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Jn. 8:44 Satan is the father of lies

Delve into the biblical references of Satan's lies in John 8:44 and Genesis 3:1-6, revealing his cunning tactics, how he distorts the truth, and tempts individuals to sin. Explore key examples of Satan's deceit and learn how to discern truth from lies to avoid falling into temptation.

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Jn. 8:44 Satan is the father of lies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jn. 8:44Satan is the father of lies Gen. 3:1-6Satan lies about God, word Satan is crafty (vs. 1) Satan asked a question (vs. 1) Eve knew the truth (vs. 2-3) Satan contradicted God (vs. 4) Satan twists the truth (vs. 5) Eve gave into temptation and sinned (vs. 6) Satan uses other people (vs. 6; 1 Tim. 2:14)

  2. Some of Satan’s lies God is whoever you think He is Satan is a myth Demons don’t exist No, or little, punishment All religions are the same Good people are saved You can trust yourself God made you the way you are Don’t worry about consequences

  3. Some of Satan’s lies Money is the secret to happiness Just one time won’t hurt You can be a lukewarm Christian

  4. Jn. 8:44-47people of the devil don’t believe Jn. 8:31-32truth sets you free from Satan Jn. 14:6Jesus is the truth 2 Th. 2:10-12love the truth to be saved

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