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Join the Start Cup Competition in Italy to showcase your business idea, get expert feedback, win prizes, and network with potential investors. The competition, inspired by MIT's Entrepreneurship Competition, nurtures innovative ideas from universities and research centers. Through local, regional, and national stages, it provides a platform to transform research into viable businesses, bridging academia and enterprise. The event attracts diverse talents and funds, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration across Italy. Be part of this dynamic ecosystem that propels budding startups towards success.
2016 Rabat RESUME RESUME «Best practices in regional, national and local policies for the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship " Start Cup Competition
What'sthis? RESUME RESUME A competition among business ideas generated by scientific research. Event that takes place every year in all Italian universities and research centers, to promote the scouting of the most innovative business ideas and support the creation of companies. It offers awards and networking opportunities to the best business ideas expressed in the form of business plan
The start cupcompetition story RESUME • This initiative was born from the “Entrepreneurship Competition” of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), and today it is played in each part of the world where substantial number of centers develop scientific researches. • In Italy it takes place since 2003, The University of Messina joined since 2008
RESUME RESUME Why a Start Cup Competition? Those who adhere to the Start Cup circuit has the following specific objectives: • Expandingregional partnerships involving new public and private entities; • Buildingactions to promote and scouting widespread business ideas to increase the number of applications for innovative projects; • Increasingthe effectivenessof scouting towards "research subjects" active in the territory; • Attractingnew funding opportunities for the business ideas; • Expanding the visibility of the competition and its players; • Ensuring better quality of selection of projects.
Why to attend? RESUME RESUME • To get a feedback on the innovative business idea (does it work? Does it open a new market? can it stay on the market?);-To receive a support in the business plan redaction (taking advantage of soft skills not always owned by the proposing team); -To win the Prizes (money, services, …); -To join the network of potential investors and startuppers (at local, regional, and national level).
How does it work? RESUME RESUME This initiative is carried out in three stages: • Local Start Cup Competition: Groups of natural or legal persons can register. Participants are assisted in preparing a business plan through 1 to 1 training meetings. At the end of the business plan drafting course, all the finalists present their ideas and a jury selects three winners. • Regional Start Cup Competition: All the winners of the local competitions, partecipate to the regional competition (i.e. Start Cup Sicily 12 partecipants, 3 groups winners for each sicilian local competition). A committee selects the winners playing the final phase. • National Award for Innovation: All the best regional ideas compete in the national PNI Innovation Award. This event takes place every year in a different Italian university. (i.e. 1-2 December 2016, University of Modena).
The context RESUME • University represents a pool of potential innovations which in most cases have failed in reaching the market. In recent years the entrepreneurial mindset of researchers has grown and has developed collaborations between universities and enterprise, promoting technology transfer. • This initiative is a good practice to relaunch territory, it stimulates the entire innovation ecosystem to promote ideas and inventions in order to develop innovative companies. • A key element is also the full involvement of all Subjects that at local, regional, and national level are working to encourage the creation of start-ups. • The National Award for Innovation circuit allows to present the best ideas to a qualificate audience of potential investors, business angels, and venture capitalists.
Visibility RESUME RESUME • National Award for Innovation plays the most important role on the italian innovation system, the maximum visibility is guaranteed for all the business ideas. • Communication and dissemination in recent years have reached preminent positions, the traditional channels of information have been powered by social networks. • The goal is to stimulate interest in promoting the culture of enterprise, encouraging interaction between groups of startuppers, in order to enhance each other's competence and arose the interest of potential investors.
PNI CUBE RESUME RESUME Association of Incubators and Business Plan Competition It is the association of incubators and Italian academic business plan competition, with 41 members from universities and academic incubators, founded with the aim to develop academic and scientific research. The PNICube Association sponsors two major initiatives: • the National Award for Innovation PNI which selects the best ideas of innovative enterprise; • the Italian Master Startup Awardevent which rewards young Hi-Tech enterprise that has achieved the greatest success in the market.
The Numbers RESUME • Every year the circuit of the National Award for Innovation moves around 18 regional start cup, evaluates more than 1,000 enterprise ideas and accompanies the drafting of over 600 business plans. • From 2003 to 2015, 302 companies were born within this circuit • 4 categories: • Cleantech & Energy, • Industrial, • Life Sciences, • ICT.
The Ideas RESUME RESUME Every business idea has some peculiarities, which reflect specific skills, but it is possible to identify common elements of success: • Drawing up a realistic business plan, able to take into account the potential market and the strong and weak points of the idea. • Organizing in a rational way the initiative, with varied backgrounds. • Protecting intellectual property rights or know-how. • Defining the market. • Monitoring competitors. • Connecting to industrial partners. • Locating financing channels and stakeholders.
The participants RESUME RESUME Participants must have: • Specific know-how of research; • Entrepreneurial spirit; • Interest in exploring the possibility of Spin Off; • Ability to assess the potential application of the results; The advantages: • Exploiting research results; • Build a bridge between public research and industrial innovation; • Creating qualified jobs and promote economic development; • Achieving a concrete product enhancing own know-how; • Many actions to stimulate the small high-tech entrepreneurship; • Creating new instruments dedicated to research and development.
The Executive summary RESUME The Executive Summary is a synthesis of the future business project. Key topics: • Description of the company (products and/or services sold); • Mission; • Management; • Target Market; • Potential customers; • Marketing and sales; • Competitors; • Operating steps; • Financial plans. 14
Each investor has seen thousands of pitch! 35th pitch of the day • Need to stand • Go right to the point • Engage the listener • Say something they do not already know The Pitch RESUME
PNI 2016 RESUME • This year the participation of 3,440 young entrepreneurs, for a total of 1,171 ideas and 511 business plans submitted. • The winners were selected from among the 65 startups finalists by a jury of experts, consisting of 48 representatives of the business world of excellence, university research and venture capital, based on criteria such as originality of the business idea, technicalfeasibility, interest to investors, adequacy of team skills, attractiveness for the market. • 1.5 million euro prize : over 500,000 Euros in cash and about one million in services, offered by universities, private and public istitutional partners and by PNICube members
Winners of PNI 2016 RESUME Award Chiesi LIFE SCIENCES and absolute WINNER of the PNI 2016: Panoxyvir (StartCup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta) It develops the first antiviral nasal spray for the prevention and treatment of the common cold. Award IREN CLEANTECH & ENERGY: Re3cube (StartCup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta) Innovative IoT device and ecological, for the management of hazardous medical waste at risk of infection. Award growITup ICT: Cubbit (StartCup, Emilia Romagna) connecting the external hard drives to turn them into innovative cloud space, safe and cheap. Award BPER Banca INDUSTRIAL: ResourSEAs (StartCup Sicily) An integrated cycle that produces fresh water from the sea, salt, magnesium hydroxide and energy, using innovative technologies.
Best practice RESUME RESUME Challenge: A competition on the basis of the start cup circuit PNI Cube at the international level! RESUME WP6
RESUME RESUME RESUME RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité CONTACTS General Inquires: unimed@uni-med.net