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Exploring Similes: Enhancing Comparisons with 'Like' and 'As'

Introduction to similes, which highlight similarities between objects using 'like' or 'as'. Learn to craft vivid comparisons such as 'as hungry as a wolf' or 'smooth as silk'.

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Exploring Similes: Enhancing Comparisons with 'Like' and 'As'

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction toSimiles

  2. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as.

  3. Using as

  4. Using as

  5. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. ___________is as hungry as____________. __________ is as sweet as ____________.

  6. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. ___________ is as cold as___________. ___________ is as hot as___________.

  7. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. _____________ is as flat as___________. _____________ is as smooth as___________.

  8. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. ____________ is as old as ____________. _____________ is as fast as___________.

  9. Using like

  10. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. ___________ is angry like______________. ___________ is quiet like ______________.

  11. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. ____________ is pretty like______________. _____________ is funny like _____________.

  12. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words like or as. _____________ is soft like______________. ___________ is hard like ______________.

  13. Similes point out the likeness between two objects using the words likeor as. ___________ is slow like______________. ___________ is sharp like _____________.

  14. Great Job!!! Now, go and make A’s on your class work! 

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