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Learn the fundamentals of creating a successful questionnaire, including understanding the components, types of hypotheses, transforming research goals into information objectives, the Flowerpot Approach, pretesting and revising, and evaluating questions. Discover key rules for crafting effective survey questions.
CHAPTER 1234 0001 897251 00000 Questionnaire Design and Issues 14 14-2
The Value of A Questionnaire • Regardless of whether you choose a career in marketing research the ability to distinguish a “good” from a “bad” survey is an essential skill to acquire. • A questionnaire is the “central processing unit” (CPU) for capturing primary data needed to assist management in addressing business opportunities, and resolving marketing information problems. • Many business issues are not one-dimensional in nature; therefore an instrument needs to be designed to collect information from a number of different perspectives and positions to these issues and questions to closure. • A “good” questionnaire exhibits the properties of logic, organization, and the scientific method. 14-3
Four Components of a Questionnaire • Words • Questions • Formats • Hypotheses 14-4
Types of Hypotheses in Information Research There is no significant difference between thepreferences toward specific banking methods exhibitedby white-collar customers and blue-collar customers. No significant differences will be found to exist in the requests for specific medical treatments from emergency medical walk-in clinics between users andnonusers of annual physical preventive healthcare products. Null Hypothesis Significant differences do exist in the sexual be-havior profiles of academically strong and weak maleand female students. There is a significant difference in the satisfaction levels among 2002 Mazda Millenia owners accordingto how much they have driven the car. NondirectionalHypothesis 14-5a
Types of Hypotheses in Information Research Those students who exhibit highlevels of self-confidence and knowledge toward the topic andpositive overall study habits will demonstrate lowprofiles of introverted social behavior. The greatertheamount of outside-classroom studyingdone by marketing majors, the lesschance there is thatthey will turn to cheating to improve their grades. Inverse (Negative)Directional Hypothesis Positive study habits are related positively to GPA. College students who tend to worry a lot about whatother students think of them will tend to be moreconservative in their overall classroom and socialbehavior than those students who don’t worry muchabout their self-image.. Direct (Positive)Directional Hypothesis 14-5b
Transform Research Objectives into Information Objectives • Establish hierarchical order of the objectives. • Establish research hypotheses within each objective. Step 1 Step 2 • Determine the Appropriate Data Collection Method • Determine who the sampled respondents are. Step 3 • Determine Information Requirements for Each Objective • Establish hierarchical order of requirements. • Develop Specific Question/Scale Measurement Formats • Decide needed type of raw data. • Decide needed question/scale measurement format. • Decide needed question and scale point wording. • Decide what type of data analysis is desired. Step 4 The Flowerpot Approach: Phase I 14-6
Establish Flowerpot Format and Layout • Determine the number of information flowerpots needed. • Determine the sizes of the flowerpots needed. • Determine the type of base needed. Step 6 Step 5 • Evaluate Question/Scale Measurements • Test for reliability and validity of scales. • Evaluate the Questionnaire and Layout • Check the type of scale format, scaling properties, measures of central tendencies, and variations. • Check the information flow of general to specific within each flowerpot, and the identification questions. Step 7 The Flowerpot Approach: Phase II 14-7
Pretest and Revise the Questionnaire • Check for specific ambiguity of words, phrases, instructions. • Check for completion time and difficulties of answering questions Step 9 Step 8 Step 10 Step 11 • Obtain the Client’s Approval • Revise questionnaire layout if needed. Finalize Questionnaire Format Implement the Survey The Flowerpot Approach: Phase III 14-8
RawData RawData RawData RawData RawData RawData RawData (Cover Letter) Introduction Section First Information ObjectiveContains the Broadest Information Requirements General InformationRequirements General Data/Information Requirements(Questions/Scale Measurements) More Specific Data Requirements(Questions/Scale Measurements) Second Information Objective Contains More SpecificData/Information Requirements General Question/Scale Measurements More Specific Question/Scale Measurements) Specific InformationRequirements If Needed, General Opinion InformationPsychographic Questions/Scale Measurements Identification SectionDemographic/Socioeconomic Questions/Scale Measurements Thank-You Statement IdentificationInformationRequirements The Flowerpot Approach: The Big Picture 14-9
Rules of Thumb for Evaluating Questions • Questions should be simple and straight forward whenever possible. • Questions should be expressed clearly whenever possible. • Questions should avoid qualifying phrases or extraneous references, unless they are being used as a type of qualifying (screening) factor. • Descriptive words should be avoided, unless absolutely necessary. • The question/setups, attribute statements, and data response categories should be unidimensional, except when there isa need for a multi-response question. 14-10a
