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Randers Fjord – western Kattegat

Classification of eutrophication status in Randers Fjord and western Kattegat 6 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. Randers Fjord – western Kattegat. Denmark A transect from a shallow estuary (Rander Fjord) through coastal waters to the central parts of the Kattegat Our hypothesis :

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Randers Fjord – western Kattegat

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classification ofeutrophication statusinRanders Fjord and western Kattegat6 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark

  2. Randers Fjord – western Kattegat • Denmark • A transect from a shallowestuary (Rander Fjord) throughcoastalwaters to the central parts ofthe Kattegat • Ourhypothesis: • Theestuary is more eutrophiedthattheopen parts ofthe Kattegat • Confidence is higher in theestuary and in thecoastalwatersthan in theopen parts ofthe Kattegat

  3. Randers Fjord • 27 km long • Physicallymodified • Large catchment

  4. Long timeseries areavailable • x

  5. OSPAR COMP: RF-i > RF-o > KAT-c> KAT-o

  6. Conclusions • Theestuary is more eutrophiedthattheopen parts ofthe Kattegat • Randers Fjord, inner parts: BAD • Randers Fjord, outer parts: BAD • Kattegat, SW coastalwaters: BAD • Kattegat, central openwaters: MODERATE • Confidence is higher in theestuary and in thecoastalwatersthan in theopen parts ofthe Kattegat • Randers Fjord, inner parts: CLASS I • Randers Fjord, outer parts: CLASS I • Kattegat, SW coastalwaters: CLASS II • Kattegat, central openwaters: CLASS II

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