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Chimney Exhaust

Chimney Exhaust. Fig.1 Wood fireplace. Fig .2 Pollutants being expelled from the chimney. - Wood fireplaces - Release: CO, CO 2 , NO x , SO 2 and smoke particles. Fig. Chimney Exhaust. Small Engine Garden Equipment. Fig.3 Exhaust from a gas lawnmower.

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Chimney Exhaust

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chimney Exhaust Fig.1 Wood fireplace. Fig .2 Pollutants being expelled from the chimney. - Wood fireplaces - Release: CO, CO2, NOx, SO2 and smoke particles. Fig. Chimney Exhaust

  2. Small Engine Garden Equipment Fig.3 Exhaust from a gas lawnmower. - Lawnmowers, weed trimmers, snow blowers - Inefficient emit high volumes of toxic pollutants - Release: CO, CO2, VOC, NOx - Account 3% to 5% of Canada’s Air Pollution

  3. Barbeques Fig.4 Pollutants from a Charcoal BBQ. - Charcoal/propane fueled BBQ - Charcoal produces more toxic pollutants - Release: SO2, CO, PAHs

  4. Ground-level Ozone (O3) Fig.5 Healthy Lung (left). Damaged Lung (right) Fig.6 Leaf damage due to ground-level ozone. - Detrimental effect on environment - Damages vegetation growth (lichens on trees) - Burns human lungs

  5. Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) Fig.7 Graph illustrating the VOC emissions in Ontario.

  6. Smog Fig.8 Orange skies over Toronto. (IT IS NOT BEAUTIFUL) - consists of ground-level ozone and particles - contains large amounts of SO2 - chemically changes into acid rain - acid rain also damages vegetation growth

  7. CO2 Emissions Fig.9 CO2 concentrations of the atmosphere, in the last 1000 years. - 3 emitters release large amounts of CO2 - increase of CO2 in atmosphere is directly related to CO2 emissions

  8. *Health Risks* - affects body’s respiratory system - symptoms: coughing wheezing - easily affects people with asthma and allergies - TIPS: 1. Stay inside 2. Smog advisory 3. Take action to reduce emissions - use environmentally friendly house hold items

  9. Controversy

  10. Indicators Fig.10 Lichens on a tree trunk. Used as indicators of air quality. - Parma Park had fewer sensitive species of lichens than Stan Wadlow - Parma Park (IAP) = 59.9 - Stan Wadlow Park (IAP) = 107.3 (IAP) = Index of Atmospheric Purity

  11. Location of Parks Parma Park Stan Wadlow Park Fig.11 Region of the parks

  12. Conducted Survey Fig.12 Graph illustrating the survey results - Survey indicated that a lot more residents in Parma park region used the 3 emitters more than the residents of Stan Wadlow park

  13. Government/Agreements - Canadian Federal Government’s 10 year action plan is set to improve the CEPA - Emissions from these factors will decrease - Fuel quality will improve so fewer toxic pollutants are emitted - Canada- U.S. Air Quality Agreement (1996) - Controls transboundary pollution caused by SO2 and NOx emissions - Share research and technology

  14. Action Plan - Went door to door in the parks’ region to increase awareness of poor air quality and conducted a survey - Invitation of MP’s to Community Forum so we have a political impact - Creation of website so information can be accessed by general public www.angelfire.com/journal2/sateccew

  15. Final Recommendation

  16. References Fig.2 Lane Region Air Pollution Authority. 2003. LRAPA. 1 December 2003. <http://www.lrapa.org/images/dirty_chimney.jpg> Fig.3 Clean Air Foundation. 2003. Clean Air Foundation. 1 December 2003. <http://www.mowdownpollution.ca/> Fig.5 US Environmental Protection Agency. 2003. EPA. 1 December 2003. <http://www.epa.gov/airnow/health/smog1.html> Fig.7 Government of Ontario. 2000. Government of Ontario. 1 December 2003. <http://www.airqualityontario.com/science/pollutants/ozone.cfm> Fig.8 Discovery Channel. 2003. Discovery Channel. 1 December 2003. <http://exn.ca/Stories/1997/04/08/03.asp> Fig.9 Green Grass Cutters. 2003. Green Grass Cutters. 1 December 2003. <http://greengrasscutters.com.hosting.domaindirect.com/id2.html> Fig.11 MapQuest. 2003. MapQuest. 1 December 2003. <http://www.mapquest.com> University of Toledo College of Law. 2003. University of Toledo. 3 December 2003. <http://law.utoledo.edu/ligl/cusaqa.htm> Home and Garden Television. 2003. Home and Garden Television. 3 December 2003. <http://www.hgtv.com/cr/cda/article_print/1,1250,HGTV_3585_1371041,00.html> Environment Canada. 2003. Government of Canada. 28 November 2003. <http://www.ec.gc.ca/air/air_pollution_e.html>

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