Rules of Thumb for Evaluating Questions • Raw data response categories (scale points) should be mutually exclusive. • The question/setups and the response categories should be meaningful to the respondent. • Question/scale measurement formats should avoid arrangement of response categories that might bias the respondent’s answer. • Unless called for, question/setups should avoid undue stress of particular words. • Question/setups should avoid double negatives. 14-10b
Rules of Thumb for Evaluating Questions • Question/scale measurements should avoid technical or sophisticated language, unless necessary. • Where possible, question/setups should be phrased in a realistic setting. • Question/scale measurements should be designed to read logically. • Question/scale measurements should always avoidthe use of double-barreled items. 14-10c
Important Considerations in Questionnaire Design • Determine the information objectives and the number of information flowerpots required to meet those objectives. • Determine the specific data requirements (i.e., the size) for each information flowerpot, and stack the pots from largest to smallest. • Introduction section should include a general description of what the study is pertaining to; this may well be in a disguised format. • All types of instructions, if necessary, should be given clear expression. • Perhaps most important, the question/scale measurements have to follow some logical order—that is, an order that appears logical to the respondent rather than to the researcher or practitioner. 14-11a
Important Considerations in Questionnaire Design • Begin an interview or questionnaire with simple questions that are easy to respond to, and then gradually lead up to the more difficult questions. Create a general-to-specific data flow. • Postpone highly personal questions (state-of-being data) until late in the interview or survey (i.e., place in the base after the last information flowerpot). • Place questions that involve psychological tests (i.e., lifestyle beliefs) toward the end of the interview or survey, but before the identification base. • Do not ask too many questions of the same measurement format (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, ration scale formats) in sequence. 14-11b
Important Considerations in Questionnaire Design • Taper off an interview or survey with a few relatively simple questions that do not require extensive thoughts or expressions thoughts or expressions of feelings (i.e., the demographic data questions are very appropriate here). • Always end the interview or survey with the appropriatethank-you statement. 14-11c
The Role of a Cover Letter A solid cover letter is set up with the intention of: • Increasing a respondent’s willingness to complete the survey and return it in a timely fashion. • Improving the response rate associated with the overall goals of the research endeavor. • Introducing the research project and the research team to the respondent. • Instilling a feeling of trust and respect with the respondent, for the study and the client/research team soliciting the data. 14-12
Cover Letter: An Example to Consider Marketing Resources Group3205 Windsor Oaks Drive, Suite 1105Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70814 CONSUMER BANKING OPINION STUDYBATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA If you have a bank account— We need your opinion, With more bank locations, new banking services, and the growth of credit unions and savings and loans, financial institutions are indeed changing. These changes will have an effect on you and your family, and that’s why your opinion is important. Your name has been selected in a sample of Baton Rouge residents to determine what people in our community think about the present products and services offered by banks. Your individual opinions in this survey can never be traced back to you, and all results will be held strictly confidential. The results of the study will provide the banking industry with insight into how to better serve the needs of its customers. The brand-new quarter enclosed with this letter is not enough to compensate you for your time, but it may brighten the day of a youngster you know. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Thomas L. Kirk MRG Project Director P.S. Please return no later than June 21, 2002. A postage-paid envelope enclosed. 14-14
Summary of Learning Objectives • Identify and discuss the critical factors that can contribute to directly improving the accuracy of surveys, and explain why questionnaire development is not a simple process. • Discuss the theoretical principles of questionnaire design, and explain why a questionnaire is more than just asking a respondent some questions. • Identify and explain the communication roles of questionnaires in the data collection process. • Explain why the type of information needed to address a decision maker’s questions and problems will substantially influence the structure and content of questionnaires. • List and discuss the 11 steps in the questionnaire development process, and tell how to eliminate some common mistakes in questionnaire design. • Discuss and employ the “flowerpot” approach in developing scientific questionnaires. • Discuss the importance of cover letters, and explain the guidelines to help eliminate common mistakes in cover letter designs. 14-15