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New college English

New college English. Book One. Unit Three. More than Words. I Preparation. II Reading Activities. IV Translation & Writing. III Further Development. Unit Three. Part I Preparation. 1. Group Discussion 2. Body Language and Guessing. Activity 1 Group Discussion.

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New college English

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  1. New collegeEnglish Book One

  2. Unit Three More than Words

  3. I Preparation II Reading Activities IV Translation & Writing III Further Development Unit Three

  4. Part I Preparation 1. Group Discussion 2. Body Language and Guessing

  5. Activity 1Group Discussion 1. What is body language ? Sample Answer

  6. Activity 1Group Discussion 2. Means of Body Language Facial expression Eye contact Gesture Posture

  7. Frying an egg Driving a car Playing golf Playing the piano Tying a shoelace Catching a mosquito Activity 2Body language and guessing

  8. Part II Reading Activities 1. Pre-reading Questions 2. Text Organization 3. Sentence Study 4. Words & Phrases

  9. Communication Without Words Pre-reading Questions

  10. Pre-reading Questions Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture means in your culture. Nodding your head up and down It means “I agree” or it shows that you are paying attention.

  11. Pre-reading Questions Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture means in your culture. Shaking your head It means you are saying “No!” or it shows that you are disappointed.

  12. Pre-reading Questions Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture means in your culture. Waving your hand while curling the fingers downward/upward It means “Come here!”

  13. Communication Without Words Text Organization

  14. Text Organization Para.1 Introduction: What “body language” is. Para.2-5 Nonverbal signals of different cultures may cause difficulties in learning a foreign language. Para.6 Conclusion To communicate successfully in a foreign language we need to master the skill of cultural awareness.

  15. Sentence Study

  16. Sentence Study 1. When you learn a foreign language you must learn more than just the vocabulary and the grammar. (Line 1) 【句型】 more than just… 不仅仅(要做)······ e.g. When it comes to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, we concern more than just financial profits.The more important thing is its international influence.

  17. Sentence Study 2. Generally, North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East. (Line 35) 【句型】比较状语从句的倒装。在than引导的复合句中,如果谓语动词省略,且两句的主语进行比较,than后可用倒装。 e.g. She spent more time on English study than did the other students.

  18. find oneself+ 介词 发现自己处于某种状态 Sentence Study 3.The person who prefers more distance usually loses the fight when hefinds himself with his back against the wall. (Line 39) 【句型】 e.g. School comes again and we find ourselves back into the classroom.

  19. Sentence Study • By the time I filled out the form and the agent called down to the baggage area, the briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights, but they didn’t know which one. (Line 34) 【句型】 e.g. by the time that +从句: 等到······的时候 在此句型中,主句的时态往往用完成时态。 By the time people find that the food is not safe, it has been too late.

  20. Sentence Study • The thought of having to call and tell them I had found it in my car was painful.(Line 47) 【句型】 e.g. the thought of sth. + verb 一想到······就······ The thought ofthe coming exam makes me feel nervous.

  21. Words & Phrases

  22. Words & Phrases 1. signal(Line 12, Para. 2) 【例句】 In order to give your sister a pleasant surprise on her birthday, I’ll give you a signal to start playing S.H.E.’s Super Star, her favorite song, when she comes home. n. sign, gesture, sound, etc. that conveys a message, demand, etc. 信号,暗号

  23. n. (state of) touching or coming together 接触,联系 Words & Phrases 2. contact(Line 22, Para. 3) 【例句】 vt. get into touch with (sb.) 与(某人)接触;会晤;联系 1. A scholar should come into contact with new ideas regularly. 2. If you wish to know more information about our products, please contact our local agents.

  24. Words & Phrases 3. be aware of(Line 33, Para. 4) have knowledge or realization of sb./sth. 意识到,觉察到 【例句】 Smokers are well aware of dangers of cigarette smoking to their own health.

  25. Words & Phrases 4. prefer(Line 39, Para. 5) vt. choose rather, like better 宁可,宁愿(选择);更喜欢 【例句】 1. I preferred red wine to white. 2. I should prefer you not to stay (that you did not stay) there too long. 3. Most celebrities prefer to avoid the attention of the mass media.

  26. Words & Phrases 5. add(Line 46, Para. 6) vt. put something with something else 添加 【例句】 The cooks are adding seasoning to the sauce.

  27. Part III Further Development 1. Group Work 2. Body language in different cultures

  28. Group Work How to be a good listener in the English class Directions: Work in pairs and tell your partner what you should do to improve your listening skills.

