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Human Body Systems: Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, and More

Explore the main organs, functions, and vocabulary of key body systems such as circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and others. Learn about the heart, lungs, digestive processes, and more in a detailed overview.

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Human Body Systems: Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, and More

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  1. Human body

  2. Respiratory System Circulatory System Terms and Vocabulary Digestive System Catch-All All Other Systems 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Circulatory System (100) What is the main organ of the circulatory system? Answer

  4. Circulatory System (100) Heart

  5. Circulatory System (200) Name the three types of blood vessels Answer

  6. Circulatory System (200) Arteries, Veins, Capillaries

  7. Circulatory System (300) This type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart Answer

  8. Circulatory System (300) • arteries

  9. Circulatory System (400) __________ are tiny blood vessels that are thin. Answer

  10. Circulatory System (400) capillaries

  11. Circulatory System (500) What is the main function of the circulatory system? Answer

  12. Circulatory System (500) Transports oxygen to cells

  13. Respiratory System (100) This is the major organ of the respiratory system Answer

  14. Respiratory System (100) Lungs

  15. Respiratory System (300) The respiratory system moves ______ in and out of the body Answer

  16. Respiratory System (300) Gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)

  17. Respiratory System (400) ________ are TWO tubes that air flows through when you inhale. Answer

  18. Respiratory System (400) bronchi

  19. Respiratory System (500) Tiny sacs at the ends of the network of tubes in the lungs are called ________. Answer

  20. Respiratory System (500) alveoli

  21. Respiratory System (200) Describe the steps in respiration Answer

  22. Respiratory System (200) • Air enters the nose and mouth. • Air goes down your trachea. • Air flows into the bronchi and to the bronchioles. • The oxygen goes into the capillaries and carbon dioxide come into the alveoli. • Carbon dioxide is exhaled.

  23. Digestive System (100) Name at least two organs in the digestive system Answer

  24. Digestive System (100) Stomach, intestines, liver, etc.

  25. Digestive System (300) Your digestive system organs are made up of this type of involuntary muscle Answer

  26. Digestive System (300) smooth

  27. Digestive System (200) Fingerlike projections inside the small intestines are called _______. Answer

  28. Digestive System (200) villi

  29. Digestive System (400) Describe the difference between the small and large intestines Answer

  30. Digestive System (400) Food enters the small intestine first where nutrients are absorbed. Food then goes into the large intestine where water is absorbed to form solid waste.

  31. Digestive System (500) Describe the digestion process Answer

  32. Digestive System (500) • Teeth and saliva break down food. • Food is swallowed and passes through the esophagus. • The stomach grinds the food and breaks it down with gastric juices. • The liver sends chemicals to the small intestine to help break down food and absorb nutrients.

  33. All Other Systems (100) The pituitary and thyroid glands belong to this system Answer

  34. Terms and Vocabulary (100) Endocrine

  35. All Other Systems (200) Which body system includes arteries and veins? Answer

  36. All Other Systems (200) Circulatory

  37. All Other Systems (300) What is the major function of the excretory system? Answer

  38. All Other Systems (300) • To remove (or excrete) wastes from the body

  39. All Other Systems (400) The circulatory and excretory systems both aid in what? Answer

  40. All Other Systems (400) Removing waste products from the body

  41. All Other Systems (500) A student scraped a knee while climbing a tree. Which body system responds by transporting white blood cells to the wound. Answer

  42. All Other Systems (500) • Circulatory system

  43. Terms and Vocabulary (100) Which body system includes an organ responsible for holding urine until it leaves the body? Answer

  44. Terms and Vocabulary (100) Excretory System

  45. Terms and Vocabulary (200) This body system consists of glands that send chemical messengers called hormones to your body. Answer

  46. Terms and Vocabulary (200) Endocrine system

  47. Terms and Vocabulary (300) This system is made up of your brain and spinal cord Answer

  48. Terms and Vocabulary (300) Nervous system

  49. Terms and Vocabulary (400) This body system allows for the production of offspring Answer

  50. Terms and Vocabulary (400) • Reproductive system

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