma http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072437316/student_view0/chapter45/animations.html#

  46. Saltatory Conduction • Saltatory conduction • -depolarization only at Nodes of Ranvier - areas along the axon that are unmyelinated and where there is a high density of voltage-gated ion channels • -current carried by ions flowing through extracellular fluid from node to node http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/matthews/actionp.html

  47. Rate of Impulse Conduction • not related to stimulus strength • Properties of axon • Presence or absence of myelin sheath • myelin = 5 to 7X faster • Diameter of axon • larger = faster conduction

  48. Action Potentials in Nerve and Muscle • another excitable cell type = muscle • muscle cells can generate their own action potential in response to stimulation by the neuron • some notable differences between Muscles vs. Neurons: • 1. entire muscle cell membrane is involved versus only the axon of the neuron • 2. resting membrane potential differ • nerve is -70mV • skeletal & cardiac muscle is closer to -90mV • 3. AP duration is longer in muscles • nerve impulse is 1/2 to 2 msec • muscle action potential lasts 1-5 msec for skeletal & 10-300msec for cardiac & smooth • BUT fastest nerve conduction velocity is 18 times faster than velocity over skeletal muscle fiber

  49. Synaptic Communication

  50. Synapse • Synapse = Site of intercellular communication between two neurons OR between a neuron and an effector (e.g. muscle) • Permits communication between neurons and other cells • Initiating neuron = presynaptic neuron • Receiving cell = postsynaptic cell • Most synapses are axodendritic axon -> dendrite • Some synapses are axoaxonic – axon > axon

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