  29. Sample • I should concentrate throughout the class and ask the instructor to explain things I don’t understand either in class or after class. • I should not dwell on words I don’t know. Instead, I should skip them and keep going so that I won’t miss the main idea. • I should pay more attention to content than to words. I should listen for main ideas and other important information.

  30. Body language in different cultures. • Body language differs in different cultures. Would you list some differences of body language in different cultures?

  31. Sample Answer • FOR EXAMPLE, Arab man often greet by kissing on both cheeks. In Japan men greet by bowing .In the Unite States, people shake hands to show "their greeting". And the gesture of putting a hand on a person' neck is different for Chinese and Americans. For Chinese, it is to say "someone will be killed". For Americans, it shows "I'm full” .And in Thailand, If you want to signal a person to come near, you should move the fingers back and forth with palm down. But in the United States, you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body. And crossing one's legs in the United States is a sign of being relaxed. But in Korea , it's not allowed. In Chinese, people hand everything with both hands to show their respect, but for Muslims, they think the left hand is unclean and do not eat or pass something with it.

  32. Part IV Translation & Writing 1. Translation Skills 2. Writing Practice

  33. Translation Skills 词义的选择

  34. Translation Skills 词是句子甚至整个语篇的基本构建单位,如何选择恰当词义,是翻译过程中首先要碰到的问题。只有选择了适当的词义,并在必要时加以恰如其分地引申,才能确保译文的通顺。大部分词不只有一个实际意义,这是词本身所具备的特性。假如一个词离开语境而独立存在,语义是不确定的,也是不可译的。英语和汉语的词汇都非常丰富,英语的一词多义,汉语的一字多义的现象十分普遍。同样,一个简单的字或词语,在不同的上下文中,就可能有不同的含义,这就需要我们依靠具体的上下文来判断某个字或词语的意义。

  35. Translation Skills • 词义选择可以从以下四个方面着手: • Ⅰ) 通过词语的搭配选择 词的搭配关系主要指词与词的横向组合关系,英语与汉语在长期的使用过程中,都形成了各自的组合规律或搭配习惯。 1) The play ran for two years. 本剧持续放映了两年。 2) Water was running off the roof. 水从屋顶上流淌下来。 3)The idea runs in his mind. 这个念头萦绕在他的脑海里.

  36. Translation Skills II) 根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同含义,因此可根据上下文的联系来判断和确定某个词在特定场合下所具有的词义,请看下例: 1) Government figures underestimate the problem. 政府的数字低估了这个问题。 2) Several leading figures resigned from the party. 几个主要的人物从政党中辞职了。 3) Most women have to watch their figure. 大部分妇女得注意她们的身材。

  37. Translation Skills III) 根据词性确定词义 很多英文单词有多种词性,当词性不同时,往往词义也有所不同,因此,在翻译过程中首先可分析确定词性,然后再根据词性选择适当的词义。以本单元的close一词为例: 1)The shops close at 5:30. (动词) 商店五点半关门。 2) The church is close to the school. (形容词) 教堂离学校很近。 3) They were sitting close together on the couch. (副词) 他们紧挨着坐在长沙发上。

  38. Translation Skills IV) 根据词汇的褒贬确定词义 词汇按照感情色彩可以分为褒义、贬义和中性。在翻译过程中,译者必须注意词汇的感情色彩,一般应严格按照原文的精神来进行。例如: A. aggressive 1) Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平。 2) A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功。

  39. Writing Practice Directions: Read the following words from a freshman who is talking about a problem. Write a paragraph giving advice to him. Start with the sentence "To solve your problem, you should pay more attention to your communication skills." "When I got to the college, I was nervous. My roommates made me nervous; my classmates made me nervous; the sight of the teachers made me nervous; the classroom discussions made me nervous; everything made me nervous."

  40. Sample writing To solve your problem, you should pay more attention to your communication skills. First, you should be aware of your problem, and tell yourself that it's very natural for you to feel that way in a new place and among so many people you don't know. Then you should try to make others understand your position and help you deal with the problem. In order to get others to pay attention to you, you must first learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener. You should concentrate when you listen and do not miss the important points the others say, because your thoughts race much faster than most people speak. Then you should talk more. The ability to talk well is not always easy. But the more you work at it, the easier it will be. You can also use a bit sense of humor to lighten your conversation. Only when you are ready to talk and listen attentively will you succeed in making a connection with the world around you.

  41. Thank You for Your Attention

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