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Explore the key aspects of World War I, including characteristics of the Western Front and the Schlieffen Plan, along with significant battles like Ypres, Vimy Ridge, and Passchendaele. Delve into the aerial warfare evolution, the Eastern Front struggles, and the impact of the war at sea. Learn about the involvement of the USA, the Russian Revolution, and the Treaty of Versailles that shaped the post-war world.
The Western FrontThe Schleiffen Plan called for a massive invasion by Germany through Belgium. A quick defeat of France would prevent a war on two fronts (Russia).
Static WarfareWhen the Germans were halted at the Battle of Marne, both sides dug trenches from the North Sea to the Swiss border.
Life in the Trenches • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvYIIuxh2kY • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G4ZY66BG38
Important Battles on the western Front • Ypres (Flanders) Oct – Nov 1914. Initial advance of the German army halted. • Ypres April May 1915 Germans used gas for the first time. 6000 Canadian casualties. • Vimmy Ridge April - May 1917. Four divisions of Canadian infantry. Victory at the cost of 13,000 Allied casualties. • Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres) June – Nov 1917. 244,000 Allied casualties. • Total Allied and German casulties 850,000
WWI Aerial WarfareInitially planes were used mostly for reconnaissance but gradually they evolved into fighter planes and crude bombers. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rVA_yRoiek Link on website for students who are interested
Pilots such as Canada’s Billy Bishop (72 kills) and Germany’s Baron Von Richtofen, the Red Baron (80 kills) were used as propaganda.
Snoopy vs The Red Baron The Red Baron as a popular culture reference
Snoopy’s Christmas • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh-J4GSPgAM
The Eastern Front • The duration of the war was the undoing of Russia • Inefficient arms factories. • Inadequate transportation system for a massive country. • British, Australians, and French tried to gain control of the Dardanelles Straight in order to get supplies to Russia. • They suffered a massive defeat by the Germans and Turks at Gallipoli.252,000 casualties. • Food shortages – bread riots. • Overthrow of Czar Nicholas II
A New Russia • Vladimir Lenin takes control after The Russian Revolution. • Policy of “peace at any cost.” • Signs peace treaty with Germany March 1918. • Germany now focuses on France and Britain before the USA arrives in great number.
The War at Sea – Blockade and Counter-blockade • Objective for both sides was to cut off food and supplies. • Initially both sides were reluctant to expose their fleets. • Battle of Jutland May 1916. • German losses – 11 ships 2500 men. British losses 14 ships 6000 men.
The U-boat Campaign • Both sides suffered from the blockades. 800,000 die in Germany from starvation. • German subs sank 430 ships by the end of the war. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fCIsQT_jCg • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCrzaC4aLPg
USA Becomes Involved • Initially neutral but supportive of Allies. • German U-boat sinks British passenger ship Lusitania 1915 - 128 Americans lost. • President Wilson demands end to unrestricted submarine warfare – Germans comply. • Gradual shift of public opinion in US. • January 1917 Germans resume unrestricted submarine warfare. • Germany seeks Mexico as an ally. Offers support to reclaim Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. • US officially enters the war April 6 1917.
Russia Withdraws • Millions of Russians dead. • Poverty! • No end in sight. • The Treaty Of Brest Litovsk (March 1918) • Russia gives up significant territory to Germany.
The End of the War • Protests and riots in Germany. • Armed forces running out of supplies. • Germany launches final futile assaults on the western front. • Fresh US forces make significant difference. • Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates November 9. • Germans surrender 11:00 am November 11 1918.
The Treaty of Versailles • Britain, France, and the US dictate the following terms: • Territorial losses- African colonies, areas surrounding Germany. • Military restrictions. • - German army limited to 100,000. Volunteers only no conscription. • - German navy max 6 battleships. • - No subs, tanks or planes. • Reparations. • - 6600 million pounds in gold and goods. • War guilt clause – Germany forced to accept blame for WWI