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Dairy and Egg: Similarities & Differences

Explore the similarities and differences between eggs and dairy foods. Discover their nutritional value, cooking methods, animal sources, and cost variances in this informative comparison.

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Dairy and Egg: Similarities & Differences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2.05 AA_1 Dairy/Egg Comparison 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

  2. HOW ARE EGGS AND DAIRY FOODSALIKE? • Found in same refrigerated area in grocery store. • Good source of many nutrients. • Both have protein, cholesterol, vitamin A. • Must cook both at low temperatures and stir while cooking. 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

  3. Eggs and Dairy Similarities: • May be eaten as a food or used as an ingredient in a recipe. • Both are animal products. • Many ways to cook and eat. 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

  4. HOW ARE EGGS AND DAIRY FOODSDIFFERENT? • Nutrition: • Eggs:Cholesterol can be lowered by using whites only. • Dairy: Calcium, Vitamin D added, available in low fat and fat free varieties, and canned, fresh, dry 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

  5. Eggs and Dairy Differences: Cost • Eggs: Inexpensive protein food. • Dairy: Can be expensive. Cooking Principles • Eggs: Must be cooked for food safety. • Dairy: May be eaten fresh or cooked in a recipe. 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

  6. Eggs and Dairy Differences: Animal: • Eggs: Chicken, and from other birds like quail • Dairy: Cow, Goat 2.05AA_1_Dairy/Egg Comparison

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