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THE EFFECT OF EXERCISE ON THE BODY SYSTEMS. ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE. This is a chemical component which is necessary for the body in order to supply energy. The body has only one possible energy supply which is ATP.

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  2. ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE • This is a chemical component which is necessary for the body in order to supply energy. • The body has only one possible energy supply which is ATP. • Only a small supply of ATP exists in the muscles, therefore it is important to re-produce a supply of ATP.

  3. ATP Adenosine triphosphate ADENOSINE P P P ENERGY FROM ATP ENERGY ATP splitting and releasing energy and heat ADENOSINE P P p HEAT ADP Adenosine Diphosphate ADENOSINE P P P

  4. ADENOSINE ADP Adenosine Diphosphate P P P ENERGY (in order to create ATP again) OXYGEN FOOD The body has three systems which create or reproduce the ATP. The CREATIN PHOSPHATE system The LACTIC ACID system The AEROBIC system 3 1 2

  5. The body must have ATP in order to create energy The body reproduces it in three ways. ENERGY SYSTEMS SHORT TERM (anaerobic) WHICH CAUSES OXYGEN DEBT ENERGY SYSTEMS LONG TERM NO OXYGEN DEBT

  6. Creatin Phosphate System • This is a compound high in energy, which is stored in the muscles. When it is broken down it gives us enough energy for about 5 – 10 seconds of hard work. • The energy from the creatin phosphatesystem is available instantly, but the supply runs out very quickly.

  7. The body must have ATP in order to supply energy.The body reproduces it in three ways Creatin Phosphate System ADENOSINE P P P CREATIN PHOSPHATE This energy lasts for about 10 seconds. Name the kind of activities that use this system:

  8. Lactic Acid System • This system supplies energy until there is enough oxygen available for the muscles. It uses glycogen which is stored in the muscles and the liver. • It produces enough energy but produces lactic acid which causes pain in the muscles. This system is important when trying to work at a high density for a period of 90 seconds to 2 minutes.

  9. Lactic Acid System Adenosine P P p GLYCOGEN Energy lasting from about 30 seconds to 2 minutes Name the kind of activities that use this system:

  10. Aerobic System • Energy from this system in nearly endless. When there is enough oxygen available for the muscles, energy is available by breaking down carbohydrates and fat. • We use this system in light activities. It provides energy which is too slow for explosive activities. But it is important for athletes and players who need a constant source of energy in low, light or medium density activities.

  11. Aerobic System FATS Adenosine p p p GLYCOGEN OXYGEN It can continue for an indefinite period. Name the kind of activities that use this system:

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