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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity. Amanda Davis Staff Development, Fall 2004. Students are increasingly using cheating as a means to survive the rigors of education. It is also becoming more and more common that “good” students are also engaging in cheating activities. Some Alarming Statistics:.

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Academic Integrity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Academic Integrity Amanda Davis Staff Development, Fall 2004

  2. Students are increasingly using cheating as a means to survive the rigors of education.

  3. It is also becoming more and more common that “good” students are also engaging in cheating activities.

  4. Some Alarming Statistics: • in most high schools, over 75% of students admit to some cheating

  5. most students claim that 'cut & paste' plagiarism - using a sentence or two (or more) from different sources on the Internet and weaving this information together into a paper without appropriate citation - is not a serious issue

  6. some 50 percent of those responding to the survey said they don't think copying questions and answers from a test is even cheating

  7. It is obvious that these practices hinder student learning and future success: • diminished work ethic • lack of study and research skills • writing skills suffer • moral awareness and responsibility deteriorate

  8. How do we handle these issues? There are several ways to teach our students about the importance of academic integrity:

  9. clear policies • consistent enforcement • arm yourself with knowledge • utilize resources • cheat-proof your assignments

  10. Clear Policies • Support the school’s academic integrity policy. • Remind students of this policy with each assignment. • Send home a letter to parents to inform them of the policy and make the students bring back the letter signed.

  11. Consistent Enforcement • Have an established method of dealing with students who cheat. • This method should support the school’s policy. • Apply this policy equally to ALL students and do not waver on your stance. • If problems with students and/or parents occur as a result of your enforcement of the policy, refer them to administration.

  12. Arm Yourself with Knowledge • Be aware of Internet sites that help students cheat. • Keep yourself abreast of research, studies, and surveys regarding the issue. • The key is to keep one step ahead!

  13. Utilize Resources • Familiarize yourself with the latest information regarding student cheating. • Know how to use the Internet and other computer resources to help track student cheating. • Involve parents. • Communicate with administration and guidance to support you.

  14. Cheat – Proof Your Assignments • When assigning writing, come up with a specific, narrow topic. • Hold students accountable for documenting sources. • Know your student’s work and communicate with them regularly regarding their work. • Explain to them what cheating is (never assume that they understand). • Have them sign a statement of academic integrity.

  15. Sources CAI research. (2002-2003). Retrieved November 25, 2004, fromhttp://www.academicintegrity.org/cai_research.asp. Slobogin, Kathy. (2002, April). Survey: many students say cheating's OK confessed cheater: ‘what's important is getting ahead‘. CNN News. Revtreived November 25, 2004, from http://archives.cnn.com/2002/fyi/teachers.ednews/04/05/highschool.cheating/ .

  16. ASCA Standard Addressed Standard A:  Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. A2:  Develop Employment Readiness 8.Understand the importance of responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity and effort in the workplace

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